Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/1229

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NUMISIUS. NUMI'CIUS. 1. Ti. NuMicius, tribune of the plebs, B. c. 3'20, was with his colleague, Q. Maelius, given over to the Samnites, when the Romans re- solved not to adhere to the peace made at Cau- diura. Livy calls the colleague of Maelius, L. Julius and not Numicius (Cic. de Off. iii. 30 ; Liv. ix. 8). For further details, see Maelius, No. 3. 2. Numicius, to whom Horace addresses the sixth epistle of his first book, is otherwise a person quite unknown. NU'MIDA, M'. AEMILIUS, was decemvir sacrorum, and died in B. c. 211. (Liv. xxvi. 23.) NU'MIDA, PLO'TIUS, a friend of Horace, who addresses to him one of his odes (i. 36), to celebrate his safe arrival in Italy, after undergoing the perils of the war against the Cantabri in Spain. NUMFDICUS, the agnomen of Q. Metellus, who fought against Jugurtha. [Metellus, No. 14.] NUMJ'DIUS QUADRATUS. [Quadra- TUS.] NUMI'SIA GENS, is probably merely another orthography of Numicia Gens. [Numicia Gens.] In the time of the republic we find no Numisii with a cognomen [NuMisius], but under the empire persons of this name occur, with the cog- nomens of Lupus and Rufus. NUMISIA'NUS (Nou^to-twds, written also Noiijueo-taw's, Nou/xT/friavos, or No/Uto-tai/os, but more frequentl}^ in the first of these forms), an eminent physician at Corinth, whose lectures Galen attended about A. D. 150, having gone to Corinth for that express purpose (Galen, de Anat. Admin, i. 1, vol. ii. p. 217). He was, according to Galen (/. c), the most celebrated of all the pupils of Quintus, and one of the tutors to Pelops (id. Comment, in Hippocr. " De Nat. Horn.' ii. 6. vol. xv. p. 136), and dis- tinguished himself especially by his anatomical knowledge. He wrote a commentary on the

  • ' Aphorisms" of Hippocrates (id. Comment, in

Hippocr. "Z>e Humor.' i. 24, vol. xvi. p. 197, Comment, in Hippocr. '* Aphor.' iv. 69, v. 44, vol. xvii, pt. ii. pp. 751, 837), which appears to have been well thought of in Galen's time. He is also mentioned by Galen, de Ord. Lihror. suor. vol. xix. p. 57, and de Anat. Admin, viii. 2, vol. ii. p. 660, and bk. xiv. (in MS. Arabic translation in the Bodleian library). [W.A. G.] NUMI'SIUS. 1. L. NuMisiusof Circeii, was one of the two chief magistrates (praetores) of the Latins in B. c. 340, the year in which the great Latin war broke out, and was the principal com- mander in the war. (Liv. viii. 3, 11.) 2. C. NuMisius, praetor b. c. 177, obtained Sicily as his province. (Liv. xli. 8.) 3. T. NuMisius, of Tarquinii, was one of the ten commissioners sent into Macedonia in b. c. 167, to regulate its affairs after its conquest by Aemilius Paullus (Liv. xlv. 17). About the same time, or a little earlier, he was at the head of the embassy sent by the Roman senate to endeavour to mediate between Antiochus Epiphanes and the two Pto- lemies (Philometorand Physcon). (Polyb. xxix. 10.) 4. NuMisius, seems to have been the name of an architect, since Cicero speaks of Numisiana forma., that is, the plan of a house or villa designed by one Numisius. (Cic. ad Q. Fr. ii. 2. § 1.) 5. Numisius Tiro, is branded by Cicero as one of the cut- throats of M. Antonius, the triumvir. (Cic. Phil. ii. 4, v. 6, xii. 6.) Nl^MI'SIUS, the architect of the theatre at NYCTEUS. 1215 Herculaneum. His name is preserved in an in- scription on the building. [P. S.] NU'MITOR. [Romulus.] NUMITO'RIA. 1. The mother of Virginia. (Dionys. xi. 30.) [Numitorius, No. 2.] 2. The wife of M. Antonius Creticus, praetor b. c. 75, was the daughter of Q. Numitorius PuUus, who betrayed Fregellae. [Numitorius, No. 3.] She left no children. (Cic. PMl. iii. 6.) NUMITO'RIA GENS, plebeian, was of con- siderable antiquity, but none of its members ever attained any of the higher offices of the state. Pullus is the only cognomen which occurs in this gens. The annexed coin belongs to this gena, but it is quite uncertain to whom it refers. coin of numitoria gens. NUMITO'RIUS. 1. L. Numitorius, is men- tioned as one of the five tribunes who were first elected in the comitia tributa, b. c. 472 ( Liv. ii. 58). 2. P. Numitorius, the maternal uncle of Vir- ginia, attempted to resist the iniquitous sentence of the decemvir App. Claudius, and was elected tribune of the plebs upon the expulsion of the decemvir, B. c. 449. In his tribunate he accused Sp. Oppius, one of the late decemvirs. (Liv. iii. 45, 54 ; Dionys. xi. 28, 38, 46.) 3. Q. Numitorius Pullus, of Fregellae, be- trayed his native town to the Roman praetor L. Opimius, B.C. 125, when it rose in revolt to obtain the Roman franchise. The town was taken and destroyed by Opimius (Cic. de Invent, ii. 34 ; comp. Cic. de Leg. Agr. ii. 33 ; Liv. Epit. 60 ; Veil. Pat. ii. 6). The daughter of this Numitorius married M. Antonius Creticus. [Numitoria, No. 2.] 4. C. Numitorius, was a distinguished man of the aristocratical party, who was put to death by Marius and Cinna, when they entered Rome at the close of B. c. 88. His body was afterwards dragged through the forum by the executioner's hook. (Appian, B. C. i. 72 ; Flor. iii. 21. § 14.) 5. C. Numitorius, a Roman eques, who was a witness against Verres. (Cic. Verr. v. 63.) NU'MMIUS, is a name which occurs only in the Fasti and inscriptions of the time of the empire. Thus we find a T. Rusticus Nummius Gallus, consul suffectus, A. D. 26, a Nummius Sisenna, consul a.d. 133, and a M. Nummius Albinus, consul a. d. 206. NUMO'NIUS VALA. [Vala.] NYCTE'IS(NuKT7]'is), a feminine patronymic of Nycteus, and applied to his daughter Antiope, the wife of Polydorus and mother of Labdacus. (Apol- lod. iii. 5. § 5 ; Nycteus.) [L. S.] NYCTEUS (Nwreus), a son of Hyrieus by the nymph Clonia, brother of Lycus and Orion, and husband of Polyxo, by whom he became the father of Antiope. (ApoUod. iii. 10. § 1 ; Anton. Lib. 25.) According to others Antiope was the daughter of the river-god Asopus. (Apollod. I.e.; Horn. Od. xi. 259, &c.) Antiope was carried off by Epopeus, king of Aegialeia ; and Nycteus, who, as the guardian of Labdacus, was staying at Thebes, took revenge by invading with a Theban