Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/115

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EUPOLEMUS. he could not hold it in the face of opposition from the Theban garrison (to say nothing of his having now decisively incurred the enmity of Sparta), and he therefore betook himself to Thebes, hoping to obtain, by corruption and intrigue, the banishment of his opponents and the restoration of his own power. Some of his enemies, however, followed him thither, and when they found that he was indeed advancing towards the attainment of his object, they murdered him in the Cadmeia, while the council was actually assembled there. Being arrested and brought before the council, they pleaded their cause boldly, justified their deed, and were acquitted. But Euphron's partisans were numerous at Sicyon, and having brought home his body, they buried it in the Agora — an unusual honour (see Plut. Arat. 53) — and paid worship to him as a hero and a founder ('Apx7J7eT7js). (Xen. Hell. vii. 1 — 3 ; Diod. xv. 69, 70.) [E. E.J EUPHRON (Ev^pwv), an Athenian comic poet of the new comedy, whose plays, however, seem to have partaken largely of the character of the middle comedy. We have the titles and some consider- able fragments of the following plays : — 'A56A(^o/, Al(Txpu, 'AiroStSoufra (according to the excellent emendation of Meineke, Ev<ppwv for Eucpopiuv, Athen. xi. p. 503, a.), AiSv/jLoi, Qewu ""Ayopd, ®ewpol, Moi/<Ta£, napadiSofxePT) (or, as Meineke thinks it should perhaps be, TlapeKSiSofieuri, which is the title of a play of Antiphanes), 'Zvve(()r]§oL. (Suid. s. V. ; Athen. passim ; Stobaeus, Flor. xv. 2, xxviii, 11, xcviii. 12; Memeke, Frag. Com. Graec. vol. i. pp. 477, 478, vol. iv. pp. 486 — 495 ; Fabric. Bibl Graec. vol. ii. p. 444.) [P.S.] EUPHRO'NIDES {Eiicppovi^-ns), of Corinth, a Greek grammarian, who is mentioned among the teachers of Aristophanes of Byzantium. (Suid. s. v. 'Api(TTO(pdvns.) [L. S.] EUPHRO'NIDES, a statuary, contemporary with Lysippus and Alexander the Great, 01. 114, B. c. 324. (Plin. xxxiv. 8. s. 19.) [P. S.] EUPHRO'NIUS. [EupHORioN, No. 4.] EUPHRO'SYNE. [Charites.] EUPI'THIUS {EMOtos), an Athenian gram- marian, the author of one epigram in the Greek Anthology (Brunck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 402 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec, vol. iii, p. 110), which contains all we know of him, and from the contents of which, as well as from its title in the Vatican MS., rov CTL^avTos r-tiv KaQoKov, we learn that Eupithius had spent much grammatical labour on the punctu- ation and accentuation of the KadoKiKri irpocrcpBia, or tJ KaBoKov (sc. rex^v) of Herodian. Herodian flourished under the emperor Marcus Antoninus. (Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. x. pp. 186, 187, vol. xiii. p. 895 ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. iv. p. 475.) [P.S.] EUPLUS (Et^TrA-ous ), an engraver of gems, whose time and country are unknown. The name is seen on a gem of Love sitting on a Dolphin. Some take the inscription ETITAO, not for the name of the artist, but for an allusion to the sub- ject of the gem. (Bracci, Tub. 72.) [P. S.] EUPO'LEMUS (EuTToAe^os). 1. One of the generals of Cassander, was sent by him in 314 B. c. to invade Caria, but was surprised and taken prisoner by Ptolemy, who commanded that pro- vince for Antigonus. (Diod. xix. 68.) He must have been liberated again directly, as the next year we find him commanding the forces left by Cassander in Greece, when he moved northward against Antigonus. (Diod. xix. 77.) EUPOLIS. 101 2. An AetoHan, one of the commanders of the Aetolian auxiliaries, who served in the army of Flamininus against Philip, king of Macedonia, B. c. 197. (Polyb. xviii. 2, 4.) 3. A general of the Aetolians, who defended Ambracia against the Roman army under M. Fulvius, B. c. 189. (Liv. xxxviii. 4 — 10.) When peace was granted to the Aetolians, he was carried off a prisoner to Rome, together with the Aetolian general-in-chief, Nicander. (Polyb. xxviii. 4.) It is not improbable that this was the same person with the preceding. 4. A citizen of Hypata in Thessaly, at the time it was subject to the Aetolian league. He was the leader of one of the parties in that city, and having induced his chief adversaries to return from exile under a promise of security, had them all put to death. (Liv. xli. 25.) [E. H. B.] EUPO'LEMUS (Eu7roA€/ios.) 1. Ismentioned by Arrian and Aelian in the introductions to their works on tactics, as an author who had written on the military art ; but he is otherwise unknown. 2. A Greek historian who lived previous to the Christian aera and wrote several works on the his- tory of the Jews, of which the following are known by their titles : 1. Ilepl twu Iv tt) 'louSaiot fiaai- Xeoov (Clem. Alex. Strom, i. pp. 146, 148.) 2. Hepi rris 'Hiov irpocprjTeias (Joseph, c. Apion. i. 23), and riepl Twv TTjs 'AcTffvpias 'loySaiW. It has been supposed that Eupolemus was a Jew, but from the manner in which Josephus (Z. c.) speaks of him, we must infer that he was not a Jew. (Comp. Euseb. Praep. Evang. x. 17, 30 ; Hieronym. de illustr. Script. 38 ; Chron. Alexandr. pp. 148, 214 ; C. G. A. Kuhlmey, Eupolemi fragmenta prolegom. et com- menlar. instructa, Berlin, 1840, 8vo.) [L. S.] EUPO'LEMUS (EuttJAcjuos), an Argive archi- tect, who built the great Heraeum at Mycenae, after its destruction by fire in b. c. 423. The entablature was ornamented with sculptures repre- senting the wars of the gods and giants, and the Trojan war. A full description of the other works of art connected with this temple is given by Pau- sanias. (Pans. ii. 17. § 3; Thuc. iv. 133.) [P.S.] EU'POLIS (EuTToAts), son of Sosipolis, an Athenian comic poet of the old comedy, and one of the three who are distinguished by Horace, in his well-known line, " Eupolis, atque Cratinus, Aristophanesque poetae," above all the ..." alii quorum prisca comoedia virorum est," a judgment which is confirmed by all we know of the works of the Attic comoedians. Eupolis is said to have exhibited his first drama in the fourth year of the 87th Olympiad, b. c. 42§, two years before Aristophanes, who was nearly of the same age as Eupolis. (Anon, de Com. p. xxix. ; Cyrill. c. Julian, i. p. 1 3, b. ; Syncell. Chron. p. 267, c.) According to Suidas (s. v.), Eupolis was then only in the seventeenth year of his age ; he was therefore bom in b. c. 44§. (Respecting the supposed legal minimum of the age at which a per- son could produce a drama on the stage, see Clinton, Fast. Hell. vol. ii. Introd. pp. Ivi. — Iviii.) The date of his death cannot be so easily fixed. The common story was, that Alcibiades, when sailing to Sicily, threw Eupolis into the sea, in revenge for an attack which he had made upon him in his Bdicrai, But, to say nothing of the improbability of even Alcibiades venturing on such an outrage, or the still stranger fact of its not