Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/271

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GEPTIYRAET. and with the rest of Aristotle's works at Basel, 1538. 18. Opus iiisiyne Beaii Futris Cyriili Patriarchae Aleorandriae in Evangclium Joannis, fol. Paris, 1508. Of the twelve books of which this work consists George transhited the first four and the last four ; the remainder were trans- lated by Jodocus Clichtoveus, who edited the work. 1 9. Joannis Chrysostomi de Laudibus et Eoccellentia iSandi Pauli Homiliae quatuor per Georg. Trape- zuritmm e Graeco traductae, fol. Leipzig, 1510. 20. Praeclarum Opus Cyriili Alex, qui Thesaurus nuncupatur^ fol. Paris, 1513. This version of the work of Cyril on the Trinity has been often re- printed. 21. Almagesti Ptoleinaei Libri XIII., fol. Venice, 1515. 22. Sti Gregorii Nysseni De Vitae Perfectione, sive Vita Moysis^ 4to. Vienna, 1517- 23. Sti Basilii Mayni adversus Apiologiavi Eunomii Antirrheticus, Libri V. The version of the third book was printed with ieActa Concilii Florentini, and other pieces, fol. Rome, 1526 ; and the whole version has been printed in some Latin and Graeco- liatin editions of the works of Basil. 24. Histo- ria Sanctorum Barlaam et JosapJiat, subjoined to the works of Joannes Daraascenus, fol. Basel, 1 548. So wretchedly is this version executed, that doubts have been cast upon its authorship. The reputa- tion of George as a translator is, however, very low. Beside the errors which resulted from haste, he appears to have been very unfaithful, adding to his author, or cutting out, or perverting passages almost at will. Among his unpublished translations are several of Aristotle's works, including the Probleiiiata, Physica^ De Anima, De Aniinalibus^ De Genera- tione et Corruplione ; also the De Legibus and the Parmenides of Plato. His version of Plato's work, De Legibus., was severely criticised by Bessarion in his Adversus Calumniatorem Platofiis ; and his version of Aristotle's De Animalibus is said to have been used by Theodore Gaza, though without ac- knowledgment, in the preparation of his own ver- sion. (Boissard, Icones Viror. Illustr., pars i. p. 133, &c. ; Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. ii., Appe?idix, by Gery and Wharton, p. 149; Hody, De Graecis Illustribus Linguae Gnmcae., ^c., Instauratoribv^ ; Boernerus, De Doctis Hominibus (>raecis, Litte- rarum Graecarum in Italia Instuuratoribus ; Fabric. B'bl. Graec. vol. iii. pp. 102, 242, vol. vii. p. 344, vol. viii. pp. 76, 552, 571, vol. ix. pp. 22, 103, 454, vol. xi. p. 397 ; AUatius, Diairib. de Georgiis, apud Fabric, vol. xii. p. 70, &c. ; Panzer, Annates Typographid.) 49. XiPHILINUS. [XlPHIUNUS.] 50. Zegabenus. [Zegabenus.] [J. C. M.] GEPHYRAEI {Ve<pvpaioi)., an Athenian fa- mily or clan, to which Harmodius and Aristogeiton belonged. ( Herod, v. 55.) The account they gave of themselves was that they came originally from Eretria. Herodotus believed them to be of Phoe- nician descent, and to have been of the number of those who followed Cadmus into Boeotia. He states (comp. Strab. ix. p. 404) that they ob- tained the territory of Tanagra for their portion, and that being driven thence by the Boeotians, they came to Athens, where they were admitted to the rights of citizenship, subject only to a few trifling disqualifications. (Herod, v. 57 ; Suid. s. v. r€(pvpis.) The place of their settlement was on the banks of the Cephisus, which separated the terri- tory of Athens from that of Eleusis, and their name, according to the Etymologicon Magnum, was VOL. II. GERMANICUS. 257 derived from the bridge (jicpvpa), which was built over the river at this point. Such a notion, how- ever, is quite untenable, since (to mention no other reason) "bridge " appears to have been a compara- tively recent meaning of yecpvpa. It is just pos- sible that the name may have contained the idea of separation. We find that there were temples at Athens, which belonged peculiarly to these Gephy- raei, to the exclusion of the rest of the Athenians, especially one to Demeter Achaea, whose wor- ship they seem to have brought with them from Boeotia. (Herod, v. 61 ; comp. Plut. de Is. et Osir. 69 ; Lobeck, Aglaoph. p. 1225.) Suidas (s. V. Aopv KVpvKeiov) speaks of the Athenians having been ordered by an oracle, when they were assailed by Eumolpus, to send away every tenth man of the Gephyraei to Delphi ; for it is clear that 01 SsKaTevOevTes is the right reading of the passage in question. (Comp. Eustath. ad II. iii. p. 408 ; Lobeck, Aglaoph. p. 214.) Those who were thus offered to the god were sent probabl}'^ as sacred slaves for the service of the temple. (Comp. Muller, Dor. ii. 2. § 14.) [E. E.] GERAEUS {V-npaios), a poet of Cyrene, who wrote an epigram on the poet Aratus. (Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. xiii. p. 897-) [P. S.] GERANA {Tepdva), a Pygmean woman, and wife of their king, Nicodamas, by whom she be- came the mother of Mopsus (according to Boeus, ap. Athen. ix. p. 393, of a tortoise). Being highly es- teemed and praised for her beauty among the Pygmies, she despised the gods, especially Arte- mis and Hera, who in revenge metamorphosed her into a crane. In this state she always fluttered about the place in which her son Mopsus dwelt, until she was killed by the Pygmies. This is said to have been the origin of the war between the Cranes and the Pygmies. (Anton. Lib. 16, who calls her Oenoe ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 1322 ; Ov. Met. vi. 90.) [L. S.] GERA'SIMUS, a writer of uncertain date, au- thor of a Chronographia or Chronicon, from which " a passage worthy of note concerning the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, in the reign of Titus, and the cause of subterraneous fires, according to the opi- nion of the Christians of that time," &c., is quoted in the Eclogae Asceticae of Joannes the patriarch, extant in MS. in the Imperial Library at Vienna. Fabricius notices one or two other persons of the name. (Bibl. Graec. vol. xi. p. 630.) [J. C. M. j GERMA'NICUS CAESAR, the elder, a son of Nero Claudius Drusus, was nephew of the emperor Tiberius, and brother of the emperor Claudius. His birth was most illustrious. From his father and paternal grandmother (the empress Livia), he in- herited the honours of the Claudii and the Drusi, while his mother, the younger Antonia, was the daughter of the triumvir Antony, and the niece of the emperor Augustus. [See the genealogical table. Vol. I. p. 1076.] He was bom in b.c. 15, probably in September, for his son Caligula named that month Germanicus, in honour of his father. (Suet. Cal. 1, 15.) His praenomen is unknown; nor can his original cognomen be ascertained, for the imperial family began now to be above the ordinary rules of hereditary name. By a decree of the senate, the elder Drusus, after his death, re- ceived the honourable appellation Germanicus, which was also granted to his posterity. (Dion Cass. Iv. 2.) It seems at first to have been ex- clusively assumed by the elder son, who afterwards