Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/1167

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NEOCLES. these passages are far enough from proving that Nemesius had anticipated the discoveries of Harvey and Sylvius ; but at the same time they slunv that the ancients had advanced much farther in the path of science than is commonly supposed. The Avork is included in several of the collections of Patristic Theology. It appeared for the first time in a separate form in a Latin translation by George Valla, Lugd. 8%-o. 1538. The first Greek edition was published at Antwerp, 8vo. 1565, edited by Nicasius EUebodius, with a Latin translation ; the next was by Dr. (afterwards bishop) Fell, Oxon. 8vo. 1671 ; the last and best is by C. F. Matthaei, Halae, 8vo. 1802. It was trans- lated into Italian by Domin. Pizzimenti, 8vo. (s. /. et a.) ; into English by George Wither, London, 12rao. 1636 ; into German by Oster- hammer, Saltzbutg, 8vo. 1819 ; and into French by J. B. Thibault, Paris, 8vo. 1844. Further inform- ation respecting Nemesius and his opinions, theolo- gical, philosophical, and physiological, may be found in Bayle's Did. Hist, et Crit., and Chauffe- pie's Supplem. ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. ; Brucker, Hist. Crit. Philosoph. ; Haller, Bihlioih. Anat. ; Sprengel, Hist, de la Med.; Freind's Hist, of Physic. See also the Preface and Notes to FelPs edition (reprinted by Matthaei), and to Thibault's translation. 2. A friend of St. Gregory Nazianzen, a man of learning and cultivated taste, who was first an advocate, and afterwards praefect of Cappadocia, St. Gregory appears to have been on very intimate terms with him, and to have written to him numerous letters, of which only four are still extant {Epist. 198—201, vol. ii. p. 163, &c. ed, Paris), written about the year 386. He also addressed a poem to him (about the same time), in which he tries to persuade him to embrace the Christian faith {Curm. vii. vol. ii. p. 1070), but the result of his exhortation is not known. He has been supposed to be the author of the work Tiepl ^vaeus KvQpwKov, but probably without sufficient reason ; as, though it is quite possible that a heathen magistrate might afterwards become a Christian bishop, it is hardly probable that no notice of so eminent a conversion should have been preserved. In fact, there seems to be no reason for supposing the two persons to be one and the same, except that they probably lived about the same time. 3. Four letters of St. Isidorus, of Pelusium, written about the beginning of the fifth century after Christ, are addressed to a person named Nemesius, in one of which he is called "Apx^i', Praetor (i. 47, ed. Paris, 1638), but it is not quite certain that the same individual is meant in each instance (ii. 1 35, iv. 39, v. 36). 4. " Nemesii, legum periti, mentio apud Acneam (Jazaeum, Epist. xx." (Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. viii. p. 448, ed. Harles.) But the name in the passage in question is not Ne^tetrios, but Nf^eo'iwj'. 5. An Alexandrian presbyter who subscribed to the deposition of Arius, A. D. 321. (Fabric. /. c.) [W. A. G.] NEOCLES (Neo/cATJs), historical. 1. The father of Themistocles, was an Athenian of distin- guished rank, connected with the priestly house of the Lycomedae (Plut. Them. i. p. 1 1 1 ; Herod, vii. 173). . 2. A son of Themistocles and Archippe, who was killed while yet a boy by the bite of a horse. (Plut. Them. p. 128, b.) [C P. M.] NEON. 1153 NEOCLES, literary. 1. An Athenian, the father of Epicurus, was one of the cleruchi {agrt- pePx, as Cicero, de Nat. Deor. i. 26, calls him) Bent to Samos after its conquest in the time of Pericles. Not finding his land sufficient for his maintenance, he set up a school. (Strab. xiv. p. 638 ; Diog. Laert. x. 1.) 2. Brother of Epicurus, wrote an account of the sect of the Epicureans, which is lost. He was the author of the maxim AaSe fiiuxras, upon which Plutarch wrote a small essay. (Plut. Non Siiav. Vivi Sec. Epic. pp. 1089, 1 128, &c. ; Suidas, s. v. NeoicXrji- ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. iii. p. 608.) 3. A native of Crotona, from whom Athenaeus (ii. p. 57, f.) quotes, to the effect that the egg from which Helena was produced fell from the moon, the women there being oviparous. [C. P. M.J NEOCLES, painter. [Xenon.] NEOLA'US (NeQ$oos), brother of Melon and Alexander, who revolted against Antiochus the Great. [Antiockus, Vol. I. p. 196.] He com- manded the left wing of the rebel army in the battle in which Molon was defeated. When all was lost he escaped from the battle, and went to Persis, where Alexander was. Having killed his mother, and the children of Molon, he slew him- self upon their corpses, after persuading Alexander to follow his example. (Polyb. v. 53. § 11, 54. § 5.) [C. P. M.J NEON (NeW). 1. A Corinthian officer, who accompanied Timoleon in his expedition to Sicily, and was appointed by him to command the citadel of Syracuse, when that fortress was placed in his hands by the younger Dionysius. In this post Neon not only held out against the combined efforts of Hicetas and the Carthaginian general Mago, but took advantage of their absence on an expedition against Catana, to make himself master of the important quarter of Acradina. (Plut. Timol. 18.) 2. A Messenian, son of Philiades, and brother of Thrasybulus, who is accused by Demosthenes of having betrayed his country to Philip king of Ma- cedon (Dem. de Cor. p. 324, ed. Reiske ; Harpo- cration, s.v. 'Neocv). An elaborate vindication of his conduct, together with that of others of his con- temporaries who had adopted the same line of policy, is found in Polybius (xvii. 14). 3. An officer who commanded under Demetrius Poliorcetes in the great sea-fight off Salamis in Cyprus, B. c. 306. (Died. xx. 52.) 4. A Boeotian, who was one of the leaders of the Macedonian party in his native country, during the reign of Antigonus Doson. An accident put it in his power to confer a great personal obligation upon that monarch : for Antigonus having touch&d with his fleet on the coast of Boeotia, the Jiips were all left aground by a sudden change of tide : Neon, who was hipparch at the time, came up with the Boeotian cavalry, but instead of taking advan- tage of the situation of Antigonus, he allowed him to depart in safety. For this act he incurred much censure from his countrymen, but obtained a high place in the favour of Antigonus and his successor Philip. (Polyb. XX. 5.) 5. A Theban, probably grandson of the pre- ceding, took a prominent part in the politics of Boeotia during the disputes between the Rojnans and Perseus. He was one of the principal authors of the alliance concluded by the Boeotians with the Macedonian king, on which account he was driveu 4 u