Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/715

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LACRATES. tians, by whom, according to some, the temple of Juno Lacinia was built. (Serv, /. c) [L. S.] LA'CIUS (AoK/os), an Attic hero, to whom a sanctuary was erected on the sacred road from Athens to Kleusis, and from whom the demus of Lacia or Laciadae derived its name. (Paus. i. 37. § 1.) . [L. S.] LACO (AaKOJv), son of Aeimnestus, proxenus of the Spartans at Plataea, was chosen with Asty- machus, son of Asopolaus, to address the Lacedae- monians in behalf of the Plataean people, when the town capitulated, in the fourth year of the Pelopon- nesian war, b, c. 427. In their mouths is placed the pathetic speech given in Thucydides. (Thuc. iii. 52.) [A. H. C] LACO, a native of Anagnia, the ancient capital of the Hernicans, mentioned by Cicero as one of Antony's boon-companions — poculorum princeps — in the revelries at Varro's country-house, B. c. 44. (Philtpp. ii. 4 1 , ad Jtt. xvi. 1 L) [ W. B. D.] LACO, CORNE'LIUS, originally a praetor's counsel (Heinecc, Antiq. Rom. iv. 6, § 9), was promoted by Galba, A. d. 70, to the posts of court- chamberlain and praetorian prefect. Of the three favourites of Galba, who from their influence with him were called his pedagogues (Suet. Galb. 14 ; Dion Cass. Ixiv. 2), Laco was the most slothful and not the least arrogant. In the disputes concerning theappointmentof a colleague and successor to Galba, Laco opposed the nomination of Otho, and moved, it is said, by his intimacy with Rubellius Plautus, supported that of Piso. In the divisions of Galba's court and favourites Laco seems to have taken part with Icelus. [Icelus.J Galba wished to send Laco to appease the discontent of the legions under Vitellius in Germany ; but he refused to go, and was thought to have contributed to his patron's destruction by concealing from him the murmurs of the soldiery, and by advising him, when the prae- torians had declared for Otho, to present himself to the mutineers. On Otho's accession Laco was ordered for deportation ; but the centurion who guarded him had secret orders to put him to death on the way. Laco, however, according to Plutarch (Galb. 1 3), perished at the same time with Galba. (Tac. Hist. i. 6, 13, 14, 19, 26, 33, 46 ; Suet. Galb. 14 ; Plut. Galb. 13, 26, 29.) [W.B.D.] LACO, GRAECI'NUS, was commander of the night-watch (prae/ecius vigilum) in the 18th year of the reign of Tiberius, A. d. 31. When the em- peror had commissioned Sertorius Macro to arrest Sejanus, Laco was stationed with his band of vigiles around the temple of Apollo, in which the senate Avas held. At a preconcerted signal, after Tiberius' letter (Juv. Sat. x. 71) had been read, Laco en- tered with his guards and took Sejanus into cus- tody. For this service, which from the power of the criminal required both secrecy and boldness, Laco was rewarded with a large pecuniary donation ' and with the quaestorian ornaments. (Dion Cass. Iviii. 9, 10, 12.) [W. B.D.] LA'CRATES (AaKpoirvs). 1. A general sent out by the Thebans, at the head of 1000 heavy- I armed troops, to assist Artaxerxes Ochus in his in- j vasion of Egypt, B.C. 350. He commanded that I division of the royal forces sent against Pelusium. I (Diod. xvi. 44, 49). I 2. A Pythagorean, a native of Metapontura, ) mentioned by lamblichus ( Fit. Pyih. c. 36). Another reading of the name is Lacritus. [C. P. M.] LA'CRATES, artist. [Pyrrhus.J LACTANTIUS. 701 LA'CRITUS (Ao'/cptTos), a sophist, a native of Phaselis, known to us chiefly from the speech of Demosthenes against him. A man named Androcles had lent a sum of money to Artemo, the brother of Lacritus, The latter, on the death of his brother, refused to refund the money, though he had become security for his brother, and was his heir. Hence the suit instituted against him by Androcles, for whom Demosthenes composed the speech in ques- tion. Lacritus was a pupil of Isocrates, of which he seems to have been rather vain. (Dem. in Lacr. p. 928.) Photius {Cod. 260, p. 487, a. ed. Bek.) speaks of hira likewise as the author of some Athenian laws. (Plut. Dec. Orat p. 837, b.) [C. P. M.] LACTA'NTIUS. Notwithstanding the high reputation enjoyed by this father, no sure record has been preserved by which we can determine either his exact name, or the place of his nativity, or the date of his birth. In modern works we find him usually denominated Ludus Coelius Firmianus Ladantim ; but the two former appellations, in the second of which Caecilius is often substituted for Coelius, are both omitted by Hieronymus, and also in many MSS., while the two latter are frequently presented in an inverted order ; moreover, we have no means of deciding whether Finniatms is a family or a local designation ; and some critics, absurdly enough perhaps, have imagined that Lactantius is a mere epithet, indicating the milk-like softness and sweetness which characterise the style of this author. Since he is spoken of as having been far advanced in life about a. d. 315, he must have been born not later than the middle of the third century, probably in Italy, possibly at Firmium, on the Adriatic, and certainly studied in Africa, where he became the pupil of Arnobius, who taught rhetoric at Sicca. His fame, which sur- passed even that of his master, became so widely extended, that about A. d. 301 he was invited by Diocletian to settle at Nicomedeia, and there to practise his art. The teacher of Latin eloquence, however, found so little encouragement in a city whose population was chiefly Greek, that he was reduced to extreme indigence ; and, without at- tempting to turn his talents to account as a public pleader, abandoned his profession altogether, de- voting himself entirely to literary composition. There can be little doubt that at this period he became a Christian ; and his change of religion may in no small degree have proved the cause of his poverty ; for we can scarcely suppose that he would have been left without support by the em- peror, had he not in some way forfeited the pa- tronage of the court. We know nothing farther of his career until we find him summoned to Gaul, about a. d. 312 — 318, when now an old man, to superintend the education of Crispus, son of Constantine, and it is believed that he died at Treves some ten or twelve years afterwards (a. d. 325—330). Among the writings of Lactantius we must assign the first place to I. Divinarum Institutionum Libri FII.^ a sort of introduction to Christianity, intended to supersede the less perfect treatises of Minucius Felix, TertuUian, and Cyprian. It is partly polemical, since it contains a direct attack upon the pagan system ; partly apologetic, since it undertakes to defend the new faith from the mis- representations of its adversaries ; partly didactic, since it presents an exposition of the beauty, ho-