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EBURNUS, an agnomen of Q. Fabius Maximus, who was consul in b. c. 116. [Maximus.]

ECDE′MUS. [Demophanes.]

E′CDICUS (Ἕκδικος), a Lacedaemonian, was Bent out with eight ships, in b. c. 391, to put down the democratic party in Rhodes. On his arrival however at Cnidus, he found that the forces of his opponents doubled his own, and he was therefore obliged to remain inactive. The Lacedaemonians, when they heard that he was not in a condition to effect anything, sent Teleutias with a larger armament to supersede him. (Xen. Hdl. iv. 8. §§ 20 — 23 ; comp. Diod. xiv. 79, 97.) [E. E.]

ECEBO'LIUS ('E/cTjgjAioy), a sophist of Con- stantinople, who in the reign of Constantine the Great pretended to be a Christian, but afterwards, in the time of the emperor Julian, conducted him- self as a zealous pagan. (Suid. s. v. ; Socrat. H. E. iii. 13.) [L. S.]

ECECHEI'RIA ('E/fexetpia), that is, the ar- mistice or truce, which was personified and repre- sented as a divine being at the entrance of the tem- ple of Zeus at Olympia ; there was a statue of Iphi- tus, which Ececheiria was in the act of crowning. (Paus. v. 10. §3,26. §2.) [L. S.]

ECHECLLUS ("lExeKAos), a son of Agenor, who was slain by Achilles. (Hom. II. xx. 473 ; Paus, x. 27.) A Trojan of the same name occurs in the Iliad, (xvi. 692.) [L. S.]

'ECHE'CRATES ('Exfcparrj?). L A Thessa- lian, was one of those whom the ministers of Pto- lemy Philopator, when they were preparing for war with Antiochus the Great in b. c. 219, em- ployed in the levying of troops and their arrange- ment into separate companies. He was entrusted with the command of the Greek forces in Ptolemy's pay, and of all the mercenary cavalry, and did good service in the war, especially at the battle of Raphia in b. c. 217. (Polyb. v. 63, 65, 82, 85.) . Son of Demetrius of Cyrene by Olympias of Larissa, and brother of Antigonus Doson. He had a son named Antigonus after his uncle. (Li v. xl. 54; see vol. i. pp. 187, 189, b.) [E. E.]

ECHE'CRATES ('ExeKpdxTjs), the name of three Pythagorean philosophers, mentioned by lamblichus. {Vit. Pyth. ad fin.) . A Locrian, one of those to whom Pluto is said to have gone for instruction. (Cic. de Fin. v. 29.) The name Caetus in Valerius Maximus (viii. 7, Ext. 3) is perhaps an erroneous reading for Echecrates. . A Tarentine, probably the same who is men- tioned in Plat. Ep. 9. . Of Phlius, was contemporary with Aristox- enus the Peripatetic. (Diog. Laert. viii. 46; comp. GelL ir. 1 1 ; Fabric. BU>1. Graec. i. p. 861.) [E.E.] ECHECRA'TIDES ('Ex€k^ot(5t)j), a Peripa- tetic philosopher, who is mentioned among the disciples of Aristotle.- He is spoken of only by Stephanus of Byzantium (s. v. Mi'idvfiua)^ from whom we loam that he was a native of Methymna in Lesbos. Several other persons of this name, concerning whom nothing is known beyond what is contained in the passages where they occur, are mentioned by Thucydides (i. Ill), Pausanias (x. 16. § 4), Aelian ( V. II. i. 25), Lucian (Timon, 7), and by Anyte in the Greek Anthology, (vi. 123.) [L. S.]

ECHEDE'MUS [Echemus.]

ECHEDE'MUS ('Ex^Stjuos), the chief of the Athenian embassy which was sent, in b. c. 190, to meet Publius and Lucius Scipio at Amphissa, and to obtain peace for the Aetolians. When the con- sul Lucius refused to recede from the hard terms which had been already proposed by the senate, the Aetolians, by the advice of Echedemus, applied for and obtained a truce of six months, that they might again send ambassadors on the subject to Rome. (Polyb. xxi. 2. 3; Li v. xxxvii. 6, 7.) [E. E.J

ECHE'MBROTUS ('ExeVepoTos), an Arcadian flute- player (avXcfiSos), who gained a prize in the Pythian games about 01. 48. 3 (b. c. 586), and dedicated a tripod to the Theban Heracles, with an inscription which is preserved in Pausanias (x. 7. § 3), and from which we learn that he won the prize by his melic poems and elegies, which were sung to the accompaniment of the flute. [L. S.]

ECHE'MENES ( 'ExcMei'^s), is mentioned by Athenaeus (xiii. p. 601) as the author of KpTjTt/ca, from which a statement relating to the mythical history of Crete is there quoted. Vossius {de Hist, Graec. p. 436, ed. Westerm.) proposes to read in Fulgentius (Mythol. i. 14), Echemenes for Euxe- menes, who is there spoken of as the author of MvQoXoyovfJifva, of which the first book is quoted. But this conjecture is without support. [L. S.]

E′CHEMON (Ἑχέμων), a son of Priam, who was killed, with his brother Chromius, by Diomedes. (Hom. //. v. 160 ; Apollod. iii. 12. § 5.) [L. S.]

E′CHEMUS (Ἕχεμος), a son of Aeropus and grandson of Cepheus, succeeded Lycurgus as king of Arcadia. (Paus. viii. 4. § 7.) He was married to Timandra, a daughter of Tyndareus and Leda. (Apollod. iii. 10. § 6.) In his reign the Dorians invaded Peloponnesus, and Echemus succeeded in slaying, in single combat, Hyllus, the son of Hera- cles. (Paus. viii. 5. § 1, 45. § 2 ; Schol. ad Pitid, Ol. x. 79.) The fight was believed to have oc- curred on the frontier, between Corinth and Me- gara, and in the latter place Hyllus was buried. (Paus. i. 41. (S 3, 44. § 14.) After the fall of Hyl- lus the Heracieidae were obliged to promise not to repeat their attempts upon Peloponnesus within the next fifty or hundred years, and the Tegeatana were honoured with the privilege of commanding one wing of the Peloponnesian army, whenever the inhabitants of the peninsula undertook an expedi- tion against a foreign enemy. (Herod, ix. 26 ; Diod. iv. 58.) The fight of Echemus and Hyllus was represented on the tomb of Echemus at Tegea. (Paus. viii. 53. § 5.) According to Stephanus of Byzantium {s.v. 'E/caS^Jjueia) Echemus accompanied the Dioscuri in their expedition to Attica, whereas Plutarch {Thes. 32) calls the Arcadian companions of the Dioscuri Echedemus and Marathus. [L.S.J

ECHENE'US {'Exivnos), the eldest among the nobles of Alcinous in the island of the Phaeacians. (Horn. Od. vii. 155, xi. 341.) [L. S.J

ECHEPHRON (Ἐχέφρων). 1. A son of Heracles and Psophis, the daughter of Xanthus or Eryx. He was twin-brother of Promachus, and both had a heroum at Psophis. (Paus. viii. 24. §§ 1, 3.)

2. A son of Nestor by Eurydice or Anaxibia. (Hom. Od. iii. 413 ; Apollod. i. 9. § 9.) A third Echephron is mentioned in Apllodorus. (iii. 12. § 5.) [L. S.]

ECHEPHY'LLIDES {'Ex^ipvWiSrts), a gram- marian or historian, who is mentioned by Stephanus of Byzantium (s. v. l,<paKTr]pia), and by the Scho- liast on Plato's Phaedon (p. 389). [L. S.J

ECHEPO'LUS ('ExeVwAos). The Homeric