Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/576

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562 IDATIUS. Idas and Lynceus. The latter, whose eyes were BO keen that he could see through every thing, dis- covered Castor through the trunk of the oak, and pointed him out to Idas, who killed him. Poh^- deuces, in order to avenge his brother, pursued them and ran Lynceus through with his spear. Idas, in return, struck Polydeuces with a stone so violently, that he fell and fainted ; whereupon Zeus slew Idas with a flash of lightning. (ApoUod. iii. 11. (J 2 ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 511, 549 ; Ov. Fast. V. 700, &c.) This fight between the Aphareidae and the Dioscuri, which is placed by some writers in Messenia, by others in Laconia, and by Ovid in the neighbourhood of Aphidiia, is related, with sundry variations, by Theocritus (xxii. lo7, &c.), Pindar (Nem. x. 60, &c. ; comp. Paus. iv. 2. if- 4, 13. § ]), and Hyginus {Fab. 80). The tomb of the Aphareidae was shown at Sparta as late as the time of Pausanias (iii. 13. § 1), who, however, thinks that in reality they had been buried in Messenia, where the fight had taken place. They were represented in a painting, together with their father Aphareus, in a temple at Messene, (Paus. iv. 31, <5 9.) Idas alone was represented on the €hest of Cypselus in the act of leading Marpessa out of the temple of Apollo, who had carried her off. (Paus. V. 18. H-) 5. Two mythical heroes distinguished in the war against Thebes, the one of Onchestus, and the other of Taenarus. (Stat. T/teb. vi. 553, vii. 588.) [L.S.] IDA'TIUS, IDA'CIUS, or ITHA'CIUS, not to mention sundry other variations of the MSS., a native of Limica, in Gallicia, flourished during the latter half of the fifth century, was in all probability an ecclesiastic, and is known to us as the author of a Chronicum arranged according to the succession of emperors, which commences A. d. 379, the point where Hieronymus breaks ofi^, and extends down to A. D. 469, thus embracing a period of ninety years. In addition to the mere enumeration of names and dates, a short account of the principal occurrences is inserted, referring chiefly to Spanish affairs, and from A. D. 427 Idatius advances his own personal testimony to the truth of the events recorded. He seems to have executed his task with much care, and although a few errors have been detected here and there, the compilation must be regarded as a valuable repertory of naked his- torical facts. The greater portion of this Chronicle was printed in. ike Antiqiiae Lectiones of Canisius, 4to. 1601, and in the first edition of the Tlvemurus Temporum of J. J. Scaliger, fol. Lug. Bat. 1 606, but it was first published in a complete form, from an ancient MS., by Sirmond, Paris, 1619 {Opera, fol. Venet. 1728, vol. ii. p. 228), and will be found in the second edition of Scaliger's Thesaurus., foh Amst. 1658 ; in the Dibliotheca Max. Pair. Lug. Bat. 1677, vol. vii. p. 1231 ; in the BihliotJieca Palrum of Galland, vol. X. p. 323 ; in the Vett. Lat. Script. Chron. of Roncalli, Patav. 1787 ; and in the Chronica Medii Aevioi Rosier, Tubing. 1798. Sirmond found in his MS. immediately after the Chronwum a set of fasti, exhibiting a complete ca- talogue of the Roman consuls from the institution of the office, in the year of the city 245, down to A. D. 468, together with a few notices of the most remarkable transactions of the fourth and fifth cen- turies — a production which, from some resemblance in style, he supposed to belong also to Idatius ; but , IDOMENEUS. this conclusion, although acquiesced in by Roncalli,. is not generally admitted. These Fasti Consulares, Descriptio Consufum, or Fasti Idatiani, were first publis^hed by Sirmond along with the Chronicle, but in a more perfect shape by Labbe, in his Nova Bibliotheca MSS. fol. Paris, 1658, and will be found in the Bibliotlicca Max. Patrum., in the Bibliotheca Patrum, of Gal- land, in the Venice edition of Sirmond, in Roncalli, and in Rosier, as referred to above, and also in Thesaurus Antiquiiatum Romanarum of Graevius, vol. xi. p. 246. (See the dissertations of Roncalli and of Rosier, of which the substance is given by Bahr, Geschichte der Rom. Litterat. Suppl. Band. §45.) ^ [W. R.] IDE ("IStj). I. A daiighter of Melissus and Amaltheia, and sister of Adrasteia, one of the Idaean nymphs, to whom Rhea entrusted the infant Zeus to be educated. (ApoUod. i. 1. § 6.) She was represented, with other nymphs, on the altar of Athena Alea at Tegea. (Paus. viii. 47, § 2.) 2. An Idaean nymph, by whom Zeus became the father of the Idaean Dactyls. (Etymol. Magn. p. 465.) 3. A daughter of Corybas, by whom Lycastus, the son of Rhadamanthys, became the father of Minos. (Diod. iv. 60.) 4. A nvmph by whom Hyrtacus became the father of Nisus. (Virg. Aen. ix. 177.) f L. S.] IDMON ("iSjUwi'), a son of Apollo and Asteria, the daughter of Coronus (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 139), or, according to others, of Apollo, by An- tianeira, of Ampycus, or of Apollo and Cyrene. (Orph. Arg. 185, &c., 721; ApoUon. Rhod. i. 139, &c.; Hygin. Fab. 14; comp. Val. Flacc. i. 228.) He was one of the soothsayers who accom- panied the Argonauts : his name signifies " the knowing," and has been considered to be a mere epithet of Thestor or Mopsus. (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 139.) He joined the expedition of the Argonauts, although he knew beforehand that death awaited him. He was killed in the country of the Mariandynians by a boar or a serpent ; or, according to others, he died of a disease. (Apollod. i. 9. § 23 ; Apollon. Rhod. i. 140, 443, ii. 815, &c. ; Val. Flacc. v. 2, &c.) The Megarians and Boeotians who were to found Pleracleia, were com- manded by Apollo to build the town round the tomb of the hero, and to worship him as the pro- tector of the place. (Apollon. Rhod. ii. 846, &c.) There are three other mythical personages of the name of Idmon. (Apollod. ii. 1.^5; Ov. Met, vi. 8, 138 ; Stat. Theb. iii. 389.) [L. S.] IDOMENEUS ( 'iSoyuereus), a son of Deucar lion, and grandson of Minos and Pasiphae ; and hence he traced his pedigree to Zeus and Helios. He was a man of great beauty, and is mentioned among the suitors of Helen. (Hom. //. xiii. 450, &c., Od. xix. 18L ; Paus. v. 25. <J 5 ; Apollod. iii. 3. $ 1 ; Diet. Cret. i. 1 ; Hygin. Fab. 81.) He is sometimes called Lyctius or Cnosius, from the Cretan towns of Lyctus and Cnosus. (Virg. Aen. iii. 400; Diod. v. 79.) In conjunction with Meri- ones, the son of his half-brother Molus, he led the Cretans in 80 ships against Troy, and was one of the bravest heroes in the Trojan war. He offered to fight with Hector, and distinguished himself especially in the battle near the ships, where he slew several Trojans. (Hom. //. ii. 645, &c., iii. 230, iv. 251, V. 43, vii. 165, xiii. 361, &c., xvi. 345.) Philostratus {Her. 7) even relates that while