Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/231

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GALENUS. inoness. 144. Dc Suhfi.<iundio7ie Emjnrica (vol. ii. ed. Chart.). 145. Tlepl 'Eflwj', De Consuetudiiiibus (vol. vi. ed. Chart.) ; of doubtful genuineness. 146. Hepl ^iKo(TQ(pov 'Itrropias, De Hvdoria Plii- losophica (vol. xix.). This is Plutarch's work De PUlosopIiorum Decretis^ with a few trifling altera- tions. 147. "Opoi 'larpiKol, Definitiones Medicae (vol. xix.); of doubtful genuineness. 148. De Partibus Artis Medicae (vol. ii. ed. Chart.); of doubtful genuineness. 149. "Ort ai I1oi6tt]t€S 'A(Toii.iaToi, Quod Qualitates Incorporeae sint (vol. xix.) ; spurious. No one has ever set before the medical profession a higher standard of perfection than Galen, and few, if any, have more nearly approached it in their own person. He evidently appears from his works to have been a most accomplished and learned man, and one of his short essays (§ 107.) is written to inculcate the necessity of a physician's being acquainted with other branches of knowledge besides merely medicine. Of his numerous philoso- phical writings the greater part are lost ; but liis ce- lebrity in logic and metaphysics appears to have been great among the ancients, as he is mentioned in company with Plato and Aristotle by his con- teniporary, Alexander Aphrodisiensis. {Comment, in Aristot. " Tbpzm," viii. 1. p. 262, ed. Venet. 1513.) Alexander is said by the Arabic historians to have been personally acquainted with Galen, and to have nicknamed him Mule's Head, on account of " the strength of his head in argument and disputation." (Casiri, Bihlioth. Arabico-Hisp. Escur. vol. i. p. 243 ; Abu-1-Faraj, Ilist. Dynast, p. 78.) Galen had profoundly studied the logic of the Stoics and of Aristotle : he wrote a Commentary on the whole of the Organ on (except perhaps the Topica), and his other works on Logic amounted to about thirty, of which only one short essay remains, viz. De So- phismatibus penes Dictionem, whose genuineness has been considered doubtful. His logical works ap- pear to have been well known to the Arabic authors, and to have been translated into that lan- guage ; and it is from Averroes that we learn that the fourth figure of a syllogism Avas ascribed to Galen ( Eocpos. in PorpJiyr. " Introd.^ vol. i. p. 56, verso, and p. 63, verso, ed. Venet. 1552); a tra- dition which is found in no Greek writer, but which, in the absence of any contradictory tes- timony, has been generally followed, and has caused the figure to be called by his name. It is, however, rejected by Averroes, as less natural than the others ; and M. Saint Hilaire (De la Lo(/iq?ie <rAristote) considers that it may possibly have been Galen who gave to this form the name of the fourth figure, but that, considered as an annex to the first (of which it is merely a clumsy and in- verted form), it had long been known in the Peri- patetic School, and was probably received from Aristotle himself. In Philosophy, as in Medicine, he does not ap- pear to have addicted himself to any particular school, but to have studied the doctrines of each ; though neither is he to be called an eclectic in the same sense as were Plotinus, Porphyry, lambli- chus, and others. He was most attached to the Peripatetic School, to which he often accommo- dates the maxims of the Old Academy. He was far removed from the Neo-Platonists, and with the followers of the New Academy, the Stoics, and the Epicureans he carried on frequent controversies. He did not agree with those advocates of universal GALERIANUS. 217 scepticism who asserted that no such thing as cer- tainty could be attained in any science, but was content to suspend his judgment on those matters which were not capable of observation, as, for in- stance, the nature of the human soul, respecting which he confessed he was still in doubt, and had not even been able to attain to a probable opinion. {De Foet. Form. vol. iv. p. 700.) The fullest ac- count of Galen's philosophical opinions is given by Kurt Sprengel in his Beitrage zur Gcschichte der Medicin, who thinks he has not hitherto been placed in the rank he deserves to hold : and to this the reader is referred for further particulars. A list of the fragments, short spurious works, and lost and unpublished writings of Galen, are given in Klihn's edition. Respecting Galen's personal history, see Phil. Labbei, Elogium Chronoloyicum Galeni; and, Vita Galeni ex propriis Operibus collecta, Paris, 1 660, 8vo. ; Ren. Chartier's Life, prefixed to his edition of Galen ; Dan. Le Clerc, Hist, de la Medeci?ie ; J. A. Fabricii Biblioth. Graeca. In the new edition the article was revised and rewritten by J. C. G. Ackermann ; and this, with some additions by the editor, is prefixed by Kuhn to his edition of Galen. Kurt Sprengel, Geschichte der Arzney- kunde, translated into French by Jourdan. His writings and opinions are discussed by Jac. Briicker, in his Hist. Grit. Pldlosopli. ; Alb. von Haller, in his Biblioth. Botan., Biblioth. Chi- rurg., and Biblioth. Medic. Prad. ; Le Clerc and Sprengel, in their Histories of Medicine ; Spren- gel, in his Beitrage zur Geschichte der Medicin. Some of the most useful works for those who are studying Galen's own writings, are, — Andr. La- cunae Epitome Galeni, Basil. 1551, fol., and several times reprinted. ; Ant. Musa Brassavoli I?ide,v in Opera Galeni, forming one of the volumes of the Juntine editions of Galen (a most valu- able work, though unnecessarily prolix) ; Conr. Gesneri Prolegomena to Froben's third edition of Galen's works. The Commentaries on separate works, or on different classes of his works, are too numerous to be here mentioned. The most complete biblio- graphical information respecting Galen will be found in Haller's Bibliothecae, Ackermann's Historia Literaria, and Choulant's Handb. der Bucherhunde fur die Aeltere Medicin, and his Biblioth. Medico- Historica. Some other physicians that are said to have borne the name of Galen, and who are mentioned by Fabricius {Biblioth. Graec. vol. xiii. p. 166, ed. vet.), seem to be of doubtful authority. [W. A. G.J GALEOTAE. [Galeus.] GALE'RIA FUNDA'NA, the second wife of the emperor Vitelli us, by whom he had a daughter and a son, Germanicus, who was almost deaf, and was afterwards killed by Mucianus. The father of Galeria Fundana had been praetor. She appears to have been a woman of a mild and gentle cha- racter, for she protected Trachalus, with her hus- band, against those who had denounced him, and she felt very deeply and keenly the brutal de- gradation and cruelty of which Vitellius wasguiltv. (Tac. Hist. ii. bd, 60, 64, iii. QQ, iv. 80 ; Sue't. Vit. 6 ; Dion Cass. Ixv. 4.) [L. S.] GALE'RIA VALE'RIA. [Maximianus.] GALERIA'NUS, CALPUR'NIUS, was a son of C. Piso, who perished immediately after his adop- tion to the empire by Galba, in a.d. 69. Galerianus