Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/133

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EUSEBIUS. Hist Art. § 5.) We regret in this instance, as in others, that we have not the complete work of Philostorgius, the Arian historian, who, however, in one of his remaining fragments, does not hesitate to attribute miracles to Eusebius. ( Waddington, Chunk Hist. ch. vii.) Athanasius (Orat. ii.) considers him as the teacher rather than the disciple of Ariiis ; and afterwards, when the Arians were divided among themselves into parties, those who maintained the perfect likeness which the substance of the Son bore to that of tlie Father (Homoiousians) against the Consubstantialists, on the one hand, and the pure Arians, or Anomoians, on the other, pleaded the authority of this Euse- bius. The tenets of tins party were sanctioned by the Council of Seleuceia, A. d. 359. (Theodor. I. c. ; Sozom. I. c. ; Socrates, ii. 5 ; Cave, Hist. Lit. vol. i. ; Neander, KirchengescMclUe^ vol. ii. p. 773, &c.; Tillemont, sur les A rie?is, art. 66 ; see also an ency- clical letter from the synod of Egy^jtian bishops to be found in Athan. ApoL c.Ar. § 10.) [G,E. L.C.] EUSE'BIUS, surnamed Scholasticus, a Greek historian who lived about a, d. 400, for he is said to have been an eye-witness of the war of the Ro- mcins against Gainas, king of the Goths. He was a follower of Troilus, and wrote the history of the Gothic war, in hexameter verse, in four books. His work is said to have been very popular at the time, but has not come down to us. (Socrat. //. E. vi. 6 ; Niceph. H. E. xiii. 6.) [L. S.] EUSE'BIUS VERCELLENSIS, an active champion of orthodoxy during the troubles which agitated the church in the middle of the fourth century, was a native of Sardinia, passed his early life as an ecclesiastical reader at Rome, and in a.d. 340 was, by Pope Julius, ordained bishop of Ver- celli, where, although an utter stranger, he in a very brief space acquired the love and respect of all by the simplicity of his life, and by the interest which he manifested in the spiritual welfare of his flock and his clergy. The latter he was wont to assemble in his house and retain for long periods, living with them in common, and stimulating them by his example to acts of devotion and self-denijil. This is said to be the first instance upon record of an attempt to combine the duties of an active priesthood with monastic observances, and is be- lieved to have led the way to the institution of regular canons, and to have suggested many of the principles upon which cathedral _ establishments were fonned and regulated. Eusebius, in a. d. 334, at the request oi Liberius, undertook, in company with Lucifer of Cagliari and the deacon Hilarius, an embassy to Constantius, by whom the persecu- tion of Athanasius had been sanctioned. In con- sequence of their urgent representations the council of Milan was summoned the following year, where Eusebius pleaded the cause of the true faith with so mucA freedom and energy, that the Arian em- peror, we are told, in a transport of rage drew his sword upon the orator, whom he banished on the spot to Scythopolis, a city in the Decapolis of Syria. From thence he was transported into Cap- padocia, and afterward* to the Thebaid, where he remained until restored to liberty by the edict of Julian, published in A. d. 362, pronouncing the recall of the exiled prelates. Repairing to Alexan- dria, in compliance with the request of Athanasius, he was present at the great council (of 362), and his name is appended to the proceedings, being the only signature expressed in Latin characters. From EUSTATHIUS. 119 Alexandria, Eusebius proceeded to Antioch, where he attempted ii vain to heal the dissensions excited by the election of Paulinus ; and after visiting riiany churches in the East, returned at length to his own diocese, where he died, according to St. Jerome, in A. D. 370. We possess three Epistolae of this father. .Ad Constantium Augustum. 2. Ad presbt/teros et plebes Italiae., written on the occasion of his banishment, to which is attached LiheUus facti., a sort of protest against the violent conduct of the Arian bishop Patrophilus, who was in some sort his jailor during his residence at Scythopolis. 3. Ad Gregorium Episc. Hisp.., found among the fragments of Hila- rius (xi. § 5). He executed also a translation of the commentary drawn up by his namesake, Euse- bius of Caesareia, on the Psalms ; and an edition of the Evangelists, from a copy said to be transcribed by his own hand, preserved at Vercelli, was pub- lished at Milan, 4to. 1748, by J. A. Irico. The abovementioned letters are given in the Bild. Pair. Max., Lugdun. 1677, vol. v. p. 1127 ; in the Bibl. Pair, of Galland, vol. v. p. 78, and in all the larger collections of the fathers. (Hieron. de Viris ILL c. 96.) [W. R.] EUSTA'THIUS. (EOo-tcJ^ios.) 1. Bishop of Antioch, was a native of Side, a town in Pam- phjlia, but according to Nicetas Choniates (v. 9), he was descended from a family of Philippi in Ma- cedonia. He was a contemporary of the emperor Constantino the Great, and was at first bishop of Beroea in Syria, but the council of Nicaea appoint- ed him bishop of Antioch. (^Nicet. Chon. y. 6.) At the opening of the council of Nicaea he is said to have been the first who addressed the emperor in a panegyric. (Theodoret, i. 7.) Eustathius was a zealous defender of the Catholic faith, and a bitter enemy of the Arians, who therefore did everything to deprive him of his position and influence. A synod of Arian prelates was convened at Antioch, at which such heavy, though unfounded, charges were brought against him, that he was deposed, and the emperor sent him into exile to Trajanopolis in Thrace, in a. d. 329 or 330. (Socrat. i. 24 ; Sozo- men, ii. 19 ; Theodoret, i, 21 ; Philostorg. ii. 7.) A long time after, his innocence and the calumnies of his enemies became known through a woman who had been bribed to bear false witness against him, and who, on her death-bed, confessed her crime ; but it was too late, for Eustathius had al- ready died in his exile. He is praised by the ec- clesiastical writers as one of the worthiest and holi- est men. (Athanas. Ep. ad Solit. p. 629 ; Sozo- men. ii. 1 9.) Eustathius was the author of several works, but among those which now bear his name, there are two which can scarcely have been his productions, viz., the address which he is said to have delivered to the emperor Constantino at the council of Nicaea, and which is printed with a Latin version in Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. ix. p. 1 32, &c., and secondly, a commentary, or iTroixvrijxa, on the Hex- aemeron, which was edited, with a Latin transla- tion and copious notes, by Leo AUatius, Lugdun. 1629, 4to. This work is not mentioned by any ancient writer, and the only authority for ascribing it to Eustathius, is the MS. used by Allatius, in which it bears his name. But the work itself also contains proofs that it cannot have been written by Eustathius. A work against Origen, entitled Kara 'D,piyivovs Siayuua-TiKds els to T77S iyyaarpofnidov ^eafyqfia, on the other hand, is mentioned by Hie-