Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/159

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FENESTELLA. point so indisputably, that we are surprised that such an error should have escaped the keen eyes of Erasmus and other great scholars. Since that time a vast number of editions have been pub- lished, a full account of vi^hich will be found in Funccius, Schonemann, and Bahr. For general purposes, that of Jac. Gronovius (8vo. Lug. Bat. 1707) forming one of the series of Variorum Classics ; that of Lindner (8vo. Longosal. 1760) reprinted, with a preface by Emesti (ibid. 1773) : and that of Muralto, with a preface, by Orelli (8vo. Turic. 1836), will be found the most useful. The German translations by J. G. Russwurm (4to. Hamb. 1824), and by J. H. B. Lubkert (8vo. Leip. 1836), may be consulted with advantage. In illustration, we may read the essa}' of Bal- duinus, which is appended to the edition of Gro- novius ; J. D. Van Hoven, Ephttola ad Gerh. Meermann, 4to. Camp. 1766, reprinted in Lind- ner's edition of 1773; H. M-einv, Comment, de Minucio Felice (8vo. Turic. 1824) ; and the re- marks prefixed to the translation of Russwurm. (Hieronym. de Viris III. 58, Ep. ad Magnum, Apolog. ad Pammach., Epitaph. Nepot. ; Lactant, Div. Instit. i. 9, v. 1 . ; Dupin, Bihl. Eccles. vol. i. p. 117; Funccius, de L. L. Vegeta Senectute, x. § 10 — 16 ; Le Nourry, Apparat. ad Bibl. Pair. vol. ii. diss. i. ; Schriick, Kircliengesclit. vol. iii. p. 417; Schone- mann, Bihl. Pair. Lai. iii. § 2 ; Bahr, Ge&cli. der Romisch. Liu. Suppl. Band ii. Abtheil. § 18 — 21.) [W. R.] FELIX, SEXTI'LIUS, was stationed, a.d. 70, on the frontiers of Raetia by Antonius Primus to watch the movements of Porcius Septiminus, pro- curator of that province under Vitellius. Felix remained in Raetia until the following year, when he assisted in quelling an insurrection of the Tre- viri. (Tac. Hist. iii. 5, iv. 70.) [W. B. D.] FENESTELLA, a Roman historian, of con- siderable celebrity, who flourished during the reign of Augustus, and" died, according to the Eusebian Chronicle, a.d. 21, in the 70th j'ear of his age. His great work, entitled u4?2«aZes, frequently quoted by Asconius, Pliny, A. Gellius, and others, ex- tended to at least twenty-two books, as appears from a reference in Nonius, and seems to have contained very nrinute, but not always perfectly accurate, information with regard to the internal aifairs of the city. The few fragments preserved relate almost exclusively to events subsequent to the Carthaginian wars ; but whether the narrative reached from the foundation of Rome to the down- fall of the republic, or comprehended only a portion of that space, we have no means of determining. We are certain, however, that it embraced the greater part of Cicero's career. In addition to the Annales., we find a citation in Diomedes from " Fenestellam in libro Epitomaruvi secundo," of which no other record remains : and St. Jerome speaks of Carmina as well as histories ; but the Archaica, ascribed in some editions of Fulgentius to Fenestella, must belong, if such a work ever existed, to some writer of a much later epoch. A treatise, De Sacerdoiiis et Magistratihus Romanorum Libri II., published at Vienna in 1510, under the name of Fenestella, and often re- printed, is, in reality, the production of a certain Andrea Domenico Fiocchi, a Florentine jurist of the fourteenth century. ( Plin. H. N. viii. 7, ix. 17, 35, XV. 1, XXX. 11 ; Senec. Epist. 108 ; Suet. nt, Terent. ; Gell. xv. 28; Lactant. de Falsa ltd. VOL. II. FEROX. 145 i. 6; Hreron. in Euseb. Citron. 01. cxcix ; Diomedes, p. 361. ed. Putsch ; Non. Marcell. ii. s.v. Prae- sente,m. s.v. Reticulum, . s. v. Rumor ; Madig. de A scon. Ped. &c. p. 64.) [W. R.] FE'NIUS RUFUS. [Rufus.] FERE'TRIUS, a surname of Jupiter, which is probably derived hamferire, to strike ; for persons who took an oath called upon Jupiter, if they swore falselj", to strike them as they struck the victim they sacrificed to him. ( Fest. s. v. Lapidem Silicem.) Others derived it itomferre, because he was the giver of peace, or because people dedicated (ferebant) to him spolia opima. (Fest. s. v. Fere- trius ; Liv. i. 10; Propert. iv. 10. 46 ; comp. Jupiter.) [L. S.] FERO'NIA, an ancient Italian divinity, who originally belonged to the Sabines and Faliscans, and was introduced by them .among the Romans. Greek writers, as usual, describe her as of Greek origin. Dionysius (ii. 49) thus relates, that the Lacedaemonians who emigrated at the time of Lycurgus, after long wanderings {^epoixevoi) , at length landed in Italy, where they founded a town Feronia, and built a temple to the goddess Fero- nia. But, however this may be, it is extremely difficult to form a definite notion of the nature of this goddess. Some consider her to have been the goddess of liberty, because at Terracina slaves were emancipated in her temple (Serv. ad Aen. viii. 465), and because on one occasion the freed- men at Rome collected a sum of money for the purpose of offering it to her as a donation. (Liv. xxii. 1.) Others look upon her as the goddess of commerce and traffic, because these things were carried on to a great extent during the festival which was celebiiated in honour of her in the town of Feronia, at the foot of mount Soracte. But commerce was carried on at all festivals at which many people met, and must be looked upon as a natural result of such meetings rather than as their cause. (Dionys. iii. 32 ; Strab. v. p. 226 ; Liv. xxvi. 11, xxvii. 4 ; Sil. Ital. xiii. 84.) (Others again regard her as a goddess of the earth or the lower world, and as akin to Mania and Tellus, partly because she is said to have given to her son three souls, so that Evander had to kill him thrice before he was dead (Virg. Aen. iii. 564), and partly on account of her connection with Soranus, whose worship strongly resembled that of Feronia. [Soranus,] Besides the sanctuaries at Terracina and near mount Soracte, she had others at Trebula, in the country of the Sabines, and at Luna in Etruria. (Comp. Serv. ad Aen. xi. 785 ; Varro, de L. L. V. 74 ; Muller, die Etrusker,oL i. p. 302, vol. ii. p. 65, &c.) [L. S.] FEROX, JU'LIUS. [Ferox, Urseius.] FEROX, URSEIUS, a Roman jurist, who pro- bably flourished between the time of Tiberius and Vespasian, and ought not to be confounded (as Panziroli has done, De cUu-is hderpr. Juris. 38) with the Julius Ferox who vas consul, A. D. 100, in the reign of Trajan (Plin. Ep. ii. 11, vii. 13), and who is mentioned in an ancient inscription (Gruter, vol. i. p. 349) as cin-ator alvei et riparum Tiberis et cloacarum. The jurist Ferox was certainly anterior to the jurist Julianus, who, according to the Florentine Index to the Digest, wrote four books upon Urseius. In the CoUatio Legum. Mo- saicarum et Romanarum (xi. 7), inserted in the collections of Antejustinian law, is an extract from Ulpian, citing a tenth book of Urseius ; but what