Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/1119

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MNASEAS. Mnasens was the author of two works, one of a chorographical description, and the other a collec- tion of oracles given at Delphi. These works seem to have had extensive circulation in an- tiquity, and to have been preserved for a con- siderable time. The oldest writer by whom they are referred to is Lysiraachus, who wrote Ilepl vo- (TTwv (Athen. iv. p. 158, d.), and they were extant in the time of Athenaeus, who frequently refers to them. I. U^pl-rrXovs is the name given to the former of Mnaseas's two woiks by Athenaeus (viii. p. 331, e.), Photius, and Suidas (s. v. nvdov x^^^^^vos), and seems to be its correct title. Stephanus of Byzan- tium (s. V. 'Eyycidvfs) calls it, Tke Three Books of Periegeseis (7' twv irepiriyi^aewf), where the plural probably refers to the work being divided into three sections, each of which was again sub- divided into several books. Periplus was thus the general title ; but the three sections, which treated of Europe, Asia, and Africa respectively, are fre- quently referred to as distinct works. 1. EuptoTTT;, or Eupcoma/ca, was divided into three books : at least we have a quotation from the third hook of this section. The first book appears to have treated of the history of inventions, and con- sequently of the civilisation of Europe ; and the second and third to have been devoted to a de- scription of the coasts of the various parts of Eu- rope. (Athen. iv. p. 158, d., vii. p. 296, b., xii. p. 530, c. ; Harpocrat. s, v. 'iTnri'a ; Bekker, Aiiecd. Grace, p. 350, 26 ; Schol. ad Tlieocr. i. 64 ; Ammon. s, v. livp^iSes ; Phot, and Suid. s. v. npa|tSiKTj ; Schol. ad GermaJiic. Prognost. apud A rat. vol. ii. p. Ill, ed. Buhl; Fulgent. MytM. ii. 19.) 2. Atrta, was also divided into several books, of which the first and second are quoted. (Schol. ad Apollon. i. 1128; Eudocia, p. 103; Athen. viii. p. 346, d. e.) 3. At§u77, likewise contained several books (Mi/aaeas h rots irept Ai€vr]s), but their number is not mentioned. (Hesych. s. v. BapKalois oxois ; Plin, H. N. xxxvii. 11. s. 38.) II. AeKcpiKoiv XP"*^^}^^^ (Tvvayarffi, is the name of the other work of Mnaseas on the Delphic ora- cles. (Schol. ad Hes, Theog. 117.) Sometimes it is simply called Ilepi xPVO'P-^^' (Schol. ad Pind. 01. ii. 70.) The following passages, in which Mnaseas is quoted, seem to be taken from this collection of Delphic oracles: — Zenob. v. 74; Schol. ad Eurip. Plioen. 411 ; Phot, and Suid. s. v. i^xeis c§ Me7ap€rj ; Tzetz. CMl. ix. 871—894. (Vossius, de Hist. Graec. p. 178, ed. Wester- mann ; Clinton, F. H. vol. iii. p. 534 ; Jahn, de Palamede., P- 31 ; and more especially Preller, in the Zeitsclirift fur die AUertlmmswissenschafi^ 1846, pp. 673—688, from whom the preceding ac- count is chiefly taken.) 2. An Agricultural writer, who translated into Greek the works of the Carthaginians Mago and Hamilcar on this subject. (Varro, R. JS. i. 1 ; Colnm. xii. 4.) 3. Of Berytus, a rhetorician, who, according to Suidas (s. v.), wrote a rex^n ^TyTopj/crf, and Trep^ 'Attikwu ovoadrwv. 4. Of LocRi or Colophon, a poet, who left behind him a collection of Tlaiyvia. (Athen. vii. p. 321, f. ; Eustath. p. 1163, 14.) 5. A disciple of the great grammarian Aristarchus (Suid. s. V. 'E, aroaBhrjs). He is mentioned also VOL. IL MNASIPPUS. 1105 in the Venetian scholia on the (Villeison, Prolegom. p. xxx.) MNA'SEAS (Mj/atre'as), orMNASAEUS [Mva- (xaios), a physician, who belonged to the ancient sect of the Methodici (Gal. Introd. c. 4. vol, xiv. p. 684), and lived probably in the first century after Christ. He wrote some medical works, whicb are not now extant ; and he is quoted by Galen (/>e Compos. Medicam. sec. Gen. i. 4, 17, vii. 5, vol. xiii. pp. 392, 445, 962, 963, 965), Soranus {De Arte Obstetr, pp. 21, 23, 279, 289, ed. Dietz), Caelius Aurelianus {.De Morb. Acut. ii. 5. 29, De Morh. Chron. i. 5, ii. 1, 7, pp. 81, 142, 329, 348, 380), Aetius (ii. 2. 18, 89, pp. 258, 290), Paulus Aegineta (vii. 17, p. 676), and Alexander Tral- lianus (iii. 7, vii. 1, pp. 187, 213). [W. A. G.] MNASICLES (Mj/ao-jKA^s), a Cretan officer of mercenaries, who joined Thimbron the Lacedae- monian, in his expedition against Cyrene ; but quickly deserted him, and went over to the Cyre- naeans, by whom he was ultimately appointed general, and carried on the war against Thimbron. (Diod. xviii. 20, 21 .) [E. H. B.] MNASFLOCHUS {UvacriKoxos), was a chief of the Acarnanians, who, in B. c. 191, was bribed by Antiochus the Great, and, in return, persuaded or fraudulently compelled a diet of his countrymen to embrace the Syrian instead of the Roman alli- ance. In all the preliminaries of peace between Rome and Antiochus, after the defeat of the latter at Magnesia in B. c. 190, one article was the sur- render of Mnasilochus to the Romans. (Polyb. xxi. 14. § 7, xxii. 26. § 11 ; Liv. xxxvi. 11, 12, xxxvii. 45, xxxviii. 38.) [W. B. D.] MNASINUS (Mj/ao-fi/ous), a brother of Anaxis, and a son of one of the Dioscuri ; he and his brother were represented on the throne of Apollo at Amy- clae. (Pans. ii. 22. § 6, iii. 18. § 7.) [L. S.] MNASIPPUS (Mrao-tTTTTos), a Lacedaemonian, was appointed to the command of the armament which was sent to Corcyra, in B. c. 373, to recover the island from the Athenians. Having landed there, he ravaged the country, and, blockading the city by sea and land, reduced the Corcyraeans to the greatest extremities. Imagining, however, that success was now within his grasp, he dis- missed some of his mercenaries and kept the pay of the rest in arrear. It would appear, too, that discipline was less strictly preserved among his men than heretofore ; for we read that the several posts of the besiegers were now imperfectly guarded, and that their soldiers were dispersed in straggling parties throughout the country. The Corcyraeans, observing this, made a sally, in which they slew some, and made some prisoners. Mnasippus pro- ceeded in haste against them, ordering his officers to lead out the mercenaries ; and, when they repre- sented to him that they could not answer for the obedience of the men while they remained unpaid, he met their remonstrances with blows — an ex- hibition of coarse arrogance by no means uncom- mon with Spartans in power. It may well be conceived that the spirit which animated his troops was not one of alacrity or of attachment to his per- son. In the battle which ensued close to the gates of the town, the Corcyraeans were victorious and Mnasippus Avas slain. According to Diodorus, these successful operations were conducted under the command of Ctesicles (doubtless the Stesicles of Xenophon), whom the Athenians had sent to the aid of Corcyra with a body of 500 or 600 tar- 4b