Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/526

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8vo. This edition was reprinted at Glasgow, with Wolf's Prolegonaena, in 1814, and again at Leipzig in 1824.

A new period began with Wolf's second edition {Hoineri et Hotneridarum Op. et Rel. Halis, 1794), the first edition (1784 and 1785) being merely a copy of the vulgate. Along with the second edition were published the Prolegomena. A third edition was published from 1804 — 1807. It is very much to be regretted that the editions of Wolf are with- out commentaries or critical notes, so that it is im- possible to know in many cases on what grounds he adopted his readings, which differ from the vul- gate. Heyne began in 1802 to publish the Iliad, vvliich was finished in eight volumes, and was most severely and unsparingly reviewed by Wolf, Voss, and Eichsttidt, in the Jcnaer Liter atur Zeitumi, 1803. A ninth volume, containing the Indices, was published by Grafenhan in 1822. A curious and most ridiculous attempt was made by Payne Knight, who published (London, 1820} the Ho- meric text cleared of all interpolations, so far at least as his judgment readied, and well crammed (by way of compensation) with digammas, it being the intention of the editor to restore the genuine spelling. This edition is a palpable confirmation of the fact, that to restore the edition of Aristarchus is all which modern critics can attempt to achieve. The best recension of the text is that by I. Bekker, Berlin, 1843. A very good edition of the Iliad, with critical notes, was published by Spitzner, Gotha, 1832 — 1836, but the author did not live to publish his explanatory commentary. There is an excellent commentary to the two first books of the Iliad by Freytag, Petersburgh, 1837 ; but the best of all commentaries which have yet appeared on the Homeric poems are those of Nitzsch on the Odyssey, Hannov. 1825, &c., of which the three volumes now published extend only as far as the twelfth book. The most valuable of the separate editions of the Hymns are those by Hgen, Hal., 1791, and Hermann, Lips. 1806. The Leodcon Novum Homericuin {et Pindaricmn) of Damm, ori- ginally published at Berlin in 1765, and reprinted, London, 1827, is still of some value, though the author was destitute of all sound principles of criticism ; but a far more important work for the student is Buttmann's Lcxilogus, Berlin, 1825 and 1837, translated by Fishlake, Lond. 1840, 2nd edition.

Homer has been translated into almost all the modern European languages. Of these translations the German one by Voss is the best reproduction of the great original : the English translations by Chapman, Pope, and Cowper must be regarded as failures.

The most important works on the Homeric poems and the controversy respecting their original have been mentioned in the course of this article. A complete account of the literature of the Homeric poems will be found in the Blhliolheca Ilomerica., Halis, 1837, and in the notes to the first volume of Bode's Geschiclde der HMcniscluin Dichtkunst. An account of the present state of the controversy is given in an appendix to the first volume of the new edition of ThirlwalPs Hist, of Greece., London, 1845. [W. I.]

HOME'RUS ("0/x7jpo$). 1. A grammarian and tragic poet of Byzantium, in the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus (about B. c. 280), was the son of the grammarian Andromachus and the poetess Myro. He was one of the seven poets who formed the tragic Peilad. The number of his dramas is differ- ently stated at 45, 47, and 57. His statue stood in the gymnasium of Zeuxippus at Byzantium. His poems are entirely lost, with the exception of one title, Eurypyleia. (Suid. s- w/'O/xTipos, MupcS; Tzetz, C/dl. xii.'209, ad Lycophr. p. 264, ed. MUl- ler ; Diog. Laert. ix. 113; Christodor. Ecphraais, 407 — 413, ap. Brunck. Anal. vol. ii. p. 471 ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec vol. ii. p. 307 ; Welcker, die Griech. Tragod.TpTp. 1251 — 2,)

2. A grammarian, surnamed Sellius, who wrote hymns and sportive and other poems, and in prose irept TMu KocfxiKwu TTpoauirwu, and summaries (ne- pioxas) of the comedies of Menander. (Suid. s. vv. "Ofx-npos and 'XikKios ; Fabric. Bibl. Grace. vol. ii. p 451.) [P. S.]

HOMOLOEUS ('OuoAweus), a son of Amphion, from whom the Homoloian gate of Thebes was be- lieved to have derived its name. (Schol. ad Eurip. Phoen. 1126.) Others, however, derived the name of the gate from the hill Homole, or from Homolois, a daughter of Niobe. (Pans. ix. 8. § 3 ; Schol. ad Eurip. I.e. ; Tzetz, ad Lycoph. 520.) [L. S.]

HONOR or HONOS, the personification of ho- nour at Rome. After the battle of Clastidium in Cisalpine Gaul, Marcellus vowed a temple, which was to belong to Honor and Virtus in common ; but as the pontiffs refused to consecrate one temple to two divinities, two temples, one of Honor and the other of Virtus, were built close together. (Liv. xxvii. 25 ; Val. Max. i. I. § 8.) C. Marius also built a temple to Honor, after his victory over the Cimbri and Teutones (Vitruv. vii. Praef. ; Serv. ad Jen. i. 12) ; and, in addition to these, we may mention an altar of Honor, which was situated out- side the Colline gate, and was more ancient than either of the other temples. (Cic. de Leg. ii. 23.) Persons sacrificing to him were obliged to have their heads uncovered. (Pint. Quaest. Rom. 13.) Honoris represented, especially on medals and coins, as a male figure in armour, and standing on a globe, or with the cornucopia in his left and a spear in his right hand. (Hirt. Mytliol. Bilderb. ii. p. 11 1.) It should be observed that St. Augustin {de Civ. Dei, iv. 21) calls the god Honorinus. [L. S.]

HONORA'TUS, bishop of Marseilles about the close of the fifth century, is generally considered to be the author of the Vita S. Hilarii Arelatensis, printed by Barralis in the Chronologia Sanctae Jn- sulae Le7-inensis, p. 103, and by Surius under 5th May. The piece in question is, however, ascribed in the Aries MS. to a certain Reverentius or Ra- vennius., the successor of Hilarius in his episcopal chair. (Gennad. De Viris Illustr. 99.) [W. R.]

HONORA'TUS ANTONI'NUS, bishop of Constantia in Africa,* flourished during the persecu- tion of the Catholics by the Vandal Genseric. He is the author of an impressive and graceful letter entitled Epistola ad Lahores pro Christo ferendos E^horiatoria, written about a. d. 437 — 440 to a certain Spaniard named Arcadius, who having been banished on account of his faith, is here comforted and encouraged to endure still greater hardships in support of the truth.

This epistle was first published by Jo. Sichardus in his Antidot. contra omnes Ilaereaes, fol. Basil. 1 528, and will be found in the Magna Bibl. Patr.^ fol. Colon. 1618, vol. v. p. iii., in Bibl. Pair. fol. Paris, 1644 and 1654, vol. iii., in the Bibl. Putr. Max., Lugd. fol. 1677, vol. viii. p. 665, and in