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648 lALEMUS. lotlieus s. Ilistoria Reliyiosa, c. 1 ; Theodorus Lector, H. E. i. 10 ; Theophanes, Chronog. pp. IG, 28, ed. Paris, pp. 29, 52, ed. Bonn; Nicoph. Callisti, H.E.ix. 28, XV. 22 ; Labbe, Concilia, II. cc.; Cave, Hhit. Litl. vol. i. p. 189, ed. Oxford, 1740— 1743 ; Oudin, De Scriptor. Ecdes. vol. i. col. 321, 322; Tillemont, Mcmoires, vol. vii. p. 260, &c. ; Fabric. Bibl. Grace, vol. ix. p. 299 ; Bollandus, Ada Samiorum Jtdii, vol. iv. p. 28, 6ic.; Assemani, BiUioth. Oriental, vol. i. p. 17, &c.) 14. PsYCHRiSTUS or PsYCOCHRiSTUS. [See No. 1.] 15. Sapiens, or the Wise. [See No. 3.] 16. Sakugensis, or of Sarug. I See No. 3.] 17. A Syrian monk, disciple of the monk Maro or Maron (from whom, indirectly, the Maronites of Syria derive tlieir name), and a contemporary of the ecclesiastical historian Theodoret, who has given a long accomit of him in his Philotheus. He became so eminent for his sanctity, that the em- peror Leo L Thrax, when he wished to gather the opinions of the leading ecclesiastics as to the validity of the election of Timotheus Aelurus, patriarch of Alexandria, about A. d. 460, wrote to the various prelates of the Eastern church, and to Jacobus, Symeon Stylites, and Baradatus, all three eminent ascetics, for their judgment in the matter. The answer of Jacobus is described by Photius as written with great simplicity of style, but full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom. Jacobus and Theodoret were united by the closest ties of friendship ; and when Jacobus died, he was buried in the same tomb with his friend. The 3'ear of Jacobus' death is not stated : he was still alive in 460, when he replied to Leo's letter ; but as he is said not to have very long survived Theo- doret, who died a. d. 457 or 458, he must have died soon after 460, if not in that year. (Theo- doret, Philotheus s. Hist. Relig., c. 21 ; Evagr. II. E. ii. 9; Theodor. Lector, //. E. i. U ; Theoph. Chronog. p. 96, ed. Paris, p. 173, ed. Bonn; Pho- tius, Bibl. Cod. 228, 229 ; Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. i. p. 406, ed. Oxford, 1740 ; Assemani, BiU. Orient. vol. i. p. 255.) 18. Zanzalus. [See No. 7.] Other .Jacobi are mentioned in the Bibliotheca Graeca of Fabricius, vol. x. 236 (and see index to Fabricius) ; in the Bibliotheca Orientalis of Asse- mani ; and in the Acta Sanctorum ; but they do not require distinct notice. The name appears to have been chiefly prevalent in Syria and Meso- potamia, and scarcely to have extended to the westward of those countries. [J. C. M.] JACO'BUS, a patronus cansarum at Constanti- nople, was one of the commission of sixteen, lieaded by Tribonian, who were employed by Justinian (a. D. 530 — 533) to compile the Digest. (Const. Tanta, § 9.) [J. T. G.] I'ADES, statuary. [Silanion.] lAEIRA Cldeipa), one of the daughters of Nereus and Doris. (Horn. /?. xviii. 42 ; Hygin. Fab. Praefat.) Another person of this name occurs in Virg. Am. ix. 673. [L. S.] lA'LEMUS ('IaAeMos),a similar personification to that of Linus, and hence also called a son of Apollo and Calliope, and the inventor of the song Lilemus, which was a kind of dirge, or at any rate a song of a very serious and mournful character, ajid is only mentioned as sung on most melancholy occasions. (Aeschyl. Sujipl. 106 ; Eurip. Here. Fur. 103, 5m;>p/. 283.) In later times this kind lAMBLICHUS. of poetry lost its popularity, and was ridiculed by the comic poets. lalemus then became synonymous with cold and frosty poetry, and Avas used in this sense proverbially. (Schol. ad Eurip. Orest. 1375, ad Apollun. Bhod. iv. 1 304 ; Zenob. iv. 39.) [L. S.] I A'LMENUS ('laA/xews), a son of Ares and Astyoche, and brother of Ascalaphus of the Boeo- tian Orchomenos. (Horn. II. ii. 512, &c.) Others call him an Argive and a son of Lycus and Pernia (Hygin. Fab. 97, 159), and mention him among the Argonauts (ApoUod. i. 9. § 16) and the suitors of Helena. (ApoUod. iii. 10. | 8 ; Pans, ix. 37, in fin.) After the destruction of Troy, he is said to have wandered about with the Orchome- nians on the Pontus, and to have founded colonies on the coast of Colchis. (Strab. ix. p. 416 ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 272.) [L. S.] lA'LYSUS ('laAucros), a son of Cercaphus and Cydippe or Lysippe, and grandson of Helios. He was a brother of Lindus and Cameirus, in con- junction with whom he possessed the island of Rhodes, where he was regarded as the founder of the town of lalysus. Pindar calls him the eldest among the three brothers. {Olymp. vii. 74, with the Schol. ; Diod. v. 57 ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 315.) lalysus was represented as a hero in a very famous painting by Protogenes. [L. S.] lAMBE ('Ictyug?}), a Thracian woman, daughter of Pan and Echo, and a slave of Metaneira, the wife of Hippothoon. Others call her a slave of Celeus. The extravagant hilarity displayed at the festivals of Demeter in Attica was traced to her ; for it is said that, when Demeter, in her wander- ings in search of her daughter, arrived in Attica, lambe cheered the mournful goddess by her jokes, (Horn. Hymn, in Cer. 202 ; Apollod. i. 5. § 1 ; Diod. V. 4 ; Phot. Bibl. Cod. 239. p. 319, ed. Bekker ; Schol. ad Nicund. Alexiph. 134.) She was believed to have given the name to Iambic poetry ; for some said that she hung herself in con- sequence of the cutting speeches in which she had indulged, and others that she had cheered Demeter by a dance in the Iambic metre. (Eustath. ad Horn. p. 1684.) [L. S.] lAMBLICHUS {'ldy.§ixos), one of the phy- larchs, or petty princes of the Arab tribe of the Emesenes. (Strab. xvi. p. 753.) He was the son of Sampsiceramus, and is first mentioned by Cicero in a despatch, which he sent from Rome to Cilicia in B. c 51, and in which he states that lamblichus had sent him intelligence respecting the movements of the Parthians, and he speaks of him as well disposed to the republic. (Cic. ad Fam. xv. 1.) In the war between Octavianus and Antony in B.C. 31, lamblichus supported the cause of the latter ; but after Cn. Domitius had gone over to Octavianus, Antony became suspicious of treachery, and accord- ingly put lamblichus to death by torture, along with several others. (Dion Cass. 1. 13.) It appears, more- over, that Antony's suspicions had been excited against lamblichus by the charges of his own brother Alexander, who obtained the sovereignty after his brother's execution, but was shortly afterwards deprived of it by Octavianus, taken by the latter to Rome to grace his triumph, and then put to death. (Ibid. Ii, 2.) At a Liter period (b. c. 20), the son of lamblichus, who bore the same name, obtained from Augustus the restoration of his father's dominions. (Ibid, liv, 9.) lAMBLICHUS ('laVgAtxos). 1. A Syrian who lived in the time of the emperor Trajan. He