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Concilia: the passages cited under the title of Τετάδια, Quaterniones, are apparently from a collection of his Homiliae or Sermons (Socrates, H.E. vii. 29, 31, 32, 34; Evagrius, H. E. i. 2—7; Theophanes, Chronographia; Theodoret. Haeret. Fabular. Compend. iv. 12; Liberatus, Breviarium; Leontius Byzant. De Sectis, act. iv.; Gennadius,l. c.; Mercator, l. c.; Concilia, vol. i. col. 1271, &c. &c. ed. Hardouin.; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. x. p. 529, &c.; Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. i. p. 412, &c. ed. Oxford, fol. 1740—42; Tillemont, Mémoires, vol. xiv. passim. Fabricius has given a minute account of the works of Nestorius and of the ancient writers on the Nestorian controversy.) [ J. C. M. ]

NESTUS.[Nessus, No. 1.]

NICAEA (Νίκαια), a nymph, the daughter of the river-god Sangarius and Cybele. She was beloved by a shepherd, Hymnus, and killed him, but Eros took vengeance upon her, and Dionysus, who first intoxicated her, made her mother of Telete, whereupon she hung herself. Dionysus called the town of Nicaea after her. (Nonnus, Dionys. xvi.; Memnon, ap. Phot. Bibl. p. 233, ed. Bekker.) [ L. S. ]

NICAEA (Νίκαια).1. Daughter of Antipater, was sent by her father to Asia to be married to Perdiccas, B.C. 323, at a time when the former still hoped to maintain friendly relations with the regent. Perdiccas, though already entertaining hostile designs, married Nicaea: but not long afterwards, by the advice of Eumenes, determined to divorce her, and marry Cleopatra instead. This step, which he took just before setting out on his expedition to Egypt, led to an immediate rupture between him and Antipater. (Arrian, ap. Phot. 70, a, b; Diod. xviii. 23.) We hear no more of Nicaea for some time, but it appears that she was afterwards—though at what period we know not—married to Lysimachus, who named after her the city, so celebrated in later times, on the Ascanian lake in Bithynia. (Strabo. Xii. p. 565; Steph. Byz. s. v. Νίκαια.)

2. Wife of Alexander, tyrant of Corinth during the reign of Antigonus Gonatas. After the death of her husband, who was thought to have been poisoned by the command of the Macedonian king, Nicaea retained possession of the important fortress of Corinth: but Antigonus lulled her into security by offering her the hand of his son Demetrius in marriage, and took the opportunity during the nuptial festivities to surprise the citadel. (Plut. Arat. 17; Polyaen. iv. 6. § 1.) She is probably the same person mentioned by Suidas (s. v. Εύφορίων) as patronising the poet Euphorion, though that author calls her husband ruler of Euboea, instead of Corinth.

3. There is a Nicaea mentioned by Livy (xxxv. 26), as the wife of Craterus (i. e. probably the brother of Antigonus Gonatas of that name), of whom nothing more is known. [ E. H. B. ]

NICAEARCHUS, a painter, whose age and country are unknown, painted Venus among the Graces and Cupids, and Hercules sad in repentance for his madness. (Plin. xxxv. 11. s.40. § 36.) [ P. S. ]

NICAEAS, bishop of Aquileia, about the middle of the fifth century, is spoken of under Nicetas, p. 1185.

NICAE'NETUS (Νικαίνετος), an epigrammatic poet, was, according to the conjecture of Jacobs (Anthol. Graec. vol. xiii. p. 921), a native of Abdera, but had settled in Samos. Athenaeus (xiii. p. 590, b.) speaks of him as either of Samos or of Abdera, and Stephanus Byzantinus (s. v. Άξδηρα) mentions among the celebrated Abderites, Νικαίνετος έποποιός. Athenacus (xv. p. 673, f.) speaks of him in connexion with his celebrating a Samian usage, as being a poet of strong native tendencies. From Athenaeus (p. 673, b.) we infer that he lived prior to the age of Phylarchus, who wrote B.C. 219. (Clinton, F. H. vol. iii. pp. 519, 563.) He wrote, among other things, a list of illustrious women, and epigrams. (Athen. II. Cc.) Six epigrams ascribed to him, the fourth very doubtfully, are inserted in the Anthologia of Jacobs (vol. i. p. 205, vol. xiii. p. 921; comp. Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. iv. p. 484).

NICA'GORAS (Νικαγόρας), historical. 1. A Messenian, connected by the ties of hospitality with Archidamus, king of Sparta. When Archidamus fled into Messenia, Nicagoras provided him with a dwelling and all necessaries; and when Cleomenes held out hopes to Archidamus of his restoration, Nicagoras conducted the negotiations, and in the end accompanied him back to Sparta. Archidamus was put to death by Cleomenes, but Nicagoras was spared. Having subsequently met Cleomenes at Alexandria, when compelled to fly to the court of his friend Ptolemy Euergetes [Cleomenes, Vol. I. p. 795], Nicagoras endeavoured to avenge the death of Archidamus by inducing Sosibius to charge Cleomenes with conspiring against the king's life. Cleomenes was placed in confinement, but afterwards escaped. (Polyb. v. 37, &c.; Plut. Agis et Cleom. p. 821, b.)

2. A. Rhodian, who, with Agesilochus and Nicander, was twice sent on an embassy to the Romans, in B.C. 169, to Rome, and in B.C. 168, to the consul Aemilius Paullus in Macedonia. See Agesilochus, Vol. I. p. 70. (Polyb. xxviii. 2. 14.) [ C. P. M. ]

NICA'GORAS, literary. An Athenian sophist, the son of the rhetorician Mnesaeus, who lived in the time of the emperor Philippus. He wrote an account of the lives of various illustrious men (βίοι έλλογίμων), of Cleopatra of the Troad, and a speech composed on the occasion of an embassy to the emperor. He had a son named Minucianus. The writings of Minucianus [see above, p. 1092, a] are sometimes erroneously attributed to his son Nicagoras. (Suidas, s. vv. Μινουκιανός, Νίκαγόρας; Philostr. Vit. Soph. II. Aspas. extr.) [ C. P. M. ]

NICANDER (Νίκανδρος), historical. 1. A king of Sparta, the eighth of the family of the Proclidae, the son of Charilaus, and the father of Theopompus. He was contemporary with Teleclus, and reigned twenty-eight or twenty-nine years, about B.C. 809—770. (Pausan. iii. 7. § 4. See Clinton, Fasti Hell. vols. i. and ii.) Some of his sayings are preserved by Plutarch (Lacon. Apophthegm. vol. ii, p. 155, ed. Tauchn.)

2.A piratical captain (archipirata) in the employment of Polyxenidas, the commander of the fleet of Antiochus, against Pausistratus, the Rhodian admiral, B.C. 190.(Liv. xxxvii. 11.)

3.An Aetolian, who, when his countrymen were endeavouring to organize a coalition against the Romans, was sent as ambassador to Philip V., king of Macedonia, B.C. 193, to urge him to join the league, but without effect. (Liv. xxxv. 12.) Two years later, B.C. 191, he was sent, together with Thoas, to beg the assistance of Antiochus the Great, king of Syria. By extraordinary diligence

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