Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/671

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JULUS. 4. C. Julius, C. p. C. n., Julus, son of No. 2, was consul in B. c. 447, with M. Geganius Mace- rinus, and again in B. c. 435, with L. Verginius Tricostus. In the latter year Rome was visited with such a grievous pestilence, that not only were the Romans unable to march out of their own ter- ritory to devastate the enemy's, but even offered no opposition to the Fidenates and Veientes, who advanced almost up to the Colline gate. While Julius manned the walls, his colleague consulted the senate, and eventually named a dictator. (Li v. iii. 65, iv. 21 ; Diod. xii. 29, 49.) According to Licinius Macer, Julius was elected consul for the third time in the following year, with his colleague of the preceding. Other accounts mentioned other persons as the consuls ; and others again gave consular tribunes this year. (Liv. iv. 23.) 5. L. Julius, Vop. f. C. n., Julus, son of No. 3, one of the three consular tribunes in B. c. 438. (Liv. iv. 16 ; Diod. xii. 38.) He was ma- gister equitum in b. c. 431 to the dictator, A. Pos- tumius Tubertus, who left him and the consul for the year, C. Julius Mento, in charge of the city, while he marched against the Aequians and Vol- scians. (Liv. iv. 26, 27; Diod. xii. 64, who places the dictatorship in the preceding year.) In the following year, B. c. 430, L, Julius (erroneously called by Cicero C. Julius) was consul with C. Papirius Crassus. Having learnt from the treachery of one of the tribunes, that the latter intended to bring forward a law which was much wished for by the people, imposing a pecuniary fine instead of the one in cattle, which had been fixed by tlie Aternia Tarpeia lex., b. c. 454, the consuls anticipated their purpose, and proposed a law by which a small sum of money was to be paid in place of each head of cattle {multarum aestimatio). This law was occa- sioned, according to Cicero., by the censors, L. Papirius and P. Pinarius, having, through the in- fliction of fines, deprived private persons of an im- mense quantity of cattle, and brought them into the possession of the state. (Liv. iv. 30 ; Diod. xii. 72 ; Cic. de Rep. ii. 35 ; Niebuhr, Rom. Hist. vol. ii. note 690.) 6. Sex. Julius Julus, consular tribune in B.C. 424, with three colleagues. (Liv. iv. 35 ; Diod. xii. 82.) 7. C.Julius, L. f. Vop. n., Julus, grandson of No. 3, consular tribune in B. c. 408, with two colleagues, and again in B. c. 405, with five col- leq^gues. In the former year he and his colleague, Cornelius Cossus, vehemently opposed the nomina- tion of a dictator ; and in the latter year he took part with his colleagues in the commencement of the siege of Veii. (Liv. iv. BQ, 61; Diod. xiii. 104, xiv. 17.) He was censor in B. c. 393, and died in his year of office. (Liv. v. 31, ix. 34; Plut. CamUl. 14.) 8. L. Julius Julus, consular tribune in b. c. 403, with five colleagues, according to the Capito- line Fasti. Diodorus mentions. only five tribunes, but Livy increases the number to eight. Six is probably the real number, to which Livy has added the two censors. The consular tribunes of this year continued the siege against Veii during the winter. (Liv. V. 1, 2; Diod. xiv. 35.) 9. L. Julius, L. f., Vop. n., Julus, the son of No. 5, and the grandson of No. 3, consular tribune in B. c. 401, with five colleagues, and a second time in B. c. 397, with the same number of colleagues. In the former of these two years the consular VOL. II. JUNIA. 657 tribunes entered upon their office on the kalends of October instead of the ides of December, which was the usual time, in consequence of a defeat sus- tained by their predecessors before Veii ; and their own year of office was distinguished by the number of foreign wars and civil broils. In the latter year Julius, with his colleague, Postumius, fell upon the Tarquinienses, who had made a plundering inroad into the Roman territory, and stripped them of the booty they had gained. (Liv. v. 9, 10, 16 ; Diod. xiv. 44, 85.) 10. L. Julius Julus, consular tribune in b.c. 388, with five colleagues; and a second time in B.C. 379, with seven colleagues. (Liv. vi. 4, 30 ; Diod. XV. 23, 51.) 11. C. Julius Julus, was nominated dictator in B. c. 352, under pretence of an apprehended was with the Etruscans, but in reality to carry the election of two patricians in the consular comitia, in violation of the Licinian law. (Liv. vii. 21.) JULUS ANTO'NIUS. [Antonius, No, 19.] JUNCUS, a Greek philosopher, from whose treatise " On Old Age " (vrept 'y-/ipws) considerable extracts are made by Stobaeus, but of whose life and age we know nothing. The work was in the form of a dialogue, and the writer appears to have been a Platonic philosopher, (Stobaeus, Florihg. tit. 115. § 26, 116. $ 49, 117, $ 9, 121. § 35, ed. Gaisford.) Tacitus (Ann. xi. 35) speaks of a Roman senator, Juncus Vergilianus, who was put to death in the reign of the emperor Claudius: but perhaps we should read Junius instead of Juncus. JU'NIA. 1. The wife of C. Marcellus, the augur, and the mother of C. Marcellus, who was consul in b. c. 50. She is mentioned with great respect by Cicero in his congratulatory letters to her son and husband upon the election of the former to the consulship. (Cic. ad Fa/n. xv. 7, 8.) 2. The daughter of Servilia and D. Junius Si- lanus, consul in B.C. 62. She was also the half- sister of M. Junius Brutus, the murderer of Caesar, who was the son of Servilia by her first husband, M. Junius Brutus, tribune of the plebs in b. c. 83. Junia was married to M. Lepidus, subsequently the triumvir. When Cicero was in Cilicia, in b. c. 50, he was told that she was not faithful to Lepidus : he speaks of her portrait being found among the chat- tels of the debauchee P. Vedius, and expresses his surprise at her brother and husband taking no notice of her conduct. He afterwards speaks of her in one of the Philippics in terms of praise (proba- tissima uxor). She seems, at all events, to have won the affections of her husband ; and when she became involved in the conspiracy formed by her son Lepidus against the life of Octavian, after the battle of Actium, her husband offered to become security for her. (Cic. ad Alt. vi. 1, xiv. 8, PhU. xiii. 4; Veil. Pat. ii. 88; Appian, B. C. iv. 50.) 3. Junia Tertia, or Tertulla, own sister of the preceding, and consequently half-sister of M. Brutus. The enemies of the dictator, Caesar, spread abroad the report that hev mother, Servilia, had introduced her to Caesar's favour, when she herself became advanced in years. Tertia was the wife of C. Cassius, one of Caesar's murderers ; but she survived her husband a long while, for she did not die till the sixty-fourth year after the battle of Philippi, A. D. 22, under the reign of Tiberius. Her property was very large ; but though she left legacies to almost all the great men of Rome, slie u u