Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/126

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112 EURYPHON. Bhips captnved, and himself slain. Diodorus, writ- ing perhaps from Epliorus, relates, that Agatharchus was the Syracusan general opposed to him, and represents the defeat as having begun with Eury- medon's division, and thence extended to the cen- tre. (Thuc. vii. 16, 31, 33, 42, 43, 49, 52 ; Diod. xiii. 8, 1 1 , 1 3 ; Plut. Nicias, 20, 24.) [A. H. C] EURY'MEDON {Eipv^JL4Suu.) 1. Of Myr- rhinus, a friend of Plato, who, in his will, appointed him one of his executors. (Diog. Laert. iii. 42, 43.) 2. Of Tarentiim, a Pythagorean philosopher men- tioned by lamblichus. {Vit. Pyth. 36.) 3. A person who was suborned by Demophilus to bring an accusation of impiety against Aristotle for speaking irreverently of Hermes in a poem, which is preserved in Athenaeus. (xv. p. 696.) [L. S.] EURY'NOME {Y.ipwSixti). 1. A daughter of Oceanus. When Hephaestus was expelled by Hera from Olympus, Eurynome and Thetis received him in the bosom of the sea. (Horn. //. xviii, 395, &c. ; ApoUod. i. 2. § 2.) Previous to the time of Cronos and Rhea, Eurynome and Ophion had ruled in Olympus over the Titans, but after being conquered by Cronos, she had sunk down into Tartarus or Oceanus. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 503, &c. ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 1191.) By Zeus she became the mother of the Charites, or of Asopus. (Hes. Theog. 908 ; Apollod. iii. 12. § 6.) 2. A surname of Artemis at Phigalea in Arcadia. Her sanctuary which was surrounded by cypresses, was opened only once in every year, and* sacrifices were then offered to her. She was represented half woman and half fish. (Pans. viii. 41. § 4.) There are four more mythical personages of this name. (Hom. Od. xviii. 168 ; Apollod. iii. 9. § 2.) [Adrastus, Agenor.] [L. S.] EURY'NOMUS {'E.vpvvoiws), a daemon of the lower world, concerning whom there was a tradi- tion at Delphi, according to which, he devoured the flesh of dead human bodies, and left nothing but the bones. Polygnotus represented him in the Lesche at Delphi, of a dark-blue complexion, shew- ing his teeth, and sitting on the skin of a vulture. ( Pans. X. 28. § 4.) There are two other mythi- cal personages of this name, one mentioned by Ovid {Met. xii. 311) and the other in the Odyssey (ii. 22). [L. S.] EURYPHA'MUS or EURYPHE'MUS (EiJ- picpufjios), a Pythagorean philosopher of Metapon- tum. (lamblich. de Vit.Pyth. 30, 36.) Lysis was his fellow-pupil and his faithful friend. Eurypha- mu8 was the author of a work Ilepi ;S/ov, which is lost, but a considerable fragment of it is preserved in Stobaeus. {Serm. tit. 103. 27.) [L. S.] EU'RYPHON {Eipv(p6iv), a celebrated physi- cian of Cnidos in Caria, who was probably bom in the former half of the fifth century p. c, as Soranus ( Vita Hippocr. in Hippocr. Opera., vol. iii. p. 851) says that he was a contemporary of Hippocrates, but older. The same writer says that he and Hippocrates were summoned to the court of Perdiccas, the son of Alexander, king of Macedonia ; but this story is considered very doubtful, if not altogether apo- cryphal. [Hippocrates.] He is mentioned in a corrupt fragment of the comic poet Plato, preserved by Galen {Comment in Hippocr. '■'■Aphor.' vii. 44. vol. xviii. pt. i. p. 149), in which, instead of ottuos, Meineke reads airvyos. He is several times quoted by Galen, who says that he was considered to be the author of the ancient medical work entitled Kvihiai Ti'tofioi {Comment, in Hippocr. " De Morb. Vulgar. EURYPYLUS. VV i. 29. vol. xvii. pt. i. p. 886, where for IHiais we should read Ki/iSiais), and also that some persons attributed to him several works included in the Hippocratic Collection {Comment, in Hippocr. "Z>e Humor.' i. prooem. vol. xvi. p. 3), viz. those enti- tled Ilepl Amtrrj? 'tyinvris, de Saluhri Victus Ra- tione {Comment, in Hippocr. "Z>e Rat. Vict, in Mori. Acut.' i. 17. vol. xv. p. 455), and ITepl Ata^TTjy, de Victus Ratione. {De Aliment. Facult. i. 1. vol. vi. p. 473.) He may perhaps be the au- thor of the second book U.^p NovcrcDU, De Morbis, which forms part of the Hippocratic Collection, but which is generally allowed to be spurious, as a passage in this work (vol. ii. p. 284) is quoted by Galen {Comment, in Hippocr. " De Morb. Vulgar. F/." i. 29. vol. xvii. pt. i. p. 888), and attributed to Euryphon (see Littre's Hippocr. vol. i. pp. 47, 363); and in the same manner M. Ermerins (Hip- pocr. de Rat. Vict, in Morb. Acut. pp. 368, 369 ) conjectures that he is the author of the work Uepl rvvaiK€i7]s ^6(nos, de Natura Muliebri^ as Soranus appears to allude to a passage in that treatise (vol. ii. p. 533) while quoting the opinions of Euryphon. {De Arte Obsteir. p. 124.) From a passage in Caelius Aurelianus ((/e Morb. Chron. ii. 10. p. 390) it appears, that Euryphon was aware of the differ- ence between the arteries and the veins, and also considered that the former vessels contained blood. Of his works nothing is now extant except a few fragments, unless he be the author of the treatises in the Hippocratic Collection that have been attri- buted to him. [ W. A. G.] EURYP(DN, otherwise called EURY'TION (Eu/JUTrdji/, EupuTior/), grandson of Procles, was the third king of that house at Sparta, and thencefor- ward gave it the name of Eurypontidae. Plutarch talks of his having relaxed the kingly power, and played the demagogue ; and Polyaenus relates a war with the Arcadians of Mantineia under his command. (Paus. iii. 7. § 1 ; Plut. Lye. 2 ; Poly- aen. ii. 13.) [A. H. C] EURY'PTOLEMUS {'E.ipvTTr6^^os). 1. One of the family of the Alcmaeonidae, the son of Megacles and father of Isodice, the wife of Cimon. (Plut. Cimo7i, 4.) 2. Son of Peisianax, and cousin of Alcibiades. We find him coming forwards on the occasion of the trial of the victorious generals after the battle of Arginusae to oppose the illegal proceedings in- stituted against them. His speech on the occasion is quoted by Xenophon. He asked that a day should be granted for the separate tiial of each prisoner (Xen. Hell. i. 7. § 16, &c.) 3. Another Euryptolemus, of whom nothing else is known, is mentioned by Xenophon as having been sent as ambassador to the Persian court. He could not have been the same with the cousin of Alcibiades, as he had not returned from his mission when the latter was at Athens ready to welcome his cousin on his return from banishment. {Hell. i. 3. § 1 3 ; 4. § 7, 19.) [C. P. M.] EURY'PYLUS (EupuTTuAos.) 1. A son of Euaemon and Ops. (Plygin. Fab. 81.) He ap- pears in the difliirent traditions about him, as a hero of Ormenion, or Hyria, or as a king of Gy- rene. In the Iliad he is represented as having led the men of Ormenion and other places to Troy with forty ships, and he is one of those who offer to fight with Hector, (ii. 734, vii. 167.) He slew many a Trojan, and when he himself was wounded Iby Paris, he was nursed and cured by Patroclus.