Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/34

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20 ENNODIUS. bishop of Pavia in A. d. 511, and in 514 was sent, along with Fortunatus, bishop of Catania, and others, by Pope Hormisda to Constantinople in order to combat the progress of the Eutychian heresy. The embassy having proved unsuccessful in consequence of the emperor, who was believed to be favourable to the opinions in question, having refused to acknowledge the authority of the Roman pontiff, Ennodius was despatched a second time in 517, along with Peregrinus, bishop of Misenum, bearing a confession of faith, which the eastern churches were invited or rather required to sub- scribe. On this occasion the envoy was treated with great harshness by Anastasius, who not only dismissed him with ignominy, but even sought his life, by causing him to embark in a crazy vessel, which was strictly forbidden to touch at any Grecian port. Having escaped this danger, Enno- dius returned to his diocese, where he occupied himself with religious labours until his death in A. D. 521, on the 17th of July, the day which after his canonization was observed as his festival. The works of this prelate, as contained in the edition of Sirmond, are the following : — 1. Epistolarum ad Diver sos Libri IX. A col- lection of 497 letters, including one composed by his sister, the greater number of them written during the pontificate of Symmachus (493—514). They for the most part relate to private concerns and domestic occurrences, and hence possess little general interest. They are remarkable for gentle- ness and piety of tone, but some persons have imagined that they could detect a leaning towards semipelagianism. The charge, however, has not been by any means substantiated. 2. Panegyricus T/ieodorico regi didus. A com- plimentary address delivered in the presence of the Gothic monarch at Milan, or at Ravenna, or at Rome, probably in the year a. d. 507. It is some- times included in the collections of the " Panegy- nci Veteres," and is considered as one of the principal sources for the history of that period, although obviously no reliance can be placed on the statements contained in an effusion of such a character. [Drepanius.] It will be found, with notes, in Manso, Geschichte des Ostgoth. Reichs, p. 433. 3. Libellus adversus eos qui contra synodum scribere praesumserunt. A powerful and argumen- tative harangue, read before the fifth Roman synod held in A. d. 503, and adopted as part of their proceedings, in defence of the measures sanc- tioned by the synod of the previous year, against schismatics, and in support of the jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff generally. 4. Vita heatissimi viri Epiplmnii Tidnensis epis- eopi. A biography of St. Epiphanius, his predeces- sor in the see of Pavia, who died in a. d. 496. This piece is valued on account of the light which it throws upon the history of the times, and is con- sidered one of the most interesting and agreeable among the works of Ennodius, which, to say the truth, are for the most part rather repulsive. It will be found in the collections of Surius and the Bollandists under the 22nd of January. 5. Vita beati Antonii monachi Livinensis, a pane- gyric upon a holy man unknown save from this tract. 6. Eucharisticum de vita, a thanksgiving for re- covery from a dangerous malady, during which the author was first led to those thoughts which ENTELLUS. eventually prompted him to devote his life to the service of God. It is dedicated to Elpidius, a deacon and physician. 7. Paraenesis didascalica ad Amhrosium et Bea- tum^ an exhortation, in which poetry is combined with prose, urging two youths to the practice of virtue. 8. Praeceptum de cclhdanis episcoporum. The celluluni were the contubernales whom bishops, presbyters, and deacons were required to retain as constant companions " ad amoliendas malcdicorum calumnias." (See Dueange, Glossar.) In this tract they are called concellanei. 9. Petitorium quo Gerontius ptcer Agapiti ahso- lutus est. On the manumission of a slave by his master in the church. 10. Cerei paschalis henedictiones dziae. 1 1. Orationes. A series of short essays or decla- mations, twenty eight in number, which the author himself names didiofies., classified according to their subjects. Of these six are sacrae, seven scholasticae, ten cotitroversiae, five ethicae. 1 2. Carmina. A large collection of poems, most of them short occasional effusions, on a multitude of different topics, sacred and profane. Fourteen are to be found interspersed among his epistles and other prose works, and one hundred and seventy- two fonn a separate collection. The writings of Ennodius might serve as an ex- emplification of all the worst faults of a corrupt style. Nothing can be more affected than the form of expression, nothing more harsh than the diction. They are concise without being vigorous, obscure without being deep, while the use of figurative language, metaphors, and allegories, is pushed to such extravagant excess that whole pages wear the aspect of a long dull enigma. A considerable number of the works of this father appeared in the " Monumenta S. Patruni Orthodoxographa," Basil, fol., 1569 ; they were first published separately by Andr. Schottus, tornac. 8vo. 161 1, but will be found in their most complete and best form in the edition of Sirmond, Paris. 8vo. 1611, and in his Opera, vol. i. fol., Paris. 1696, and Venet. 1729; also in the Bibl. Patr. Max.., Lugdun. 1677, vol. ix., and in other large collections of the fathers. Martenne and Durand {Colled. Monumvi. vol. v. p. 61) have added a new oration and a short letter to Venantius. (See the Vita Ennodii prefixed to the edition of Sirmond. A very full biography is given by Funccius also, De inerti ac dccrepita L. L. senec- tuie, c. iii. § xx., c. vi. § viii., c. viii. § x., c. 11. § xxxi.) [W. R.] E'NNOMUS {"Evvofios), a Mysian and ally of the Trojans, who was killed by Achilles. (Horn. II. ii. 858, xvii. 218.) Another person of this name occurs in the Odvssey (xi. 422), [L. S.] EN0RCHES"('Ei/(5/)X^s), a son of Thyestes by his sister Daeta, was born out of an egg, and built a temple to Dionysus, who was hence called Dio- nysus Enorches, though Enorches may also describe the god as the dancer. (Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 212 ; Hesych. s.«.) [L. S.] ENTELLUS, a Trojan, or a Sicilian hero from whom the town of Entella, in Sicily, was believed to have received its name. (Virg. Aen. v. 389, with Servius.) Tzetzes {ad Lycoph. 953) states, that Entella was so called from Entella, the wife of Aegestes. [L. S.]