Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/63

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ERINNA. ERI'GONE {'Upiydpv.) 1. A daughter of Icarius, seduced by Bacchus, who came into her father's house. (Ov. Met. vi. 125; Hygin. Fab. 130; comp. Icarius,) 2. A daughter of Aegisthus and Clytaemnestra, and by Orestes the mother of Penthilus. (Pans, ii. 18. § 5.) Hyginus {Fab. 122), on the other hand, relates that Orestes wanted to kill her like her mother, but that Artemis removed her to At- tica, and there made her her priestess. Others state, that Erigone put an end to herself when she heard that Orestes was acquitted by the Areiopagus. (Diet. Cret. vi. 4.) A third Erigone is mentioned by Servius. (Ad Virg. Eclog. iv. 6.) [L. S.] EFiI'GONUS, originally a colour-grinder to the painter Nealces, obtained so much knowledge of his master's art, that he became the teacher of the celebrated painter Pasias, the brother of the mo- deller Aegineta. (Plin. xxxv. 11, s. 40. § 41.) From this statement it follows that he flourished about B. c. 240. [Aegineta.] [P. S.] ERIGY'IUS ('Epi7utos, 'Ep«7utos), a Mytile- naean, son of Larichus, was an officer in Alexan- der's array. He had been driven into banishment by Philip because of his faithful attachment to Alexander, and returned when the latter came to the throne in B. c. 336. At the battle of Arbela, B. c. 331, he commanded the cavalry of the allies, as he did also when Alexander set out from Ec- batana in pursuit of Dareius, B. c. 330, In the same year Erigyius was entrusted with the com- mand of one of the three divisions with which Alexander invaded Hyrcania, and he was, too, among the generals sent against Satibarzanes, whom he slew in battle with his own hand. [Caranus, No, 3.] In 329, together with Craterus and Hephaestion, and by the assistance of Aristander the soothsayer, he endeavoured to dissuade Alex- ander from crossing the Jaxartes against the Scy- thians. In 328 he fell in battle against the Bactrian fugitives, (Arr. Anab. iii. 6, 11, 20, 23, 28, iv. 4 ; Diod. xvii. 57; Curt. vi. 4. § 3, vii. 3. § 2, 4. §§ 32-40, 7. §§ 6-29, viii, 2, § 40.) [E.E.] ERINNA ("Hpiw a). There seem to have been two Greek poetesses of this name. 1. A contem- porary and friend of Sappho (about B. c. 612), who died at the age of nineteen, but left behind her poems which were thought worthy to rank with those of Homer. Her poems were of the epic class : the chief of them was entitled 'HAa/cctTTj, tlie Distaff: it consisted of three hundred lines, of which only four are extant. ( Stob. Flor. cxviii. 4 ; Athen. vii. p. 283, d.; Bergk, Poet. Lyr. Graec. p. 632.) It was written in a dialect which was a mixture of the Doric and Aeolic, and which was spoken at Rhodes, where, or in the adjacent island of Telos, Erinna was born. She is also called a Lesbian and a Mytilenaean, on account of her re- sidence in Lesbos with Sappho. (Suidas, s. v. ; Eustath. ad 11. ii. 726, p. 326.) There are several epigrams upon Erinna, in which her praise is ce- lebrated, and her untimely death is lamented. (Brunck,^«aZ.vol,i,p.241,n.81,p.218,n.35,vol.ii. p. 1 9, n. 47, vol. iii. p. 26 1 , n. 523, 524, vol. ii. p. 460.) The passage last cited, which is from the Ecphrasis of Christodorus (vv, 108 — 110) shews, that her statue was erected in the gymnasium of Zeuxippus at Byzantium. Her statue by Naucydes is men- tioned by Tatian. {Orat. ad Graec. 52, p. 113, Worth.) Three epigrams in the Greek Anthology are ascribed to her (Brunck, Anal. vol. i. p. 58 ; Ja- ERIS. 49 cobs, vol. i. p. 50), of which the first has the genuine air of antiquity; but the other two, addressed to Baucis, seem to be a later fabrication. She had a place in the Garland of Meleager (v. 12). 2. A Greek poetess, who, if we may believe Eusebius {Chron. Arm., Syncelh p. 260, a., Hieron.) was contemporary Avith Demosthenes and Philip of Macedon, in 01. 107, b. c. 352. Several good scho- lars, however, reject this statement altogether, and only allow of one Erinna. (Fabric. BUjI. Graec. vol. ii. p. 120; Welcker, de Erinna, Corinna, ^c. in Creuzer's Meletemata, pt. ii. p. 3 ; Richter, Sapplio uud Erinna; Schneidewin, Delect. Foes. Graec. Eteg. ^t'.. p. 323 ; Idem, in Zimmermann's Zeit- schrift fur die Alterthumswissensehaft, 1837- p. 209 ; Bode, Gesch. d. Hell. Dichth. vol. ii. pt. 2, p. 448.) [P. S.J ERINNYES. [EuMENiDAE.] ERIO'PIS {'EpiwTTLs). There are four mythical personages of this name. (Hom. //. xiii. 697 ; Schol. ad Find. Fytlu iii. 14 ; Paus. ii. 3. § 7 ; Hesych. s. v.) [L. S.] ERI'PHANIS ('Hpt^ai/is), a melic poetess, and author of erotic poetry. One particular kind of love-song was called after her ; but only one line of lier's is preserved in Athenaeus (xiv. p. 619), the only ancient author that mentions her. [L. S.] E'RIPHUS fEpt^os), an Athenian comic poet of the middle comedy. According to Athenaeus, he lived at the same time as Antiphanes, or only a little later, and he copied whole verses from Antiphanes. That he belonged to the middle comedy, is suffi- ciently shewn by the extant titles of his plays, namely, AfoAos, MeAtgoia, IleATatrTTjs. Eustathius {ad Horn. p. 1686. 43) calls him x6yios dvTJp. (Athen. ii. p. 58, a., iii. p. 84, b. c, iv. pp. 1 34, c, 137, d., vii. p. 302, e., xv. p. 693, c. ; Antiatt. p. 98. 26 ; Suidas, s. v. ; Eudoc. p. 167: Meineke, Frag. Com. Graec. vol. i. pp. 420, 421, iii. pp. 556 — 558 ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ii. pp 441, 442.) [P.S.] ERIPH Y'LE ('EpicpiXr]), a daughter of Talaus and Lysimache, and the wife of Amphiaraus, whom she betrayed for the sake of the necklace of Har- monia. (Hom. Od. xi. 326 ; ApoUod. i. 9. § 3 ; Amphiaraus, Alcmaeon, Harmonia.) [L. S.J ERIPHY'LUS, a Greek rhetorician, who is mentioned by Quintilian (x. 6. § 4), but is other- wise unknown. [L. S.] ERIS CEpis), the goddess who calls forth war and discord. According to the Iliad, she wanders about, at first small and insignificant, but she soon raises her head up to heaven (iv. 441). She is the friend and sister of Ares, and with him she de- lights in the tumult of war, increasing the moaning of men. (iv. 445, v. 518, xx. 48.) She is insatiable in her desire for bloodshed, and after all the other gods have withdrawn from the battle-field, she still remains rejoicing over the havoc that has been made. (v. 518, xi. 3, &c., 73.) According to He- siod (Theog. 225, &c.), she was a daughter of Night, and the poet describes her as the mother of a variety of allegorical beings, which are the causes or representatives of man's misfortunes. It was Eris who threw the apple into the assembly of the gods, the cause of so much suffering and war. [Paris.] Virgil introduces Discordia as a being similar to the Homeric Eris; for Discordia appears in company with Mars, Bellona, and the Furies, and Virgil is evidentlj' imitating Homer. (Jen.wm. 702 ; Serv. adAen. i. 31, vi. 280.) [L.S.]