Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/601

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r JOANNES. Antiochenus (3). [See No. 105.] JOANNES. 587 12. Antiochenus (4). [See No. 108.] 13. Antiochenus (5). [Malalas.] 14. Antiochenus (6). The Excerpta ex Col- lectaneis Constantini Atigusti Porphyrogeniti, Tre pi dpeTrjs Kal KaKtas, De Virtute et Vitio, edited by Valesius, 4to. Paris, 1634, and frequently cited as the Ecccerpta Feiresciana, contain extracts from the 'l(TTopia XpoviKT^ dird 'ASd/j., Hisioria Chrono- graphica ah Adamo, of a writer called Joannes of Antioch, of whom nothing is known beyond wliat may be gathered from the work. The last extract relates to the emperor Phocas, whose character is described in the past tense, 6 avrbs ^wkus virijp- X^v atVoTTOTTjs, " This same Phocas was blood- thirsty : " from which it appears that the work was written after the death of Phocas, A. D. 610, and before the time of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, in the tenth century. Cave places Joannes of Antioch in A. D. 620. He is not to be confounded with Joannes Malalas, from whom he is in the Eoccerpta expressly distinguished. (Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. iii. p. 44, vol. viii. p. 7 ; C&e,Hist.Litt. vol. i. p. 577.) 15. Antiochenus (7). A discourse, A070S, on the gift of monasteries and their possessions to lay persons is given in the Ecdesiae Graecae Monu- inerila of Cotelerius (vol. i. p. 159, &c.). It is in the title described as the work tou dyioTarou koX IJ-aKapiuTaTov irurpiapxov 'Avriox^i-as Kvpiou 'Ico- dupou Tov €V rij 'O^eia vrjo-q) da-KT^aavTOS, Sanc- tissimi et heatissimi patriarcliae Antiochiae, domini Joannis qui in Ooda insula aliquando monachus fuit. From internal evidence, Cotelerius deduces that this patriarch Joannes lived about the middle of the twelfth century. The island of Oxia, in Avhich, before his elevation to the patriarchate, he pursued a monastic life, is in the Propontis. There is (or was) extant in MS., in the imperial library at Vienna, a work described as Eclogae Asceiicae, containing extracts from the Fathers and other ec- clesiastical authorities. The inscription subjoined to this work, reAos rijs fiid^ov tou ixaKapLwrdrov •narpidpxov *AvTiox^(as Kvpiov ""luduvov rov 4p TJj *0|6(cc. Finis libri heatissimi palriarchae Anti- orhiae domini Joannis qui in Oxia fuiU h^is led Cotelerius (Ibid. p. 747) with reason to ascribe it to the same writer. From this conclusion Cave dissents, and contends that the Edogae Asceiicae is the work of an earlier Joannes, patriarch of An- tioch, who lived, according to William of Tyre (vi. 23), Ordericus Vitalis (lib. x.), and others, about the close of the eleventh century ; but the mention of the island Oxia leads us to identify the writers with each other; and Cave's argument that the latest writer from whom any part of the Edogae is taken is Michael Psellus, who flourished about A. D. 1050, is insufficient for his purpose. Cotelerius ascribes some other works and citations to this Joannes. (Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. ii. pp. 159, 225 ; Cotelerius, IL cc.) 16. Archaph, 'Apxdip, an Egyptian schisma- tic, contemporary with Athanasius. Melitius, an Egyptian bishop, and author of a schism among the Egyptian clergy, having been condemned at the council of Nice A. D. 325, was really bent, while apparently submitting to the judgment of the council, on maintaining his party : and just before his death, which occurred shortly after the council broke up, prepared Joannes or John, surnamed Archaph, one of his partizans, and apparently Me- litian bishop of Memphis, to assume the leadership of the body. John did so ; and the Melitians being supported in their attacks on the orthodox party by the Arians, the schism became as violent as ever. Athanasius, now patriarch of Alexandria, and leader of the orthodox party [Athanasius], was the great object of attack : and John and his followers sought to throw on him the odium of originating thfe disturbances and of persecuting his opponents ; and especially they charged him with the murder of Arsenius, a Melitian bishop, whom they had secreted in order to give colour to the charge. [Athanasius.] Athanasius on his part appealed to the emperor, Constantine the Great, charging John and his followers with unsoundness in the faith, with a desire to alter the decrees of the Nicene council, and with raising tumults and insulting the orthodox ; he also objected to them, as being irregularly ordained. He refuted their charges, especially the charge of murder, ascer- taining that Arsenius was alive, and obliged them to remain quiet. John professed to repent of his disorderly proceedings, and to be reconciled to Athanasius ; and returned with his party into the communion of the orthodox church: but the recon- ciliation was not sincere or lasting : troubles broke out again, and a fresh separation took place ; John and his followers either being ejected from com- munion by the Athanasian party, or their return opposed. The council of Tyre (a. d. 335), in which the opponents of Athanasius were triumphant, or- dered them to be re-admitted ; but the emperor deeming John to be a contentious man, or, at least, thinking that his presence was incompatible with the peace of the Egyptian church, banished him (a. d. 336) just after he had banished Athanasius into Gaul. The place of his exile, and his subsequent fate, are not known. (Sozomen, H. E. ii. 21, 22, 25, 31 ; Athanasius, Apol. contra Arianos, c. 65 — 67, 70, 71 ; Tillemont, Memoires^ vol. vi. passim, vol. viii. passim.) 17. Argyropulus ('ApyvpoTTovKos), one of the learned Greeks whose flight into Western Europe contributed so powerfully to the revival of learning. Joannes Argyropulus (or Argyropylus, or Argyro- polus, or Argyropilus, or Argyrophilus, for the name is variously written) was born at Constan- tinople of a noble family, and was a presbyter of that city, on the capture of which (a. d. 1453) he is said by Fabricius and Cave to have fled into Italy ; but there is every reason to believe that his removal was antecedent to that event. Nicolaus Comnenus Papadopoli (Hist. Gymnas. Fatavini) states that he was twice in Italy ; that he was sent the first time when above forty years old, by Car- dinal Bessarion, and studied Latin at Padua, and that his second removal was after the capture of Constantinople. What truth there is in this state- ment it is diflicult to say : he was at least twice in Italy, probably tliree, and perhaps even four times ; but that he was forty years of age at his first visit is quite irreconcileable with other statements. A passage cited by Tiraboschi (Storia della Lett. Italiana, vol. vi. p. 198) makes it likely that he was at Padua A. D. 1434, reading and explaining the works of Aristotle on natural philosophy. In A. D. 1439 an Argyropulus was present with the emperor Joannes Palaeologus at the council of Florence (Michael Ducas, Hist. Byzant. c. 31) : it is not clear whether this was Joannes or some other of his name, but it was probably Joannes. In A. D. 1441 he was at Constantinople, as appears