Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/253

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GEMINUS. who had to superintend the public vcctigalia and to prosecute those who had before managed them badly. In the reign of Galba he was praefect of the citv. (Tac. A7m. xv. 18, Hist. i. 14.) [L. S.] GF/MINUS, FU'FIUS. In b.c. 35, when Octavianus, after subduing the Pannonians, retired to Rome, he left Futius Gerainus, with a part of his army, behind in Pannonia. Soon after the de- parture of Octavianus, the Pannonians rose again ; but Geminus succeeded in compelling them, by several battles, to remain quiet, although he had at first been driTen by them from the town of Siscia. (Dion Cass. xlix. 36.) He seems to be the same person as the one whom Floras (iv. 12. § 8) calls Vibiiis. Whether he stood in any relation to C. Fufius Geminus, who was consul in A. d. 29, is unknown. (Tac. Ann. v. 1.) [L. S.] GE'MINUS, L. RUBE'LLIUS, consul in A. D. 29, with C. Fufius Geminus. (Tac. Ann. V. 1.) [L. S.] GE'MINUS, SERVI'LIUS. 1. P. Servilius, Q. F. Cn, n. Geminus, was consul in b. c. 252, with C. Aurelius Cotta. Both consuls carried on the war in Sicily against the Carthaginians, and some towns were taken by them. Himera was among the number ; but its inhabitants had been carried off by the Carthaginians. In B. c. 248 he was consul a second time, with his former colleague, and besieged Lilybaeum and Drepana, while Car- thalo endeavoured to make a diversion by a descent upon the coast of Italy. (Zonar. viii. 14, 16.) 2. Cn. Servilius, P. f. Q. n. Geminus, a son of No. 1, was consul in B. c. 217, with C. Flami- nius. He entered his office on the ides of March, and had Gaul for his province. He afterwards gave up his anny to the dictator, Q. Fabius, and while his colleague fought the unfortunate battle of lake Trasimenus, Cn. Servilius sailed with a fleet of 120 ships round the coasts of Sardinia and Corsica in chase of the Carthaginians ; and having received hostages everywhere, he crossed over into Africa. On his voyage thither he ravaged the island of Meninx, and spared Cercina only on the receipt of ten talents from its inhabitants. After he had landed with his troops in Africa, they in- dulged in the same system of plunder ; but being careless and unacquainted with the localities, they were taken by surprise and put to flight by the inhabitants. About one thousand of them were killed, the rest sailed to Sicily, and the fleet being there entrusted to P. Sura, who was ordered to take it back to Rome, Cn. Servilius himself tra- velled on foot through Sicily ; and being called back by the dictator, Q. Fabius Maxiraus, he crossed the straits, and went to Italy. About the autumn he undertook the command of the army of Minu- cius, and, in conjunction with his colleague M. Atiiius Regains, lie carried on the war against Hannibal, though he carefully avoided entering into any decisive engagement. His imperium was prolonged for the year 216 ; and before the battle of Cannae he was the only one who agreed with the consul L. Aemilius PauUus in the opinion that a battle should not be ventured upon. However, the battle was fought, and Cn. Servilius himself was found among the dead. (Liv. xxi. 57, xxii. 1, 31, 32, 43, 49 ; Polyb. iii. 75, 77, 88, 96, 106, 114, 116 ; Appian, Annib. 8, 12, 16, 18, 19, 22 —24 ; Cic. Tusc. i. 37.) 3. M. Servilius, C. f. P. n. Palex Ge- minus, was elected augur in b.c. 211, in the GEMISTUS. 239 place of Spurius Carvilius, who had died ; and in B. c. 203 he was curule aedile, and, conjointly with his colleague, he dedicated a golden quadriga on the Capitol. In the year same he was magis- ter equitum to the dictator, P. Sulpicius Galba, with whom he travelled through Italy, to ex- amine the causes which had led several towns to revolt against Rome. In b. c. 202 he was consul with Tib. Claudius Nero, and obtained Etruria for his province, which he occupied with his two legions, and in which his imperium was prolonged for the year following. In b. c. 200 he was one of the ten commissioners to distribute land in Saraniuni and Appulia among the veterans pf Scipio. In B.C. 197 he was one of the triumvirs appointed for a period of three years, to establish a series of colonies on the western coast of Italy. In b. c. 167, during the disputes as to whether a triumph was to be granted to Aemilius PauUus, the con- queror of Macedonia, M. Servilius addressed the people in favour of Aemilius Paullus. (Liv. xxvi. 23, xxix. 38, xxx. 24, 26, 27, 41, xxxi. 4, xxxii 29, xxxiv. 45, xlv. 36, &c.) 4. M. Servilius Geminus was consul in A. d. 3, with L. Aelius Lamia (Val. Max. i. 8. § 11) ; but it must be observed that his cognomen, though mentioned by Valerius Maximus, does not occur in the Fasti. [L. S.] GE'MINUS, TANU'SIUS, a Roman historian who seems to have lived about the time of Cicero. The exact nature of his work is uncertain, although we know that in it he spoke of the time of Sulla. (Suet. Cues. 9.) Plutarch (Cues. 22) mentions an historian whom he calls ravvaios, and whom Vos- sius {de Hist.Lat. i. 12) considers to be the- same as our Tanusius. Seneca {Epist. 93) speaks of one Tamusius as the author of annals ; and it is not improbable that this is merely a slight mistake in the name, for Tanusius ; and if this be so, Tanusius Geminus wrote annals of his own time, which are lost with the exception of a fragment quoted by Suetonius. [L. S.] GE'MINUS, TU'LLIUS, a poet of the Greek Anthology. There are ten epigrams in the An- thology under the name of Geminus (Brunck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 279 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. ii. p. 254), of which the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and tenth are inscribed, in the Vatican MS. simply Fe/iiVou, and the eighth Vaifxivov : the first is in- scribed, in the Planudean Anthology, TuWiov Fefxivov, and the seventh has the same heading in the Vatican MS : the 9th is inscribed, in the Pla- nudean, TvWiou Te/xivov, and, in the Vatican, TvWiov 2,a6T^uov (i. e. Sabini). It is doubtful whether the Tullius, whose epigrams were in- cluded in the collection of Philip, was Tullius Ge- minus or Tullius Laurea. Most of the epigrams of Geminus are descriptions of works of art. They are written in a very aflfected manner. (Jacobs, Anih. Graec. vol. xiii. p. 897 ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. voL iv. p. 498.) [P. S.] GE'MINUS, VETU'RIUS. [Cicurinus.] GEMISTUS, GEO'RGIUS (r^dpyios 6 refxi- (ttJs), or GEO'RGIUS PLETHO (o UT^dwv), one of the later and most celebrated Byzantine writers, lived in the latter part of the fourteenth and in the beginning of the fifteenth century. He was probably a native of Constantinople, but passed most of his life in the Peloponnesus. In 1426 he held a high office, under the emperor Manuel Pa- Laeologus. He was called TejUicrTos, or nATjOwj/, ou