Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/383

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HEGESINUS. the meantime to have been contemporary, in part, with those at both extremes, especially when it is observed how Pliny swells his lists of rivals of the chief artists, by mentioning those who were con- temporary with them for ever so short a time. The age thus assigned to both these artists agrees with the remarks of Lucian on the style of Hege- sias ; for those remarks do not describe a rude and imperfect style, but the very perfection of the old conventional style, of which the only remaining fault was a certain stiffness, which Phidias was the first to break through. Hegias is expressly called an Athenian : the country of Hegesias is not stated, but the above notices of him are quite consistent with the sup- position that he also was an Athenian. There remains the question, whether Hegesias and Hegias were the same or different persons, and also whether Agasias of Ephesus is to be identified with them. Etymologically, there can be little doubt that 'Ayrjaias, 'Hyna'^"-s, and 'Hyias, are the same name, 'Ayrjaias being the Doric and common form, and 'Hyrjaias and 'H7^aj respectively the full and abbreviated Ionic and Attic form. Sillig contends that ' Ay acrias is also a Doric form of the same name ; but, as Miiller has pointed out, the Doric forms of names derived (like 'Hyrjcrias) from rJ7eo;ua«, begin with dyr], not ay a {'Ay^aavSpos, 'Ayi^aapxos, ^Ayr]aiSaiJ.os, 'AyrjalKaos, Sic. : 'A77J- crlas itself is found as a Doric name, Pind. 01. ix. and elsewhere) ; and it is probable that 'Ayaalas is a genuine Ionic name, derived from dya/xai, like

  • A7a(Ti0ea, 'Aya(TiKi]s, 'AyacriaOevrjs. For these

and other reasons, it seems that the identity of Hegesias with Agasias cannot be made out, while that of Hegesias with Hegias is highly probable. It is true that Pliny mentions them as different persons, but nothing is more likely than that Pliny should have put together the statements of two different Greek authors, of whom the one wrote the artist's full name, 'Hy-qalas, while the other used the abbreviated form, ^Hylas. Pliny is certainly wrong when, in enumerating the works of Hegias, he says, "Minerva Pyrrhusque rar laudatur." What is meant seems to have been a group, in which (not the king, but) the hero Pyrrhus was represented as supported by Pallas, The statues of Castor and Pollux, by Hegesias, are supposed by Winckelmann to be the same as those which now stand on the stairs leading to the capitol ; but this is very doubtful. (Winckelmann, Geschiehte d. Kunst, bk. ix. c. 9. § 31, and VorVdufige Abhand- lung., § i 00 : Sillig, Catal. Artif. s. v. ; Thiersch, Epocliev.,^). 128; WxiWcv^Aeginetica^ p.l02.) [P. S.] HEGESICLES. [Agasicles.] HEGESIDE'MUS ('H77jo-iS7;juos), an author of uncertain date, quoted by Pliny. {H. N. ix. 8.) The reference seems to be to an historical work, but even this is not certam. [E. E.] HEGESI'GONUS {'UyrKriyovos), m Greek writer, perhaps an historian, of uncertain country and date. It is questionable whether the name be not another form of Hesigonus. (Tzetz. Chil. i. 18, 469, vii. 144, 645; Schol. ad Lycophr. 1021; Vossius, de Hist. Graec. p. 447, ed. Wester- mann.] [E. E.] HEGESILA'US. [Agesander or Agesi- LAUS.] HEGESI'LOCHUS. [Agesilochus.] HEGE'SINUS {'aynaivovs), a writer of uncer- tain date, author of a poem on Attica, called Ar^fs, roL. II. HEGESISTRATUS. 369 apparently of a legendary character. Pausanias, who has preserved four verses of the poem, tells us that it had perished utterly before his time, and that he took the verses in question from the work of Callippus, the Corinthian, on the history of Orchomenus, in Boeotia. (Pans. ix. 29.) [E. E.] HEGE'SINUS CHynffivovs), of Pergamum, an Academic philosopher, the successor of Evander and the immediate predecessor of Cameades in the chair of the academy. He flourished about B. c. 185. (Diog. Laert. iv. 60 ; Cic. Acad. ii. 6.) HEGE'SIPPUS ('H77^o-t7nros), 1. An Athe- nian of the time of Demosthenes, and the brother of Hegesander, was nicknamed KpwguAos by Aeschines, but for what reason is quite uncer- tain. He was of the same political party as De- mosthenes. He advocated the Phocian alliance, and the declaration of war against Philip, who showed his resentment by his conduct towards He- gesippus in the celebrated Macedoi-ian embassy. He was also united with Demosthenes in his mission to excite the Peloponnesians to make war with Philip. He defended Timarchus, when ac- cused by Aeschines, and accused Callippus. The ancient grammarians ascribe to him two of the orations which have come down to us as those of Demosthenes, namely, that on Halonesus, and that on the treaty with Alexander. (Dem. de Fals. Legal, pp. 364, 447, de Coron. p. 250, Phil. iii. p. 129 ; Aeschin. c. Timarch. p. 86, c. Ctesiph. p. 409 ; Suid. Hesych., Phot., s. v. ; Plut. Demostk. 17, Apophthegm, p. 187, d. ; Ruhnken, Hist. Crit. Oral. Graec. 33. p. Ixxix.) 2. A comic poet of the New Comedy, who flourished about B. c. 300. Two of his comedies are quoted, 'ASeXcpoi and ^iheTaipoi. Suidas (s. V.) confounds him with the orator. (Athen. vii. p. 279, a., p. 290, b., ix. p. 405, d. ; Meineke, Hist. Crit. Com. Graec. pp. 475—477.) 3. Of Tarentum, a writer of 'O^aprvriKd (Athen. X. p. 429, d. ; xii, p. 516, c. ; Pollux, vi. 10.) 4. A Greek historian or topographer of Mecy- berna, who wrote an account of the peninsula of Pallene. He is mentioned by Dionysius among avdpes dpxaioi Kal Koyov a^ioi. (Ant. Rom. i. 49; Steph. Byz. s. v. UaW-qui} and MriK^Sepva ; Vos- sius, de Hist. Graec. p. 448, ed. Westermann.) 5. The author of eight epigrams in the Greek Anthology, which appear, from the simplicity of the style, to be of an early date. (Brunck, Anal. vol. i. p. 254; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. i. p. 187, vol. xiii. p. 901.) [P.S.] HEGESI'PYLA {'Hy'ncrnr6v), daughter of Olonis, king of Thrace, and wife of Miltiades. A son of hers, named Olorus, after his grandfather, was the father of Thucydides the historian. In all probability, he was the fruit of a second mar- riage contracted by Hegesipyla after the death of Miltiades. (Herod, vi. 39 ; Marcellin. Vit. Thuc.) [E. E.l HEGESI'STRATUS CHyvahrpaTos). 1. A son of Peisistratus by an Argive woman, was placed by his father in the tyranny of Sigeium in the Troad, and maintained possession of the city against the attacks of the Mytilenaeans. When liippias was banished from Athens, iuB. c. 510, he took refuge with his brother, Hegesistratus, at Sigeium (Herod, v. 94 ; Thijc. vi. 59). 2. An Elean soothsayer, one of the Telliadae. The Spartans, whose enemy he was, having once got him into their power, confined him with his U B