Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/1198

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1184 NICETAS. mis et Sahhatorum Jejiinio^ et Nuptiis Sacerdotttm, which others ascribe to Nicetas Pectoratus. (Cave, Hist. Liter. D. p. 14.) 9. Paphlago, David, perhaps bishop of Da- dybri in Paphlagonia, lived about 880, and became known by his attachment to the patriarch Ignatius, and by his attacks upon Photius. He wrote : — 1. Vita S. Ignatii Patriarchae, Graece et Latine, in Raderus {Ada Conci/ii, 8vo. Ingolstadt, 1004, 4to,) ; and also in the 8th vol. oi Concilia. 2. Apo- stolorum XII. Encomia XII. 3. Orationes, viz in Atarcum Evangelistam, in Nativitatem S. JMariae, tn Exaltationem S. Cnicis, in S. Gregorium Theo- logum, Oratio Panegyrica in S. Ilyacinthum Ama- sfrensem JMaHyrem, all of which together with the Encomia Apostol. were published with a Latin translation by Combefis in Nuvissimum Auctuarlum., Paris, 1672, fol. 4. Oratio Panegyrica in inclytiim Martyrem Eustatldum, &c. ed. Graece et Lat. with notes by Combefis, in Illustnum Chrysti MaHyrum Triumphiy Paiis, 1660, 8vo. 5. Ilisloria Apo- cryp/ia, lost. Nicephorus Callistus borrowed freely from it for his Ilistoria Eccles. 6. Liher pro Synodo Chalcedonensi adversiis Epistolam Regis Ar- menian, more probably the work of Nicetas By- zantinus [No. 3J. 7. Coimnentarii in Gregor. Nazianzeni Tetrasiicha et Monosticha., perhaps the work of Nicetas Serron. Tiie text, Venice, 1563, 4to.; a Latin version, Imola, 1588, 8vo. 7. Several liymns and minor productions. (Cave, Hid. Liter. ad an. 880; Fabric. Bihl. Grace, vol. vii. p. 747.) 10. Pectoratus or Stethatus (2T7j9aTo's), (Sterno), a monk of Constantinople, lived in the middle of the 11th centurj^ and became known through his violent opposition to the union of the two churches, and his attacks upon Cardinal Humbertus and the other legates of the Pope at Constantinople. He wrote : — 1. Libe.r adversus Latinos de Azymis et Sabbatorum Jejunio^ et Nup- tiis Sacerdotum, ascribed by some to Nicetas Nicaeanus. It was published by Basnage in the 3d vol. of Canisius, Lection. Antiq., and also by Baronius in the Appendix to the 1 1 th vol. of the Annates. 2. Tractatus de Anima, extant in MS. 3. Carmen in Symeonein juniorem, ed. Graece Leo Allatius in his Diatriba de Syrneon. 4. Some minor productions extant in MSS. (Cave, Hid. Liter, ad an. 1050 ; Fabric. Bibl. Grace, vol. vii. p. 753.) 11. Rhetor, perhaps identical with Nicetas Paphlago. Among other productions the following are ascribed to him : — I. Several Oratio7is known to Leo Allatius. 2. Diatriba in gloriosum Mar- tyrem Pantieleemo/iem. 3. De Certainine et de Inventione., ^c. Reliquiarum S. Stephani Proto- martyris. 4. Encomium in Magnum Nicholaum MyrobUptem et Thaumuturgum. None of these have been published. (Cave, Hist, Liter. D. p. 14.) 12. Scutariota, a native of Scutari, opposite Constantinople, of uncertain age, wrote : — 1. IIo- miliae II L 2. Scholia sive Annotationes in Nicetae Acominati Thesaurum Orthodox. 3. Epistolae, De Arte Rhetorica, poems and other minor productions extant in MSS. in Paris and elsewhere. (Cave, Hist. Liter. D. p. 1 5 ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. vii. p. 755.) 13. Seidus, a violent opponent of the Latins, against whom he wrote a small work, a Latin translation of which begins ^^Non simpliciter an- iiqua novis venerahiliora, &c., and of which Leo NICETAS. Allatius gives some fragments in De Consensu, i. 1 4. (Cave, Hist. Liter, ad an. 1 1 1 0. ) 14. Serron, archbishop of Serrae or Seres in Macedonia, and afterwards of Heracleia, lived in the 11th century, and has often, by Leo Allatius for instance, been confounded with Nicetas Paph- Ifigo. He wrote : — 1. Commenturii in XVI. Na- zianzeni Orationes, published ad calcem Operum Nazianzeiii., and separately, under the name of Nicetas David Paphlago, Venice, 1563, 4to. 2. Responsa Canonica ad Interrogationes cujusdam Constantini Episcopi., Graece et Latine in Leun- clavius, Jus Graeco-Roman. 3. Catena in Jobum, a compilation ascribed by some to one Olympio- dorus. Edit. : A Latin version, by Paulus Comitolus, Venice, 1587, 4to. ; Graece et Latine, by Patricius Junius, London, 1637, fol. 4. Ca- teyiae in Lucam, Matthaeum aliosqm, perhaps. (Cave, Hist. Liter, ad an. 1077; Fahric. Bibl. Graec. vol. viii. p. 431 ; Hamberger, Nachrichten von gelehrten M'dnnern.) 15. Thessalonicensis, was archbishop of Thessalonica, and wrote Dialogi Sex de Pro- cessione Spiritus Sancti., of which Leo Allatius gives a fragment in Co7itra Hottinger. Nicetas of Thessalonica lived about 1200; he has often been confounded with Nicetas Acominatus. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. vii. p. 756.) [W. P.] NICETAS, or, as his name is variously written, Nicaeas or Niceas, or Nicetas or Nicetius, was by birth a Dacian, and bishop of a city called by ecclesiastical writers Civitas Rojuaticma or Remes- sianensis, situated in Maesia, somewhere between Naissus and Sardica. This prelate visited Italy towards the close of the fourth century', and having repaired to Nola for the purpose of visiting the sepulchre of St. Felix, there gained the good-will of Paulinus, who celebrates, in a poem still extant, the high talents and virtues of his friend, and the zeal with which he laboured in preaching the Gospel among the barbarians. Nicetas paid a second visit to Nola A. D. 402, and it appears from an epistle of Pope Innocentius I. (n. xvii. ed. Constant), where he is numbered among the dig- nitaries of Macedonia, that he was alive in 414. Considerable confusion has been occasioned by the mistake of Baronius, who supposed that Ni- cetas the Dacian, mentioned in the Roman Mar- tyrology under 7th January, was a different person from the Nicaeas Romatianae civitaiis episcopus of Gennadius, and that the latter was the same with the Nicaeas of Aquileia, to whom a letter was addressed by Leo the Great in a. n. 458, — an hypothesis which forced him to prove that Aquileia bore the name of Civitas Romaiiana. But the re- searches of Holstein, Quesnel and Tillemont have set the question at rest. Gennadius informs us that Nicetas composed in a plain but elegant style instructions for those who were preparing for baptism, in six books, of which he gives the arguments, and also Ad Lapsam Vir- ginem Libelliis. Of these, the former is certainly lost, but we find among the works of St. Jerome (vol. xi, p. 1 78, ed.Vallarsi, vol. v. ed Bened.), a tract entitled ObjurgatioadSusannam Lapsam, and among the works of St. Ambrose (vol. ii. p. 301. ed. Bened.) the same piece under the name Tractatus ad Vir- ginem Lapsam, although it can be proved by the most convincing arguments that neither of these divines could have been the author. Hence it was conjectured by Cotelerius that it miglit, in reality.