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316' GYGES. cessfully, between Scipio and Hasdrubal, the Car- thaginian commander. He and his brother Ma- nastabal were carried off by sickness, leaving the nndivided royal power to Micipsa. Gulussa left a son, named Massiva. (Liv. xlii. 23, 24, xliii. 3; Polyb. xxxix. 1, 2, Spic. Rel. xxxiv. 10 ; Plin. H.N. viii. 10; App. Fun. 70, 106, 111, 126 ; SaU. Jug. 5, 35.) ^ [E. R] G UNDAMUND (roui/5o;iioi;»'5os), son of Genzo, and grandson of Genseric, succeeded his uncle Hunneric as king of the Vandals, and reigned from A. D. 484 to 496. He persecuted the African Catholics. (Procop. Dell. Vand. i. 8 ; Ruin- art, Hist, Pers. Vandal. ; comp. Gibbon, c. 37.) [A. P. S.] GURGES, an agnomen of Q. Fabius Maximus, the son of Q. Fabius Maximus RuUianus. [Maxi- mus.] GIjIRGES, C. VOLCA'TIUS, a senator who died suddenly (Plin. H. N. vii. 53. s. 54), may per- haps be the same as the C. Volcatius, spoken of by Cicero in his oration for Cornelius (18, p. 450. ed. Orelli). GUTTA. 1. A native of Capua, one of the com- manders of the Italian allies, who came to the relief of the younger Marius in the civil war, B. c. 83. (App. B. C. iii. 90.) SchweighaUser thinks he rnay be the same as the Albinus who perished with Telesinus shortly afterwards, and that consequently his full name was Albinus Gutta. (Schw. ad App. B. C. i. 93.) 2. Tib. Gutta, a Roman senator, one of the judices on the trial of Statins Albius Oppianicus [Cluentius], whom the censors disgraced in the subsequent inquiries into the judicium Junianum. (Cic. jtwo Cluent. 26, 36, 45.) 3. Gutta, a competitor for the consulship in B. c. 53, with T. Annius Milo. Cn. Pompey sup- ported Gutta, and promised him Caesar's influence. (Cic. ad Qu. fr. iii. 8.) Asconius, however {iii Milonian. p. 31, Orelli), omits the name of Gutta in his list of Milo's opponents. [W. B. D.] GYAS, the name of two mythical personages mentioned by Virgil : the one was a Trojan and a companion of Aeneas {Aen. i. 222, v. 118, xii. 460), and the other a Latin, who was slain b}'- Aeneas. {Aen.x. 318 ; comp. Gyges.) [L. S.] GYGAEA {Tuyalf}), daughter of Amyntas I. and sister of Alexander I. of Macedonia, was given by her brother in marriage to Bubares, in order to hush up the inquiry which the latter had been sent by Dareius Hystaspis to institute into the fate of the Persian envoys, whom Alexander had caused to be murdered. Herodotus mentions a son of Bubares and Gygaea, called Amyntas after his grandfather. (Herod, v. 21, viii. 136 ; Just. vii. 3.) [E. E.] GYGES (rvTTjs), the first king of Lydia of the dynasty of the Mermnadae, dethroned Candaules, and succeeded to the kingdom, as related under Candaules. [Comp. Deioces, p. 952, a, sub fin.] The following is the chronology of the Merm- nad dynasty, according to Herodotus : — 1. Gyges reigned 38 years, B.C. 716 — 678 2. Ardys „ 49 „ „ 678—629 3. Sadyattes „ 12 „ „ 629—617 4. Alyattes „ 57 „ „ 617—560 5. Croesus „ 14 „ „ 560—546 Total - 170 716—546. Dionysius reckons the accession of Gyges two GYLIPPUS. years higher, B. c. 718. Eusebius (Cliron.) gives an entirely different chronology : — 1. Gyges reigned 36 years, B. c. 670 — 664 2. Ardys „ 37 „ „ 664—627 3. Sadyattes „ 15 „ „ 627—612 4. Alyattes „ 49 „ „ 612—563 5. Croesus „ 15 „ „ 563 — 548 (Clinton, F. FT. vol. ii. pp. 296, 297.) The only thing worthy of mention in the reign of Gyges is, that the Lydians were at first disin- clined to submit to him ; but an oracle from Delphi established his authority, in gratitude for which he sent magnificent presents to the temple. He carried on various wars with the cities of Asia Minor, such as Miletus, Smyrna, Colophon, and Magnesia. " The riches of Gyges " became a pro- verb. (Herod, i. 7 — 14 ; Justin, i. 7 ; Pans. iv. 21. § 5, ix. 29. § 4 ; Nicol. Daniasc. pp. 51, 52, ed. Orelli ; Creuzer, Frag. Hist. p. 203, Meletem. i, p. 72 , note 28 ; Baehr, ad Herodot. i. 12.) [ P. S.] GYGES (ru7i7s), the ordinary name of the hundred-armed giant, who is sometimes called Gyas or Gyes. (Apollod. i. 1. § 1 ; Hes. Theog. 149 ; comp. Ov. Fast. iv. 593, Trist. iv. 7, 18, Amor. ii. 1, 12 ; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 1165.) [L. S.] GYLIPPUS {TvKnnros), son of Cleandridas, was left, it would seem, when his father went into exile (b. c. 445) to be brought up at Sparta. In the I8th year of the Peloponnesian war, when the Lacedaemonian government resolved to folio v.' the advice of Alcibiades, and send a Spartan com- mander to S3'racuse, Gylippus was selected for the duty. Manning two Laconian galleys at Asine, and receiving two from Corinth, under the com- mand of Pythen, he sailed for Leucas. Here a variety of rumours combined to give assurance that the circunivallation of Syracuse was already com- plete. With no hope for their original object, but wishing, at any rate, to save the Italian allies, he and Pythen resolved, without waiting for the further reinforcements, to cross at once. They ran over to Tarentum, and presentl}' touched at Thurii, where Gylippus resumed the citizenship which his father had there acquired in exile, and used some vain endeavours to obtain assistance. Shortly after the ships were driven back by a violent gale to Tarentum, and obliged to refit. Nicias mean- while, though aware of their appearance on the Italian coast, held it, as had the Thurians, to be only an insignificant privateering expedition. After their second departure from Tarentum, they re- ceived information at Locri, that the investment was still incomplete, and now took counsel whether they should sail at once for their object, or pass the straits and land at Himera. Their wisdom or fortune decided for the latter ; four ships, which Nicias, on hearing of their arrival at Locri, thought it well to send, and which perhaps would have in the other case intercepted them, arrived too late to oppose their passage through the straits. The four Peloponnesian galleys were shortly drawn up on the shore of Himera ; the sailors converted into men-at-arms ; the Himeraeans induced to join the enterprise ; orders dispatched to Selinus and Gela to send auxiliaries to a rendezvous ; Gongylus, a Corinthian captain, had already c(mveyed the good news of their approach to the now-despairing Syra- cusans. A small space on the side of Epipolae nearest to the sea still remained where the Athe- nian wall of blockade had not yet been carried up ;