Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/973

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DEIPHOBUS. ennssarics of Deiotariis, were at Rome to look after his interests (Cic. pro Deiot. 14, 15); and they were still there in the following year, u. c. 44, when llieras, .after the murder of Caesar, appears ti) have obtiiincd from Antony, through Fulvia, llie restitution of his master's dominions for 1 0,000 fiestertia (88,541/. 13s. 4d.). Deiotarus, however, hjid seized by force on the territory in question as soon as he heard of Caesar's death. (Cic. Phil. ii. 37, ad All. xiv. 12, 19, xvi. 3.) In b. c. 42, he joined the party of Brutus and Cassius at the re- quest of the foniier, and after Cassius had vainly endeavoured to attach him to them. ( Dion Cass, xlvii. 24.) lie was succeeded by Deiotarus II. (No. 2), his only surviving son, all the rest of his children having been put to death by him, accord- ing to Plutarch, in order that his kingdom in the hands of his successor might not be shorn of its power. (Plut. de Stoic. Jl(j)tign. 32.) This ac- count, if true, warns us to make a large deduction fnmi the praises lavished on him by Cicero. He appears to have had a full share of superstition, and to have been in the habit of paying much attention to auguries. (Cic. de. Div. i. 15, ii. 36, 37.) DEIPYLE. 95S 2. Son and successor of the above. Already, however, before his father's death, he had received from the Roman senate the title of king, to which some grant of territory was apparently attached. AVith this Deiotarus, Cicero tells us that his son and his nephew remained, while himself and his brother Quintus were occupied with their campaign in Cilicia, b. c. 51. (Cic. ad Alt. v. 17, 18, Phil. xi. 12.) In the war between Antony and Octavius lie took part with the former, but went over from him to the enemy in the battle of Actium, b. c. 31. He was succeeded in liis kingdom by Amyntas, No. 6. Cicero speaks of him, as well as of his father, in very high terms. (Plut. sint. 61, 63; comp. Dion Cass. 1. 13, Ii. 2 ; Strab. xii. p. 567; Cic. PhU. xi. 13.) 3. Son of the younger Castor, and great grand- son of Deiotanis I. He was the last king of Paph- lagonia, and was surnamed ^iKdheXcpos. (Strab. xii. p. 562 ; Clinton. F. H. iii. pp. 545, 546.) [E. E.] DEl'PMOBE (A7jt(^o€7j), a daughter of the seer Glaucus. {Wrg.Acn. vi. 36; comp. Sibylla.) [L.S.] DEl'PHOBUS (Arjtc^ogos). 1. A son of Priam and Hecabe, was next to Hector the bravest among the Trojans. When Paris, yet unrecognized, came to his brothers, and conquered them all in the con- test for his favourite bull, Deiphobus drew his sword against him, and Paris fled to the altar of Zeus Herceius. (Hygin. Fab. 91.) Deiphobus and his brothers, Ilelenus and Asius, led the third host of the Trojans against the camp of the Achae- ans (Ilom. //. xii. 94), and when Asius had fallen, Deiphobus advanced against Idonieneus, but, in- stead of killing him, he slew Hypsenor. (xiii. 410.) When hereupon Idomeneus challenged him, he ciiUed Aeneas to his assistance, (xiii. 462.) He also «lew Ascalaphus, and while he was tearing the helmet from his enemy's head, he was wounded by Meriones, and led out of the tumult by his brother, Polites. (xiii. 517, &c.) When Athena wanted to deceive Hector in his fight with Achilles, she assumed the appearance of Deiphobus. (xxii. 227.) He accompanied Helena to the wooden horse in which the Achaeans were concealed. {Od. iv. 276.) Later traditions describe him as the conqueror of Achilles, and as having married He- lena after the death of Paris, for he had loved her, it is said, before, and had therefore prevented her being restored to the Greeks. (Hygin. Fob. 110 ; Dictys. Cret. i. 10, iv. 22 ; Serv. ad Aen. ii. 166; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 1 68 ; Schol. ad Horn. II. xxiv. 251 ; Eurip. Troad. 960.) It was for this reason that, on the fall of Troy all the hatred of the Achaeans was let loose against him, and Odysseus and Menelaus rushed to his house, which was among the first that were consumed by the flames. (Horn. Od. viii. 517; Serv. ad Aen. ii. 310.) He himself was killed by Helena (Hygin. Fab. 240) ; according to other traditions, he fell in battle against Palamedes (Dares Phryg. 26); or he was slain and fearfully mangled by Menelaus. (Diet. Cret. V. 12; Quint. Smyrn. xiii. 354, &c.; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 894.) In this fearful condition he was found in the lower world by Aeneas, who erected a monument to him on cape Rhoeteura. (Virg. Aen. vi. 493, &c.) His body, which remained unburied, was believed to have been changed into a plant used against hypochondriasis. Pausaniaa (v. 22. § 2) saw a statue of him at Olympia, a work of Lycius, which the inhabitants of Apollonia had dedicated there. 2. A son of Hippolytns at Amyclae, who puri- fied Heracles after the murder of Iphitus. (Apoi- lod. ii. 6. § 2 ; Diod. iv. 31.) [L. S.J DEIPHONTES {^rii(p6vrm), a son of Anti- machus, and husband of Hymetho, the daughter of Temenus the Heracleide, by whom he became the father of Antimenes, Xanthippus, Argeius, and Orsobia. When Temenus, in the division of Pelo- ponnesus, had obtained Argos as his share, he be- stowed all his afi"ections upon Hymetho and her husband, for which he was murdered by his sons, who thought themselves neglected. But after the death of Temenus, the army declared Deiphontes and Hymetho his rightful successors. (Apollod. ii. 8. § 5.) According to Pausanias (ii. 19. § 1), the sons of Temenus formed indeed a conspiracy against their father and Deiphontes ; but after Temenus's dwith it was not Deiphontes that succeeded him, but Ceisus. Deiphontes, on the other hand, is siiid to have lived at Epidaums, whither he went with the army which was attached to him, and from whence he expelled the Ionian king, Pity- reus. (Pans. ii. 26. § 2.) His brothei-s-in-law, however, who grudged him the possession of their sister Hymetho, went to Epidaurus, and tried to persuade her to leave her husband ; and when this attempt failed, they carried her oflF by force. D^-i- phontes pursued them, and after having killed one of them, Cerynes, he wrestled with the other, who held his sister in his arms. In this stniggle, Hyr- netho was killed by her own brother, who then escaped. Deiphontes carried her body back to Epidaurus, and there erected a sanctuary to her. (Paus. ii. 28. § 3.) [L. S.] DEI'PYLE {LrfCnvX-n), a daughter of Adrastus. and Amphithea. She was the wife of Tydeus, by