Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/110

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DG EVODIUa followed up the next year by the consul P. Rupi- 11 us, who successively reduced Tauromenium and Enna, the two great strongholds of the insurgents. On the surrender of Enna, Eunus fled Avith a few followers, and took refuge in rocky and inacces- sible places, but was soon discovered in a cave and carried before Rupilius. His life was spared by the consul, probably with the intention of carrying him to Rome ; but he died in prison at Morgantia, of the disease called morbus pedicularis. (Floras, iii. 20 ; Orosius, v. 6 ; Diod. Exc. Photii^ lib. xxxiv., Exc. Vales, ih. ; Plut. Sutl. 36 ; Strab. vi. p. 272.) If we may believe Diodorus, Eunus was a man of no talents or energy, not possessing even personal courage, and owed his elevation solely to the arts by which he worked on the superstition of the multitude ; but when we con- sider how long he maintained his influence over them, and the great successes they obtained under his rale, this appears most improbable. Some anecdotes are also related of him, which display a generosity and elevation of character wholly at variance with such a supposition. (Diod. Exc. Fhotii, p. 528, Exc. Vaikuna, Ixxxiv. p. 113, ed. Dindorf.) [E. H. B.] EVODIA'NUS (Evodiav6s), a Greek sophist of Smyrna, who lived during the latter half of the se- cond century after Christ. He was a pupil of Aris- tocles, and according to others of Polemon also. He was invited to Rome, and raised there to the chair of professor of eloquence. For a time he was appointed to superintend or instruct the actors, (rovs dfj.(pl TQV Ai6uvaou Tex^'tras), which office he is said to have managed with great wisdom. He distinguished himself as an orator and especially in panegyric oratory. He had a son w ho died before him at Rome, and with whom he desired to be buried after his death. No specimens of his oratory have come down to us. (Philostr. Vii. Soph. ii. 1 6 ; Eudoc. p. 164; Osann, Inscript. Syllog. p. 299.) [L. S.] EVO'DIUS, was born towards the middle of the fourth century at Tagaste, the native place of St. Augustin, with whom he maintained through- out life the closest friendship. After following in youth the secular profession of an agens in rebus., about the year A. D. 396 or 397, he became bishop of Uzalis, a town not far from Utica, where he perfonncd, we are told by St. Augustin, many mi- racles by aid of some relics of St. Stephen the Protomartyr, left with him by Orosius, who brought them from Palestine in 416. Evodius took an active part in the controversies against the Donatists and the Pelagians, and in 427, wrote a letter to the monks of Adrumetum, with regard to some differences which had arisen in their body on these questions. After this period we find no trace of him in history, but the precise date of his death is not known. The works of this prelate now extant are : — 1. Four epistles to St. Augustin, which will be found among the correspondence of the bishop of Hippo, numbered 160, 161, 163, 177, in the Be- nedictine edition. 2. An epistle, written in common with four other bishops, to Pope Innocentius I. This is contained in the appendix to the 6th volume of the Benedictine edition of St. Augustin. 3. Fragments of an epistle to the monks of Adrumetum subjoined to Ep. 216 of the Bene- dictine edition of St. Augustin. Evodius is said by Sigibert to have written a EUPEITHE5. treatise, now lost, on the miracles performed by the relics of St. Stephen ; but the LibH duo de mi- ruculis S. Stephani, placed at the end of the De Civitate Dei., in the 7th volume of the Benedictine edition of St. Augustin, was not composed by Evodius, but seems rather to have been addressed to him, and drawn up at his request. A tract, found in some MSS. among the writ- ings of Augustin, entitled De fide sen De unitate Trinitatis contra Manicliaeos, has been ascribed to Evodius, is considered a genuine production of St. Augustin by Erasmus, but rejected by the Bene- dictine editors. (Augustin, Sermon, cccxxxiii. in Opera, vol. v. ed. Bened. de Civit. Dei, xxii. 8; SigibertusGembl. De Script eccles. ep. 15.) [W. R.] E'VODUS (EvoSos), the author of two short epigrams in the Greek Anthology. (Brunck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 288 ; Jacobs, Ant/i. Grace, vol. ii. p. 263.) Nothing more is known of him, unless he be the same as the epic poet of Rhodes, in the time of Nero, who is mentioned by Suidas (s. v.). There was an Evodus, the tutor of Caligula. (Joseph. Ani. Jud. xviii. 8.) [P. S.] E'VODUS (EuoSos), a distinguished engraver of gems under the emperor Titus, a. d. 80. A beryl by him, bearing the head of Titus^'s daughter Julia, is preserved at Florence. (Bracci, Tab. I'd; Miiller, Denkm. d. alt. Kunst, T. Ixix. No. 381.) [P. S.] EUPA'LAMUS (EwTraAa^uos), one of the signi- ficant names met with in the history of ancient art [Cheirisophus], occurs more than once among the Daedalids. [Daedalus, Simon.] [P. S.] EUPA'LINUS, of Megara, was the architect of the great aqueduct, or rather tunnel, in Samos, which was carried a length of seven stadia through a mountain. The work was probably executed under the tyranny of Poly crates. (Miiller, Arch. d.Ktinst,%), note.) [P. S.] EU'PATOR (EvTrarccp), a surname assumed by many, of the kings in Asia after the time of Alex- ander the Great, occurs likewise as the name of a king of Bosporus in the reign of the emperor M. Aurelius. This king is mentioned by Lucian {Alexa?id. 57), who speaks of his ambassadors bringing the tribute which had to be paid to the Romans ; and his name should perhaps be restored in a corrupt passage of Capitolinus. (Capitol. Anto7i. Pius, 9, where for curatorem read Eupatorem.) The following coin of Eupator represents on the reverse the heads of M. Aurelius and L. Verus. (Eckhel, vol. ii. pp. 378, 379.) COIN OF EUPATOR. EUPATRA (E^Trarpa), a daughter of Mithri- dates, who fell into the hands of Pompey at the close of the Mithridatic war, and walked with the other captives before his triumphal car at Rome. (Appian, MiWir. 108, 117.) EUPEITHES (Ei57ret07js), of Ithaca, father of Antinoiis. Once when he had attacked the Thes- protians, the allies of the Ithacans, Odysseus pro-