Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/143

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EXAENKTUS. EUTY'CHIUS (EJtu'x'os), was originally a monk of the town of Amaseia, whence he was sent by his fellow-citizens to Constantinople, as proxy for their bishop. The great talent he displayed in some theological controversy gained him general admiration, and the emperor in A. d. 553 raised him to the highest dignity in the church at Con- stantinople. In the same 3'ear he accordingly pre- sided at an ecumenical synod, which was held in that city. In a. d. 564, he incurred the anger of the emperor Justinian, by refusing to give his as- sent to a decree respecting the incorruptibility of the body of Christ previous to his resurrection, and was expelled from his see in consequence. He was at first confined in a monastery, then trans- ported to an island, Princepo, and at last to his original convent at Amaseia. In 578, the em- peror Tiberius restored him to his see, which he henceforth retained until his death in 585, at the age of 73. There is extant by him a letter addressed to pope Vigilius, on the occasion of his elevation in a. d. 553. It is printed in Greek and Latin among the Ada Synodi quintae, Concil. vol, v, p. 425, &c. He also wrote some other treat- ises, which, however, are lost. (Evagr. iv. 38 ; Gregor. Moral, xiv. 29 ; Cave, Hid. Lit. vol. i. p.4i3, &c.) [L.S.] EUXE'NIDAE (Ev^evidai), a noble family among the Aeginetans, celebrated by Pindar in his ode {Nem. vii.) in honour of one of its members, Sogenes, who was victorious in the boys' pentathlon in the 54th Nemead (according to Hermann's emen- dation of the Scholia), that is, in B. c. 46f. The poet also mentions the victor's father, Thearion, with whom he seems to have been intimate. The ode contains some considerable difficulties, and has been very differently explained by Bcickh, Dissen, and Hermann. ( Pindar, /. c. ; Schol., and Bockh and Dissen 's notes ; Hermann, de Sogeids Aegine- iae Victoria quinquertii Dissertation Lips. 1822, Opuscula, vol. iii. p. 22.) [P. S.] EUXE'NIDAS, a painter, who instructed the celebrated Aristeides, of Thebes He flourished about the 95th or 100th Olympiad, B.c. 400 or 380. (Plin. //. A^. xxxv. 10. s. 3G. § 7.) [P. S.] EUXE'NIDES. [EvETEs.] EU'XENUS {Y.^i^vos.) 1. Is mentioned by Dionysius of Halicarnassus (i. 34) as a irotrjr?)? o/JxaTos, who wrote upon early Italian traditions. As he is not mentioned anywhere else, and as it is strange to find an ancient Greek writing upon Italian mythi, some critics have proposed to read "Evvios, instead of Eu'levoy ; but Ennius can scarcely be classed among the mythographers. 2. Of Heracleia, was the instructor of Apollonius of Tyana in Pythagorean philosophy, of which he is said to have possessed a very competent know- ledge. (Pliilostr. Vit. ApolL i. 7.) [L. S.] EUXI'THEUS (Euitdeos), a Pythagorean phi- losopher, from whom Athenaeus (iv. p. 157) quotes the opinion that the souls of all men were confined by the gods to their bodies and to this world as a punishment, and that unless they remained there for the period appointed by the deity, they would be doomed to still greater sufferings. [L. S.] EXA'DIUS ('E|o5ios), one of the Lapithae, who distinguished himself in the contest at the nuptials of Peirithous. (Hes. Scut. Here. 180 ; Ov. Met. xii. 266, &c.) [L. S.] EXAE'NETUS ('E|atVeTos), of Agrigentum, gained victories in the foot race at Olympia, in B.C. EZEKIELUS. 129 416 (01. 91) and b. c. 412 (01. 92.) On Ms re- turn from Olympia, Exaenetus was escorted into the city by a magnificent procession of 300 char riots, each drawn by two white horses. (Diod. xiii. 34, 82 ; Aelian, V. H. ii. 8.) [L. S.] EXEDARES. [Arsacidab, p. 363, a.] EXI'TIUS, quaestor in b. c. 43, and one of Antony's supporters, is called by Cicero {Philipp. xiii. 13) the f rater (probably the cousin-german) of Philadelphus, by which name he means to indicate C. Annius Cimber. [Comp. Cimber, Annius.] EXSUPERA'NTIUS, JU'LIUS, a Roman historian, with regard to whom we possess no in- formation, but who, from the character of his style, is believed to have flourished in the fifth or sixth century. Under his name we have a short tract, entitled De Marii, Lcpidi^ ac SeHorii bellis civi/ibus, which many suppose to have been abridged from the Histories of Sallust. It will be found appended to the editions of Sallust by Wasse, Cantab. 4to. 1710 ; by Corte, Lips. 4to. 1724 ; by Havercamp, Amstel. 4to. 1742; and by Gerlach, Basil. 4to. 1823. (Mol- lerus, Disp. de Julio Exsuperantio. Allorf. 4to. 1690.) [W. R.] EX SUPER ATO'RIUS, one of the twelve titles assumed by the Emperor Commodus, who ordained that the month of December should be distinguished by this name. [Commodus.] (Dion Cass. Ixxii. 1 5 ; Zonar. xii. 5 ; Lamprid. Commod. 11 ; Aurel. Vict, de Caes. xvii.; Eutrop. viii. 7; Suidas, s. v. KoVoSos.) [W. R.] EXSUPE'RIUS, descended from a family of Bordeaux, was professor of rhetoric first at Tou- louse, and subsequently at Narbonne, where he became the preceptor of Flavius Julius Delmatius, and of his brother Hannibalianus, who, after their elevation, procured for their instructor the dignity of Praeses Hispaniae. Having acquired great wealth, he retired to pass the remainder of his life in tranquillity at Cahors (Cadurca). He is known to us only from a complimentary address by Auso- nius, who calls upon him to return and shed a lustre upon the city of his ancestors. (Auson. Prof, xvii.) [W. R.] EZEKIE'LUS ('Efe/fiTjAos), the author of a work in Greek entitled t^ayuy-^, which is usually called a tragedy, but which seems rather to have been a metrical history, in the dramatic form, and in iambic verse, written in imitation of the Greek tragedies. The subject was the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. The author appears to have been a Jew, and to have lived at the court of the Ptolemies, at Alexandria, about the second century B. c. Considerable fragments of the work are preserved by Eusebius {Fraep. Evang. ix. 28, 29), Clemens Alexandrinus {Strom, i. p. 344, fol.), and Eustathius {ad Hexa'cm. p. 25). These frag- ments were first collected, and printed with a Latin version, by Morell, Par. 1580 and 1590, 8vo., and were reprinted in the Poetae Christ. Graec, Par. 1 609, 8vo., in Lectius's Coipus Poet. Grace. Trag. et Com.., Col. Allobr. 1614, fol., in Bignius's Collect. Poet. Christ, appended to the Biblioth. Pair. Graec, Par. 1624, fol., in the 14th volume of the Bild. Pair. Graec, Par. 1644 — 1654, fol,, and in a separate form, with a German translation and notes, by L, M. Philippson, Berlin, 1830, 8vo. (Fabric, BiU. Graec vol, ii. pp. 505-6 ; Welcker, die Griech. Tragod. p. 1270.) | P, S.] K