Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/1086

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1072 METTIUS. life (f Isi<iorus (ap. Phot. cod. p. 312 a. b. cd. R«kker). METRO'PHANES (Mr}Tpo(pduvs), bishop of Smyrna, isrenoATied in ecclesiastical history for his obstinate opposition to the famous patriarch Photius. He was the son of the woman who Avas enveigled to entice Methodius, patriarch of Constantinople, but he was not the son of Methodius. The patri- arch Ignatius having been deposed by the emperor Michael III., in 858, and Photius chosen in his stead, Metrophanes, who was then bishop of Smyrna, recognised Photius, although he was a friend of Ignatius. But he soon altered his opi- nion, declared publicly for the deposed patriarch, and so violently attacked Photius, that lie was de- prived of his see and thrown into a prison. When Photius was deposed in his turn, and Ignatius re- established in the patriarchate by the emperor Basil I., Metrophanes recovered his see of Smyrna, and, in the council held in Constantinople in 86.9, showed himself one of the most zealous opponents of Photius. But in 879 Photius became once more patriarch on the deatli of Ignatius, and now Me- trophanes was again deposed. He nevertheless continued to speak and to write against Photius, so that in 880 the patriarch and the emperor con- trived his excommunication. Metroplianes died in an obscure retirement, but the year of his death is not known. He wrote besides other works : — 1. Epistola ad Manuelem Patricium de Rebus in Causa J'hotii ah anno 858 ad 870 gestis, one of the most valuable documents bearing on the history of that turbulent patriarch. A Latin version by Melius, in Baronius, Annal ad ann. 870, Greek and Latin, in the 8th vol. of Labbe, Concilia^ and in Acta Crmcilii CP. quarti, by M. Raderus, Ingolstadt. 1604, 4to. 2. 'EirL(TToX-^ MrtTpucpduovs MrjTpo- ttoXItov irpos MavovrjX TlaTpLKiov Kol AoyoQfTr}u ToO SjOO;Uou, divided into four parts, a very remark- able and important document. The tliree first parts treat on Manichaeism, and the fourth on the Mystery of the Holy^Ghost : it is very doubtful whether Metrophanes is the author of this work, which is now generally attributed to Photius. 3. De Sjyintu Sancto, oi which a fragment is extant in a Vienna codex. 4. Expositio Fidei, in a Paris codex. 5. Liher Ca7ion7wi Triadicorum, in a Yene- tian codex, according to Leo AUatius. (Fabric. JMl. (h-aec. vol. xi. p. 700 ; Baronius, Annal. ad ann. 870, &c. ; Hankius, Script. Byzant. xvii. 1, &c., xviii. QQ.) [W. P.] METTIUS or ME'TIUS, an old Italian name, in nee both among the Sablnes and Latins. It is doubtful whether Mettlus or Melius is the better orthography, as we sometimes find one and some- times the other in the best MSS. For the sake of uniformity, however, we have adopted the form Mettius in all the following names, though some of them occur with only one t. ME'TTIUS. I. P. Mettius, a partisan of Saturninus and Glaucia in B. c. 100, assassinated C. Memmius, one of the consular candidates in that year. (Oros. v. 17.) 2. M. Mettius, was sent by Caesar at the opening of the Gallic war, in B. c. 58, as legatus to Ariovistus, king of the German league, and was detained prisoner by him, but subsequently res- cued by Caesar. (Caes. B. G. i. 47, 53.) The annexed coin, which bears the legend M. Mettius, and has on the obverse the head of Caesar, pro- bably refers to this Mettius. [W. B. D.] MEZENTIUS. COIN OF M. METTIUS. ME'TTIUS CU'RTIUS. [Curtius Mettius, No. 1.] ME'TTIUS CARUS. [Carus.] ME'TTIUS FUFFE:TIUS, was praetor or dictator of Alba in the reign of Tullus Hostilius, third king of Rome. After the combat between the Horatii and Curiatii had determined tl'e supremacy of the Romans, Mettius was sum- moned to aid them in a war with Fidenae and the Veientines. On the field of battle, from cowardice or treachery, Mettius drew off his Albans to the hills, and awaited the issue of the battle. The Etruscans, mistaking his movement for a design upon their flank, took to flight, and Mettius fell upon them in their disorder, intending probably to regain the confidence of his Roman allies. But on the following day the Albans were all deprived of their arms, and Mettius himself, as the punishment of his treachery," was torn asunder by chariots driven in opposite directions. (Dionys. iii. 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28. 29, 30 ; Liv. i. 23, 26, 27, 28 ; Varr. Fr. p. 240, Bip. ed. ; Flor. i. 3. § 8 ; Val. Max. vii. 4. § 1 ; Frontin. Strat ii. 7. § 1 ; Polyaen. Sirat. viii. 5.) [W. B. D.] ME'TTIUS GEMFNIUS, or GEMINUS, was commander of the cavalry of Tusculum in the last war between Rome and the Latin league, B. c. 340. He challenged T. Manlins, son of the consul T. Manlius Torquatus, and was slain by him in the combat. (Liv. viii. 7 ; Val. Max. ii. 7. §6.) [W.B.D.] ME'TTIUS POMPOSIA'NUS, a senator in Vespasian's reign, whom the emperor raised to the consulate, aUhough Mettius was reported to have a royal nativity. Domitian afterwards banished and put him to death. (Suet. Vesp. 14, Dom. 10, 20 ; Dion Cass. Ixvii, 12 ; Victor, Ep. 9.) [ W. B. D. 1 MEZE'NTIUS (Meo-eVTios), a mythical king of the Tyrrhenians or Etruscans, at Caere or Agylla, and father of Lausus. When he was expelled by his subjects on account of his cruelty he took refuge with Turnus, king of the Rutulians, and assisted him in his war against Aeneas and the Trojans. Aeneas wounded him, but Mezentiiis escaped under the protection of his son, Wlicn, liovvever, Lausus had fallen, Mezentius returned to the battle on horseback, and was slain by Aeneas (Virg. Aen. viii. 480, &c., x. 689, &c., 785, 800, &c.). The story about the alliance between Me- zentius and the Rutulians is also mentioned liy Livy and Dionysius, but they say nothing about his expulsion from Caere or Agylla. According to them Aeneas disappeared during the battle against the Rutulians and Etruscans at Lanuvinin, and Ascanius was besieged by Mezentius and Lausus. In a sally at night the besieged defeated the enemy, slew Lausus, and then concluded a peace with Mezentius, who henceforth remained their ally. (Liv. i. 2, 3 ; Dionys. i. 64, &c.) According to Servius {ad Aen. iv. 620, vi. 760, ix. 745) Mezentius was slain by Ascanius. During