Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/404

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390 HERACLEIDES. impossible that he may be the same as the ITera- cleides who is mentioned by Eutocius, in his com- mentary on Archimedes, as the author of a life of that great mathematician. 3. Of Odessus, in Thrace, a Greek historian mentioned by Stephanus Byzantinus («. v. 'OSrja- a6s). 4. Of Magnesia, is known only as the author of a history of Mithridates (Mi0pt5aTtKa), which is lost. (Diog, Laert. v. 94.) 5. A Greek grammarian of Alexandria (Eustath. ad Horn. p. 237), who is perhaps the same as the one whom Ammonius {De Differ. Verb. s. v. (xra- <pvri) mentions as a contemporary of his. The same name is often mentioned by Eustathius, and in the Venetian scholia on the Iliad, in connection with grammatical works on Homer, and Ammonius (s. V. vvv) attributes to one Heracleides a work en- titled Ilepi KaOoXLKTJs Trpoacfdias.^ 6. A Greek rhetorician of Lycia, who lived in the second century of our era. He was a disciple of Herodes Atticus, and taught rhetoric at Smyrna with great success, so that the town was greatly benefited by him, on account of the great conflux of students from all parts of Asia Minor. He owed his success not so much to his talent as to his in- defatigable industry ; and once, when he had com- posed an cyKu/xiov ttovov, and showed it to his rival Ptolemaeus, the latter struck out the tt in Tcovov^ and, returning it to Heracleides, said, " There, you may read your own encomium" {ey- KWjxiov ovov). He died at the age of eighty, leaving a country-house in the neighbourhood of Smyrna, which he had built with the money he had earned, and which he called Rhetorica. He also published a, purified edition of the orations of Nicetes, forget- ting, as his biographer says, that he was putting the armour of a pigmy on a colossus. (Philostr. Vit. Soph. ii. 26, comp. i. 19.) 7. A comic poet. [Heracleitus.] 8. Of Sinope : under this name we possess a Greek epigram in tlie Greek Anthology (vii. 329). It is not improbable that two other epigrams (vii. 281, 465) are likewise his productions, though his native place is not mentioned there. He seems to have been a poet of some celebrity, as Diogenes Laertius (v. 94) mentions him as iiri'ypaixjxdTwv TToirjTris iyvp6s. Diogenes Laertius (/. c.) men- tions fourteen persons of this name. [L, S.] HERACLEIDES ('HpaKXdSvs), son of Euthy- phron or Euphron, born at Heracleia, in Pontus, and said by Suidas to have been descended from Damis, one of those who originally led the colony from Thebes to Heracleia. He was a person of considerable wealth, and migrated to Athens, where he became a pupil of Plato, and Suidas says that, during Plato's absence in Sicily, his school was left under the care of Heracleides. He paid at- tention also to the Pythagorean system, and after- wards attended the instructions of Speusippus, and finally of Aristotle. He appears to have been a vain and luxurious man, and so fat, that the Athenians punned on his surname, IIoi'tj/cos, and turned it into Ilo/xTn/ctJs. Diogenes Laertius (v. 86, &c.) gives a long list of his writings, from which it appears that he wrote upon philosophy, mathe- matics, music, history, politics, grammar, and poetry; but unfortunately almost all these works are lost. There has come down to us a small work, under the name of Heracleides, entitled Trepl Tlu- ireiwVy which is perhaps an extract from the irepl HERACLEIDES. "NojjLwu Kcd 7WV 2u77ei'd5v tovtols mentioned by Diogenes, though others conjecture that it is the work of another person. It was first printed with Aelian's Variae Historiae., at Rome in 1545, afterwards at Geneva, 1593, edited by Cragius, but the best editions are by Koler, with an introduc- tion, notes, and a German translation, Halle, 1804, and by Coraes, in his edition of Aelian, Paris, 1805, 8vo, Another extant work, 'AWTjyopiai 'O/xrjpi/cai, which also bears the name of Hera- cleides, was certainly not written by him. It was first printed with a Latin translation by Gesner, Basel, 1544, and afterwards with a German trans- lation by Schulthess, Zurich, 1779. We further read in Diogenes (on the authority of Aristoxenus, surnamed 6 /xovaiKos, also a scholar of Aristotle), that " Heracleides made tragedies, and put the name of Thespis to them." This sentence has given occasion to a learned disquisition by Bentley {P/ialaris, p. 239), to prove that the fragments at- tributed to Thespis are really cited from these counterfeit tragedies of Heracleides. The genuine- ness of one fragment he disproves by showing that it contains a sentiment belonging strictly to Plato, and which therefore may naturally be attributed to Heracleides. Some childish stories are told about Heracleides keeping a pet serpent, and ordering one of his friends to conceal his body after his death, and place the serpent on the bed, that it might be supposed that he had been taken to the company of the gods. It is also said, that he killed a man who had usurped the tyranny in Heracleia, and there are other traditions about him, scarcely worth relating. There was also another Heracleides Ponticus of the jame town of Heracleia, a gram- marian, who lived at Rome in the reign of the em- peror Claudius. The titles of many of his works are mentioned by Diogenes and Suidas. (Vossius, de Histor. Graec. p. 78, &c. Koler, Fragmenta de Rebus publicis, Hal. Sax. 1804 ; Roulez, Commejt- tatio de Vita el Scriptis Heraclidae Pontic., Lo- vanii, 1828; Deswert, Dissertaiio de Heraclide Pont., Lovanii, 1830.) [G. E. L. C] HERACLEIDES, artists. 1. A sculptor of Ephesus, the son of Agasias. His name is inscribed, with that of Harmatius, on the restored statue of Ares in the Royal Museum at Paris. It cannot be said with certainty whether his father, Agasias, was the celebrated Ephesian sculptor of that name, but it seems probal)le that he was. (Miiller, Archaol. d. Kunst. § 175, n. 3, § 372, n. 5; Clarac, Description des A ntiques du Musee Royal, No. 411, p. 173.) 2. A Macedonian painter, who was at first merely a painter of ships, but afterwards acquired some distinction as a painter in encaustic. He lived in the time of Perseus, after whose fall he went to Athens, B. c. 168. (Plin. xxxv. 11. s. 40. §§ 30, 42.) 3. A Phocian sculptor, of whom nothing more is known. (Diog. Laert. v. 94 ) 4. An architect, in the time of Trajan, who is known by two inscriptions found in Egypt. (Mu- ratori, p. 478, 3 ; Letronne, liecueil des Inscript. Grecff. et Latin, de VEgypte, vol. i. p. 426.) [P. S.] HERACLEIDES ('Hpa/f€iSrjy), the name of several ancient Greek physicians. 1. The sixteenth in descent from Aesculapius, the son of Hippocrates L, who lived probably in the fifth century B.C. He married Phaenarete, or, according to others, Praxithea, by whom he had two sons, Sosander