Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/131

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EUSEBIUS. irapaXil'pBfTa'av aurov re Koi rod Xpi<TTOu truy- Kotaiv). Hierocles had advised Diocletian to begin his persecution, and had written two books, called Xoyoi (piKar]6f7s, comparing our Lord's miracles to those of Apollonius of Tyana. (See Lactantius, /ndit. V. 2, 3, 4.) In answering this work, Eu- scbins reviews the life of Apollonius by Philos- tratiis. It was published in Greek and Latin by F. Morell (among the works of Philostratus) at Paris, 1608, and with a new translation and notes by Olearius, Leipzig, 1709. 7. Against Marcellus {Kara MapKsWov), bishop of Ancyra, in two books. Marcellus had been condemned for Sabellianism at Constantinople, A. D. 336, and this work was written by desire of the synod which passed sentence. The most important edition is by Rettberg, Gritting. 1794-8. 8. De Ecdesiastica Theologia (irfpl rijs e/c/cATjo-t- aaTLKTJs ^eoAoyias, tCjv irpos MdpK€ov eAeyxwv fii§ia y'). This is a continuation of the former work, and both were edited with a Latin version and notes by Montagu, bishop of Chichester, and appended to the Demonstraiio Evanyelica, Paris, 1628. 9. De Vita Constaniini, four books (et'y rov fitov Tov fxaKapiov KtavaravTiuov fiatriXlws Koyoi t4(t- (rapcs), a panegyric rather than a biography. They have generally been published with the Ecclesias- tical History, but were edited separately by Hei- nichen, 1830. 10. Onomasticon de Locis Hebraicis (Trepl toiv TotriKceu dvoixdiwv iy ttj deiq, ypa(pfj) a description of the towns and places mentioned in Holy Scrip- ture, arranged in alphabetical order. This is in- scribed to Paulinus, bishop of Tyre, as is also the tenth book of the Ecclesiastical History. It was translated into Latin by Jerome, and published at Paris with a commentary, by Jacques Bonpere, 16.59, and again at Amsterdam, by J.Cleves, 1707. Besides these, several epistles of Eusebius are preserved by diiferent writers, e. g. by Socrates (i. 8) and Theodoret (i. 12); and he wrote com- mentaries on various parts of Scripture, many of which are not extant. The first edition of all the works of Eusebius was published in Latin at Basle, in four volumes, ex variorum interpretutione, 1542, which reappear- ed at Paris in a more correct form, 1580. Since that time it has been usual to edit his works sepa- rately, and the chief of these editions have been given with the account of each work. (See Cave, Script. Eccl. Hist. Lit. vol. i.; Fabric. Bihl. Graec. vol. vii. c. 4 ; Neander, Kirdieiigesch- ichte, vol. ii. p. 787, &c. ; Waddington, Ilidovy of Ike Churchy ch, vi.; Jortin, Eccl. Hist. iii. The last two contain interesting discussions on the re- ligious opinions of Eusebius. [G. E. L. C] EUSE'BIUS, of DoRYLAEUM, born at the end of the fifth century, began his public life as a lay- man, and held an office about the imperial court of Constantinople, which gave him the title of Agens in Rebus. One day, as Nestorius, then bishop of Constantinople, was preaching against the propriety of applying the term 06ot(^kos to the Virgin Mary, and was maintaining at once the eternal genera- tion of the divine Logos, and the human birth of the Man Jesus, a voice cried out, " No, the Eternal Word Himself submitted to the second birth." A scene of great confusion followed, and an active opposition to the Nestorian doctrine began. There is little doubt that he voice proceeded from Euse- EUSEBIUS. 117 bins. (See the question discussed by Neander Kirchengesch. vol. ii. p. 1073, note.) On another occasion, he produced in church an act of accusation against Nestorius, whom he denounced as reviving the heresies of Paul of Samosata. (Leontius, contra Nestorian. et Eutych. iii.) The interest which he took in this controversy probably induced him to alter his profession, and to enter into holy orders. He afterwards became bishop of Dorylaeum, a town in Piirj'gia on the river Thymbrius (a feeder of the Sangarius), not far from the Bithynian fron- tier. In this office he was among the first to de- fend against Eutyches the doctrine of Christ's two- fold nature, as he had already maintained against Nestorius the unity of His person. He first pri- vately admonished Eutyches of his error; but, as he failed in convincing him, he first denounced him at a synod summoned by Flavins, bishop of Con- stantinople, and then proceeded to the council which Theodosius had summoned to meet at Ephe- sus, to declare the Catholic belief on the point mooted by Eutyches. The assembly met A. D. 449 under the presidency of Dioscurus, bishop of Alex- andria, a partizan of Eutyches. It was disgraced by scenes of the greatest violence, which gained for it the title of crvvodos Xijarpiic-^, and besides sanctioning the monophysite doctrine, it decreed the deposition of Eusebius. But Leo the Great, bishop of Rome, interfered and prevailed upon Marcian, the successor of Theodosius, to convene another general council to revise the decrees of this disor- derly assembly. It met at Chalcedon, A. D. 451, and Eusebius presented a petition at it addressed to Marcian and his colleague Valentinian. He was restored to his see, and the doctrine of Euty- ches finally condemned. A Contestatio adversus Nestorium by Eusebius is extant in a Latin trans- lation amongst the works of Marius Mercator, part ii. p. 18. There are also a Likdlus adversus Eutyclieten Synodo Constantinopolitano ohlatzis {Con- di, vol. iv. p. 151), Lihdlus adversus Dioscurum Synodo Chalcedonensi oblatus (ib. p. 380), and Epistola ad Mardanum Imperatorem (ib. p. Qo), (Evagrius, Hist. Eccl. ii. 4 ; Cave, Hist. Lit. vol. i. ; Neander, /. c. and vol. ii. p. 959.) [G. E.L. C] EUSE'BIUS of Emisa, born of a noble family at Edessa in Mesopotamia at the end of the third century. He was a man of considerable learning, having received instructions from Eusebius of Cae- sareia and other teachers of high repute. He went to Alexandria, that he might avoid ordination, and devote himself to philosophy, but afterwards re- moved to Antioch, became intimate with Flaccillus, its bishop, and was ordained. At this time Atha- nasius was deposed from the see of Alexandria, and Eusebius of Nicomedeia, then bishop of Con- stantinople, wished to instal his namesake into the vacant office. He wisely declined the questionable honour, knowing that the Alexandrians were too warmly attached to Athanasius to tolerate any otlier patriarch. He accepted, however, the see of Emisa in Syria (the city from which Elagabalus had been chosen emperor by the soldiers) ; but on proceeding there to take possession, he was driven away by a tumultuous mob, who had heard a re- port of his being a sorcerer, based upon the fact that he was fond of astronomical studies. He fled to Laudiceia, and lived with George, bishop of that place, by whose exertions he was afterwards re- stored to Emisa, He was a great favourite with the emperor Constantius, whom he accompanied