Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/1019

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MEDULLINUS. centuries B. c. Galen says he was held in good repute among the Greeks (/. c. p. 252), and quotes him apparently as a respectable authority on an anatomical question (Comment, in Hippocr. "jDe Nat. Horn."" ii. 6, vol, xv. p. 13()). Like the other pupils of Chrysippus, he entirely abstained from blood-letting (Galen, /. c). He was, perhaps, the brother of Cretoxena, the mother of Erasis- tratus (Suid. in 'Epaaia-rp.), but could not have been much his senior. [W. A, G.] ME'DOCUS. [Amadocus.] MEDON (MeScoj/). 1. A herald in the house of Odysseus. (Hom. Od. iv. 677, xxii. 357.) 2. A son of Oileus and Rhene, and a brother of the lesser Ajax. Having slain Eriopis, one of his mother's kinsmen, he left his father's house, and fled to Phylace. He commanded the Pythians in the war against Troy, and when Philoctetes was wounded, Medon commanded the Methonians in his place. He was slain by Aeneas. (Hom. //. ii. 727, &c., xiii. 693, &c., xv. 332.) Two other mythical personages of this name oc- cur in Ovid (Met. xii. 303), and Hyginus (Fab. 134). [L. S.] MEDON (M-^Suv). 1. King of Argos, was son of Ceisus, and grandson of Temenus the Hera- cleid. (Pans. ii. 19 ; Clint. F. H. vol. i. p. 249, note V.) 2, A citizen of Beroea, was one of the ambas- sadors whom Perseus, king of Macedonia, sent with a proposal of peace to the Romans after he had defeated them, under P. Licinius Crassus, on the banks of the Peneus, in B. c. 171. Licinius, however, adhered to the regular Roman policy, of never granting peace but after a victory. (Polyb. xxvii. 8 ; Liv. xlii. 62.) [E. E.] MEDON (MeScDj/), a Lacedaemonian statuary, the brother of Dorycleidas, and the disciple of Dipoenus and Scyllis, made the gold and ivory statue of Athena in the Heraeum at Olympia (Pans. v. 17. § 1). He flourished about B. c. 550. [P.S.] MEDO'SADES (MtjSoo-oStjs), a man employed by Seuthes, king of Thrace, to conduct his negoti- ations with Xenophon and the troops under his command, after their return from their Asiatic ex- pedition. (Xen. Anab. vii. I § 5,' vii. 2. § 10, 24, vii. 7. § 1, &c.) [C. P. M.l MEDULLFNUS, a family-name of the gens Furia, a very ancient patrician house at Rome. [FuRiA Gkns.] Medullia, from which the sur- name comes, was a Latin town very early incorpo- rated with Home (Dionys. lii. 1 ; Liv. i. 33, 38), and, since MeduUinus appears on the Fasti in B. c. 488, only five years after the Cassian treaty of isopolity with the Latin league, this branch of the Fiuii was doubtless Latin. The Tullii Hostilii also were originally from Medullia. (Dionys. I. c. ; Macrob. Sat. i. 6.) 1. Sext. Furius Medullinus Fusus, was consul in B. c. 488, the year in which, according to the common story, Coriolanus led the Volscians against Rome. (Dionys. viii. 16, 63 ; Liv. ii. 39.) 2. Sp. FuriusMkdullinus Fusus, was consul inB. c. 481. Livy says that his consulate was occupied by tribunitian dissensions, and an inroad into the territory of Veii (ii. 43). Dionysius re- presents him as a popular consul (Stj/aotzkos), and assigns him a successful campaign against the Aequians (ix. 1, 2). MEDUSA. loo; 3. L. Furius Medullinus Fusus, was consul in B. c. 474. He opposed a revival of the agrarian law of Sp. Cassius, and, on laying down his office, was therefore impeached by Cn. Genucius, one of the tribunes of the plebs. (Liv. ii. 54 ; Dionys. ix. 36, 37.) 4. P. Furius Medullinus Fusus, was consul in B. c. 472, and opposed the rogation of Publilius Volero, tribune of the plebs, that the tribunes should be chosen by the comitia of the tribes, in- stead of the comitia of centuries. (Liv. ii. 56 ; Dionys. ix. 40, 41.) 5. Sp. Furius Medullinus Fusus, was consul in B. c. 464. He was defeated, wounded, and be- sieged in his camp by the Aequians. (Dionys. ix. 62—67 ; Liv. iii. 4, 5.) 6. P. Furius Medullinus, brother and legatua of the preceding, was slain in the Aequian war. (Dionys. ix. 63 ; Liv. iii. 5.) 7. Agrippa Furius Medullinus, was consul in B. c. 446. He was engaged in the Volscian and Aequian wars, and protested against the unjust de- cision of the curies at Rome respecting a tract of land claimed by Ardea on the one side and by Aricia on the other. (Dionys. xi. 51 ; Liv. iii. 66, 70,71.) The praenomen Agrippa wa? probably derived from some accident at the birth of Medul- linus (Plin. //. iV. vii. 6), as it was not a family name in the Furia gens. 8. L. Furius Sp. f. Medullinus Fusus, was thrice military tribune, with consular authority : I. B. c. 432 (Liv. iv. 25). II. b. c. 425 (id.'ib. 35). III. B. c. 4-0 (id. ib. 45). 9. L. Furius Medullinus, was twice con- sul, B. c. 413, 409. In his first consulate he con- ducted the Volscian war and took Ferentinum (Liv. iv. 51) ; in his second both the Aequian and Volscian, when he captured Carventum (id. ib. 54, 55). 10. L. Furius L. f. Sp. n. Medullinus, was seven times military tribune with consular autho- rity : I. B. c. 407 (Liv. iv. 57) ; IL 405, in the year the siege of Veii began (id.ib. 61) ; III. B.C. 398 (Liv. v. 12) ; IV. 397 (Liv. v. 14) ; V. 395 (id. ib. 24) ; VI. 394 (id. ib. 26) ; VII. B. c. 391 (id. ib. 32 ; Fasti). 11. Sp. Furius L. f. Sp. n. Medullinus, tri- bune of the soldiers with consular authority, B. c. 400. (Fasti.) 12. L. Furius Sp. f. L. n. Medullinus (son of the preceding), was twice military tribune with consular authority, B. c. 381, 370. In his first con- sular tribunate he was joined in the command of the Volscian war with M. Furius Camilhis. [Ca- MILLUS, No. 1.] Medullinus Avas through his own rashness defeated by the enemy. Camillus, however,- rescued him, and afterwards named him his colleague in a second campaign. Medullinus was censor in B. c. 363. (Liv. vi.22— 25, 36 ; Fast.) 13. Sp. Furius Sp. f. L. n. Medullinus, brother of the preceding, was military tribune B.C. 378. He commanded in the war with the Volscians of Antium. (Liv. vi. 31.) [ W. B. D.] MEDULLFNUS, MAENIUS. [Maknius. No. 8.] MEDUS (MtjSos), a son of Medeia and Jason. [See Medeia and Medeius. ] A second person- age of the same name is mentioned by Plutarch. (DeFluv. 24.) [L. S.] MEDU'SA (MeSouora). 1. A daughter of Phor-