Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/989

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DEMETRIUS. tiry on that part of the second book of the Iliad in which the forces of the Trojans are enumerated. (Coinp. Ilarpocrat. s. rt?. 'ASpctoretov, ^vpywviScu ; Schol. ad AjHjllon. lihod. i. 112:3, 1165.) He is sometimes simply called the Scepsian (Strab. ix. pp. 43», 439, X. pp. 456, 472, 473, 489), and sometimes simply Demetrius. (Strab. xii. pp.551, 552, xiii. pp. 596, 600, 602.) The numerous other passages in which Demetrius of Scepsis is men- tioned or quoted, are collected by Westennann on Vossins, De Ilkt. Graec. p. 179, &c. 34. Of Smyrna, a Greek rhetorician of uncer- tain date. (Diog. Latirt. v. 84.) 35. Of SuNiUM, a Cynic philosopher, was ediiciited in the school of the sophist Rhodius, and was an intimate friend of the physician Anti- philus. He is said to have travelled up the Nile for the purpose of seeing the pyramids and tlie statue of Memnon. (Lucian, Toxar. '21^ adv. Indoct. 19.) He appears, however, to have spent some part of his life at Corinth, where he acquired great celebrity as a teacher of the Cynic philosophy, and was a strong opponent of ApoUonius of Tyana. (Philostr. Vil. Jpotl. iv. 25.) His life falls in the reigns of Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Vespasian, and Domitian. He was a frank and open-hearted man, who did not scniple to censure even the most pow- erful when he thought that they deserved it. In consequence of this, he was sent into exile, but he preserved the same noble freedom and independ- ence, notwithstanding his poverty and sufferings ; and on one occasion, when the emperor Vespasian during a journey met him, Demetrius did not shew tlie slightest symptom of respect. Vespasian was indulgent enough to take no other vengeance ex- cept by calling him a dog. (Senec. de Bene/, vii. 1, 8; Suet. Vespas. 13; Dion Cass. Ixvi. 13; Tacit. Ann. xvi. 34, Hist. iv. 40 ; Lucian, de Sal- tat. 63.) 36. Syncellus. See No. 17. 37. A Syrian, a Greek rhetorician, who lectured on rhetoric at Athens. Cicero, during his stay there in B. c. 79, was a very diligent pupil of his. (Cic. i?rM/. 91.) 38. Of Tarsus, a poet who wrote Satyric dramas. (Diog. Laert. v. 85.) The name Tapcri- k6s, which Diogenes applies to him, is believed by Casaubon (de Satyr. Foes. p. 153, &c. ed. Rams- horn) to refer to a peculiar kind of poetry rather than to the native place of Demetrius. Another Demetrius of Tarsus is introduced as a speaker in Plutarch's work " de Oraculorum Defectu," where he is described as returning home from Britain, but nothing further is known about him. 39. A Tragic actor, mentioned by Hesy- chius («. V. Arj/jL-^Tpios) : he may be the same as the M. Demetrius whom Acron (ad Horat. Sat. i. 10. 18, 79) describes as a " SpafxaToiroiSsy i. e. modulator, histrio, actor fabularum." Horace him- self treats him with contempt, and calls him an ape. Weichert (de Horat. Obtrect. p. 283, &c.) sup- poses that he was only a person who lived at Rome in the time of Horace and taught the art of scenic declamation ; while others consider him to be the Sicilian, Demetrius Megas, who obtained the Ro- man franchise from J. Caesar through the influence of Dolabella, and who is often mentioned under the name of P. Cornelius. 40. Of Troezene, a Greek grammarian, who is referred to by Athenaeus. (i. p. 29, iv. p. 139.) He is probably the same as the one who, accord- DEMETRIUS. 971 ing to Diogenes Laertius (viii. 74), wrote against the sophists. Besides these, there are some writers of the name of Demetrius wIjo cannot be identified with any of those here mentioned, as neither their na- tive places nor any surnames are mentioned by which they might be recognized. For example, Demetrius the author of " Pamphyliaca." (Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 440), Demetrius, the author of " Argo- lica" (Clem. Alex. Frotrept. p. 14), and Demetrius the author of a work entitled irepX toiv kut AXyvir- Tov. (Athen. xv. p. 680.) In Suidas (s. v. 'louSas), where we read of an historian Democritus, we have probably to read Demetrius. [L. S.] DEME'TRIUS (Atj/xtJtpios), of Bithynia, an epigrammatic poet, the author of two distiches on the cow of Myron, in the Greek Anthology. (Brunck, Ajial. ii. 65; Jacobs, ii. 64.) It is not known whether he Avas the same person as the philosopher Demetrius of Bithynia, son of Diphi- lus, whom Diogenes I^aertius mentions (v. 84). Diogenes (v. 85) also mentions an epic poet named Demetrius, three of whose verses he preserves ; and also a Demetrius of Tarsus, a satyric poet [see above. No. 38], and another Demetrius, an iambic poet, whom he calls iriKpbs dvi^p. The epigrams of Demetrius are very indifferent. [P. S.] DEME'TRIUS ( ATj/LiT^Tptos ), an Athenian COMIC POET of the old comedy. (Diog. Laert. v. 85.) The fragments which are ascribed to him contain allusions to events which took place about the 92nd and 94th Olympiads (d. c. 412, 404); but there is another in which mention is made of Seleucus and Agathocles. This would bring the life of the author below the 118th Olympiad, that is, upwards of 100 years later than the periods suggested by the other frag- ments. The only explanation is that of Clinton and Meineke, who suppose two Demetrii, the one a poet of the old comedy, the other of the new. That the later fragment belongs to the new comedy is evident from its subject as well as from its date. To the elder Demetrius must be assigned the 2t»c6Aia or 2i/ceAo(, Avhich is quoted by Athenaeus (iii. p. 108, f.), Aelian (A^. A. xii. 10), Hesychius (s. V. 'E/xTr-npovs), and the Etymologicon Magnum (s. V. "Efifiripoi). Other quotations, without the mention of the play from which they are taken, are made by Athenaeus (ii. p. 56, a.) and Stobaeua (Florileg. ii. 1). The only fragment of the younger Demetrius is that mentioned above, from the 'Apeo-rrayirr^s ( Ath. ix. p. 405, e.), which fixes his date, in Clinton's opinion, after 299 B. c. (Clinton, F. H. sub ann. ; Meineke, Frag. Com. Graec. . pp. 264—266, ii. pp. 876—878, iv. pp. 539, 540.) [P. S.] DEME'TRIUS (ATj/iTfrpios), the name of seve- ral ancient physicians, who are often confounded together, and whom it is not always easy to dis- tinguish with certainty. 1. A native of Apamea in Bithynia, who was a follower of Herophilus, and therefore lived pro- bably in the third or second century e. c. He is frequently quoted by Caelius Aurelianus, who has preserved the titles of some of his works, and some extracts from them. In some places he is called "-Atialeus" (De Morh. Acut. iii. 18, p. 249; De Morb. Chron. ii. 2, p. 367), but this is only a mistake for " Apametts^^ as is proved by the same passage being quoted in one place (p. 249) from Demetrius ^4Wa/e«5, and in another from Demetrius