Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/122

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at first very popular, but the measure was thrown out, and he became forthwith the object of a general outcry, about B. C. 394. It is doubtful whether he is to be identified with the son or the nephew of the poet. (See Böckh, Publ. Econ. of Athens, pp. 493, 506, 520.) [E. E.]

EURO′PA (Εὐρώπη), according to the Iliad (xiv. 321), a daughter of Phoenix, but according to the common tradition a daughter of Agenor, was carried off by Zeus, who had metamorphosed himself into a bull, from Phoenicia to Crete. (Apollod. iii. 1. § 1; Mosch. ii. 7; Herod, i. 173; Paus. vii. 4. § 1, ix. 19. § 1; Ov. Met. ii. 839, &c.; Comp. Agenor.) Europe, as a part of the world, was believed to have received its name from this fabulous Phoenician princess. (Hom. Hymn. in Apoll. 251; Herod, iv. 45.) There are two other mythical personages of this name (Hes. Theog. 357; Pind. Pyth. iv. 46.), which occurs also as a surname of Demeter. (Pans. ix. 39. § 4.) [L. S.]

EURO′PUS (Εὔρωπός), a son of Macedon and Oreithyia, the daughter of Cecrops, from whom the town of Europus in Macedonia was believed to have received its name. (Steph. Byz. s. v.) [L. S.]

EUROPS (Εὔρωψ), the name of two mythical personages, the one a son of Aegialeus and king of Sicyon, and the other a son of Phoroneus. (Paus. ii. 5. § 5, 34. § 5.) [L. S.]

EURO′TAS (Εὐρώτας), a son of Myles and grandson of Lelex. He was the father of Sparte, the wife of Lacedaemon, and is said to have carried the waters, stagnating in the plain of Lacedaemon, into the sea by means of a canal, and to have called the river which arose therefrom after his own name, Eurotas. (Paus. iii. 1. § 2.) Apollodorus (iii. 10. § 3) calls him a son of Lelex by the nymph Cleochareia, and in Stephanus of Byzantium (s. v. Ταΰγετον) his mother is called Taygete. (Corap. Schol. ad Pind. Pyth. iv. 15, Ol. vi. 46, ad Lycoph. 886.) [L. S.]

EURY′ALE (Εὐρυάλη), the name of three mythical beings. (Hes. Theog. 276; Pind. Pyth. xxii. 20; Apollod. i. 4. § 3; Val. Flacc. v. 312; comp. Orion.) [L. S.]

EURY′ALUS (Εὐρύαλος). 1. A son of Mecisteus, is mentioned by Apollodorus (i. 9. § 16) among the Argonauts, and was one of the Epigoni who took and destroyed Thebes. (Paus. ii. 20. § 4; Apollod. iii. 7. § 2.) He was a brave warrior, and at the funeral games of Oedipus he conquered all his competitors (Hom. Il. xxiii. 608) with the exception of Epeius, who excelled him in wrestling. He accompanied Diomedes to Troy, where he was one of the bravest heroes, and slew several Trojans. (Il. ii. 565, vi. 20; Paus. ii. 30. § 9.) In the painting of Polygnotus at Delphi, he was represented as being wounded; and there was also a statue of him at Delphi, which stood between those of Diomedes and Aegialeus. (Paus. x. 10. § 2, 25. § 2.)

2. One of the suitors of Hippodameia. (Paus. vi. 21. § 7; Schol. ad Pind. Ol. i. 127.)

3. A son of Odysseus and Evippe, also called Doryclus or Leontophron, was killed by Telemachus. (Parthen. Erot. 3; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 1796.) There are four other mythical personages of this name. (Apollod. i. 8. § 5; Hom. Od. viii. 115, &c.; Virg. Aen. ix. 176, &c.; Paus. iv. 20. § 3.) [L. S.]


EURY′ANAX (Εὐρυάναξ), a Spartan of the royal house of the Agids. He was the son of Dorieus, and was one of the commanders of the Lacedaemonians at the battle of Plataeae, B. C. 479. (Herod, ix. 10, 53, 55.) [See Dorieus, vol. i. p. 1067, a.] [C.P. M.]

EURY′BATES (Εὐρυβάτης). 1. By Latin writers called Eribotes, was a son of Teleon, and one of the Argonauts. He was skilled in the medical art, and dressed the wound which Oileus received from one of the Stymphalian birds. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 73, ii. 1040; Hygin. Fab. 14; Val. Flacc. i. 402.)

2. The herald of Odysseus, who followed his master to Troy. He is humorously described as hump-backed, of a brown complexion, and with curly hair; but he was honoured by his master, since he was kind and obedient. (Hom. Il. i. 319, ii. 184, ix. 170, Od. xix. 246.) [L. S.]

EURY′BATES (Εὐρυβάτης), an Argive, the commander of 1000 volunteers who went to the assistance of the Aeginetans in their war with the Athenians just before the Persian invasion. He had practised the pentathlum, and challenged four of the Athenians to single combat. Three he slew, but fell himself by the hand of the fourth. (Herod. vi. 92, ix. 75.) [C.P. M.]

EURY′BATUS (Εὐρύβατος). 1. A Laconian, who was victor in the wrestling-match, in Ol. 18, when this species of contest was first introduced. (Paus. v. 8. § 7.)

2. An Ephesian, whom Croesus sent with a large sum of money to the Peloponnesus to hire mercenaries for him in his war with Cyrus. He, however, went over to Cyrus, and betrayed the whole matter to him. In consequence of this treachery, his name passed into a proverb amongst the Greeks. (Diod. Excerpt. de Virt. et Vit. p. 553; Ulpian, in Dem. de Coron. p. 137; Aeschin. in Ctes. c. 43; Plat. Protag. p. 327.) [C.P. M.]

EURY′BIA (Εὐρυβία), a daughter of Pontus and Ge, who became by Crius the mother of Astraeus, Pallas, and Perses. (Hes. Theog. 375; Apollod. i. 2. § 2.) There are two other mythical personages of this name. (Apollod. ii. 7. § 8; Diod. iv. 16.) [L. S.]

EURYBI′ADES. [Themistocles.]

EURYCLEIA (Εὐρύκλεια). 1. According to a Thessalian tradition, a daughter of Athamas and Themisto, and the wife of Melas, by whom she became the mother of Hyperes. (Schol. ad Pind. Pyth. iv. 221.)

2. A daughter of Ops, was purchased by Laërtes and brought up Telemachus. When Odysseus returned home, she recognized him, though he was in the disguise of a beggar, by a scar, and afterwards she faithfully assisted him against the suitors. (Hom. Od. i. 429, &c., iv. 742, &c., xix. 385, &c., xxii. xxiii.) [L. S.]

EURYCLEIDAS (Εὐρυκλείδας), an Athenian orator, who, together with Micon or Micion, possessed much influence with the people, which they used unworthily, as the Athenians under their guidance launched forth, according to Polybius, into the most unrestrained flattery towards the kings, whose favour they desired to gain, especially Ptolemy IV. (Philopator) of Egypt. Pausanias tells us that Philip V. of Macedon caused them both to be removed by poison. (Polyb. v. 106; Paus. ii. 9.) [E. E.]

EURYCLES (Εὐρυκλῆς), a Spartan architect, who built the finest of the baths at Corinth, and