Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/136

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122 EUSTATHIUS. TTtpl fiiov (sic) ToD 'Pw/tatov. He supposes that the title ought to be read 'TirofxvTfixa vfpl fiiov E^ffradiou tov 'Pw/JLuiov. In the last-cited passage, the Scholium gives an extract from the Pradica, and mentions Patricius as the author. Eustathius is here to be understood, and not, as Heimbach and Fabricius supposed, the earlier Patricius Heros. The IleTpa, or Practica^ of Eustathius is cited in the Scholia, DasiL vii. p. 516. 676-7. The Practica is a work written not by Eustathius himself, but by some judge or asses- sor of the judgment-seat. It consists of 75 titles, under which are contained extracts from proceed- ings in causes tried at Constantinople, and deter- mined by various judges, especially by Eustathius Romanus. Most of these causes were heard in the Hippodromus, a name of a court paralleled by our English Cockpit. The IleTpa (which appears better to deserve publication than some of those remains of Graeco-Roman Jurisprudence which have been lately given to the world by Heimbach and Zachariae) exists in manuscript in the Medicean Library at Florence (Cod. Laurent. Ixxx. fol. 478, &c.), with the title Bi^Aiou, oirep irapct fxev tivwv ovofxa^fTai Ilerpa, irapa 5e rivwv AiSaaKaXia e/c twv irpd^ecou rod fi€ydov Kvpov EuaTadiov tov 'Poufiaiov. (Za- chariae, Hist. Jur Gr. Rom. Delhi. § 41.) Another unpublished work of Eustathius is his treatise Yl^pX 'Ttto/SoAou, which is in manuscript at Paris. The meaning of the word v-no^oKov has been a subject of much dispute. (Du Cange, Gloss. Med. et Inf. Grace, s. v.) It seems ordinarily to mean that to which the wife is entitled by agree- ment or particular custom upon the death of her husband, over and above the dowry she brought him. 2. To Eustathius Romanus has been falsely ascrib- ed a work concerning prescription and the legal effect of periods of time from a moment to a hun- dred years. This work was published with a Latin version by Schardius (Basil. 1.56 1 ), and immediately afterwards in Greek only by Cujas, along with his own treatise on the same subject. It has since been often reprinted under various names. It may be found in the collection of Leunclavius (ii. p. 297) with the title De Temporum Intervallis, with Scho- lia of Athanasius and others. The last edition is that by Zachariae. (At 'PoTrat, oder die Schnft iihcr die Zeitahschnitte., 8vo. Held. 1836.) The work is commonly attributed to Eustathius, Antecessor Constantinopolitanus. If this inscription be cor- rect, the Professor must have been of earlier date than Eustathins Romanus, for the treatise De Tem- porum Intervallis appears to have been originally compiled in the seventh century. The edition of Schardius gives the work nearly in its original form; Cujas, Leunclaviufe, and Zachariae present us with a second edition of the same work as revised about the eleventh century by some editor, who has added scholia of his own, and introduced references to the Basilica. (Biener,G'6'scA. der Novellen.,^. 124.) Nessel (cited by Sammet. Diss, de Hypoholo in Mcerm. T/ics. Suppl. p. 382) attributes, not to Eus- tathius Romanus, but to the earlier professor Eus- tathius, a synopsis of juridical actions, entitled At dyoryal iv avpd^i/d, which is found appended in ma- nuscript to the Procheiron auclum. (Zachariae, Hist. Jur. Gr. Rom. Delin. § 48 ; Heimbach, de Basil. Orig.^.lU.) 3. An Edict of the Eustathius who was Pr. Pr. Orientis under Anastasius in A. d. 506, is publish- ed by Zachariae (^Anecdota, p. 270). [J. T. G.] EUSTRATIUS. EUSTA'THIUS (EuVrcietos), a Greek physician in the latter half of the fourth century after Christ, to whom two of the letters of St. Basil are addressed. A.D. 373, 374. (vol. iii. Epist. 151, 189, ed. Bened.) In some MSS. he is called by the title " Archiater." The second of these letters is by some persons at- tributed to St. Gregory of Nyssa, and is accord- ingly printed in the third volume of his works, p. 6, &c., ed. Bened. [W. A. G.] EUSTHE'NIUS, CLAU'DIUS, secretary (oft epistolis) to Diocletian, wrote the lives of Diocle- tian, Maximianus Herculius, Galerius and Con- stantius, assigning to each a separate book. ( Vopisc. Carin. 18.) [W. R.] EUSTO'CHIUS (EOo-To'x'os), a Cappadocian sophist of the time of the emperor Constans. He wrote a histoiy of the life of that emperor and a work on the antiquities of Cappadocia and other countries. (Suid. s. «. EvCToxtos; Steph. B3^z. s. v. TiavTiKairaiov.^ [L. S.] EUSTO'CHIUS (E.5<rTox«oy), a physician of Alexandria, who became acquainted with the phi- losopher Plotinus late in life, and attended him in his last illness, A. D. 270. He arranged the works of Plotinus. ( Porphyr. Vita Plot, in Plot. Opera, vol. i. p. 1. li. Ivii. ed. Oxon.) [W. A. G.] EUSTRA'TIUS (EiJo-rpaVtos), a presbyter of the Greek church at Constantinople, is the author of a work on the Condition of tJie Human Soid after Death., which is still extant. Respecting his life and the time at which he lived, nothing is known, except what can be gathered from the work itself. It is directed against those who main- tained that the souls ceased to act and operate as soon as they quitted the human body. Photius {BM. Cod, 171) knew the work, and made some extracts from it, which is a proof that Eustratius must have lived before Photius. Further, as Eus- tratius repeatedly mentions the works of Dionysius Areiopagita, he must have lived after the publication of those works, which appear to have been circu- lated about A. D. 500. It is therefore very proba- ble that Eustratius lived at the time of Eutychius, patriarch of Constantinople, that is, about A. d. 560, as in fact Eustratius himself says in almost as many words. His work was first edited by L. Allatius in his de Occidentalium atque Orientalium perpetua in Dogmate Purgatorii consensione, Rom. 1655, 8vo., pp. 31 9 — 581. The style of Eustratius, as Photius remarks, is clear, though very different from classic Greek, and his arguments are generally sound. (Fabric. Bibl. Grace, vol. x. p. 725 ; Cave, Hist. Lit. vol. i. p. 416.) Some other persons of the name of Eustratius are enumerated by Fabricius. {Bibl. Graec. vol. iii, p. 264, note.) [L. S,] EUSTRA'TIUS (Euo-TpcJrtos), one of the latest commentators on Aristotle, lived about the bo- ginning of the twelfth century after Christ, under the emperor Alexius Comnenus, as metropolitan of Nicaea, According to a hint in the Commentary to the tenth book of the Elhica Nicomachea (if this part of the Commentary is composed by him), he appears to have also lived at Constantinople, and to have written his commentary in this place. (Comp, ad Arist. Eth. Nic. x. 9. § 1 3, p, 472, eil. Zell.) Of his life we know nothing else. Of his writings only two are extant, and these in a very fragmentary state : viz. ] . A Commentary to the second book of the Analytica, published by Aldus Manutius, Venice, 1534, and translated into Latin by A. Grataiolus. (Venice, 1542, 1568, fol.)