Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/30

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16 ENDOEUS. threw upon him the island of Sicily. (Apollod. i. 6. § 2.) There are two other fabulous beings of this name. (Apollod. iL 1. § 5 ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 918.) [L.S.] ENCO'LPIUS. [Petronius.] ENCO'LPIUS is named by Lampridius as the author of a life of the emperor Alexander Severus, with whom he lived upon terms of intimacy. (Lamprid. Alex. Sev. 17, 48.) A book published by Thomas Elyot, a man celebrated for his learning in the reign of Henry VTII., under the title " The Image of Governance (Imago Imperii) compiled of the Actes and Sen- tences notable of the most noble emperor Alex- ander Severus, translated from the Greek of Eu- colpius (Encolpius) into English," Lond. 1540, 1541, 1544, 1549, 4to., 1556, 1594, 8vo., is a fa- brication. [W. R.] ENDE'IS ('Ei/Stjjs), a daughter of Chiron, who was married to Aeacus, by whom she became the mother of Peleus and Telamon. (Apollod. iii. 12. § 6,) Pausanias (ii. 29. § 7) calls her a daughter of Sciron. [L. S.] E'NDIUS ("EvJioy), of Sparta, son of Alcibiades, member of a family whose connexion with that of the Athenian Alcibiades had in a previous generation introduced into the latter this Lacedaemonian name. It is he apparently who was one of the three am- bassadors sent by Sparta in 420 B. c. to dissuade Athens from the Argive alliance. They were chosen, says Thucydides, from the belief of their being acceptable to the Athenians, and possibly in particular with a view to conciliate his guest, Alci- biades, who probably made use of this very advan- tage in effecting the deception by which he de- feated their purpose. He was elected ephor in the autumn of 413, the time of the Athenian disa.itei at Syracuse, and through him Alcibiades, now In exile, inflicted on his country the severe blow of bringing the Lacedaemonians to the coast of Ionia, which otherwise would at any rate have been post- poned. His influence decided the government to lend its first succour to Chios ; and when the blockade of their ships in Peiraeeus seemed likely to put a stop to all operations, he again persuaded Endius and his colleagues to make the attempt. Thucydides says, that Alcibiades was his TrarpiKos fs rd fiakLCTTa ^hos ; so that probably it was with him that Alcibiades resided during his stay at Sparta. (Thuc. v. 44, viii. 6, 12.) To these facts we may venture to add from Diodorns (xiii. 52, 53) the further statement, that after the defeat at Cyzicus, b. c. 410, he was sent from Sparta at the head of an embassy to Athens with proposals for peace of the fairest character, which were, how- ever, through the influence of the presumptuous demagogue Cleophon, rejected. Endius, as the friend of Alcibiades, the victor of Cyzicus, would naturally be selected ; and the account of Diodo- rus, with the exception of course of the oration he writes for Endius, may, notwithstanding the silence of Xenophon, be received as true in the main. [A.H.C.] ENDOEUS ("Ei/Soios), an Athenian statuary, is called a disciple of Daedalus, whom he is said to have accompanied when he fled to Crete. This statement must be taken to express, not the time at which he lived, but the style of art which he practised. It is probable that he lived at the same period as Dipoenus and Scyllis, who are in the same way called disciples of Daedalus, namely, in ENDYMION. the time of Peisistratus and his sons, about B. c. 560. (Thiersch, Epochen, pp. 124, 125.) His works were : 1. In the acropolis at Athens a sit- ting statue of Athena, in olive-wood, with an in- scription to the effect that Callias dedicated it, and Endoeus made it. Hence his age is inferred, for the first Callias who is mentioned in history is the opponent of Peisistratus. (Herod, vi. 121.) 2. In the temple of Athena Polias at Erythrae in Ionia, a colossal wooden statue of the goddess, sitting on a throne, holding a distaff in each hand, and having a sun-dial (tto'Aos) on the head. 3. In connexion with this statue, there stood in the hypaethrum, before the visit of Pausanias to the temple, statues of the Graces and Hours, in white marble, also by Endoeus. 4. A statue of Athena Alea, in her temple at Tegea, made entirely of ivory, which was transported to Rome by Augustus, and set up in the entrance of his forum. (Paus. i. 26. § 5 ; vii. 5. § 4 ; viii. 46. § 2 ; Athenag. Leqat. pro Qirkt. p. 293, a.) [P. S.] ENDY'MION (•Ej/5u;UiW), a youth distin- guished for his beauty, and renowned in ancient story by the perpetual sleep in which he spent his life. Some traditions about Endymlon refer us to Elis, and others to Caria, and others again are a combination of the two. According to the first set of legends, he was a son of Aethlius and Calyce,or of Zeus and Calyce, and succeeded Aethlius in the kingdom of Elis. (Paus. v. 1. § 2.) Others again say that he expelled Clymenus from the kingdom of Elis, and introduced into the country Aeolian set- tlers from Thessaly. (Apollod. i. 7. § 5, &c. ; Paus. V. 8. ^ 1.) Conon {Narrat. 14) calls him a son of Zeus and Protogeneia, and Hyginus {Fah. 27 1 ) a son of Aetolus. He is said to have been married to Asterodia, Chromia, Hyperippe, Neis, or Iphianassa ; and Aetolus, Paeon, Epeius. Eury- dice, and Naxus are called his children. He was, however, especially beloved by Selene, by whom he had fifty daughters. (Paus. v. 1. § 2.) He caused his sons to engage in the race-course at Olympia, and promised to the victor the succession in his kingdom, and Epeius conquered his brothers, and succeeded Endymion as king of Elia. He was believed to be buried at Olympia, which also con- tained a statue of his in the treasury of the Meta- pontians. (Paus. vi. 19. <S 8, 20. (J 6.) According to a tradition, believed at Heracleia in Caria, En- dymion had come from Elis to mount Latmus in Caria, whence he is called the Latmian (Lahnius; Paus. V. 1. $ 4; Ov. Ars Am. iii. 83, Trist. ii. 299). He is described by the poets either as a king, a shepherd, or a hunter (Theocrit. iii. 49, XX. 37 with the Scholiast), and while he was slum- bering in a cave of mount Latmus, Selene came down to him, kissed, and lay by his side. (Comp. Apollon. Rhod. iv. 57.) There also he had, in later times, a sanctuary, and his tomb was shewn in a cave of mount Latmus. (Paus. v. 1. § 4 ; Strab. xiv. p. 636.) His eternal sleep on Latmus is assigned to different causes in ancient story. Some said that Zeus had granted him a request, and that Endymion begged for immortality, eter- nal sleep, and everlasting youth (Apollod. i. 7. § 5.) ; others relate that he was received among the gods of Olympus, but as he there fell in love with Hera, Zeus, in his anger, punished him by throwing him into eternal sleep on mount Latmua. (Schol. ad T/ieocrit. ui. 49.) Others, lastly, state that Selene, charmed with his surpassing beauty,