Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/764

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750 LEOCRITUS. this base is almost certainly of a much later date than the original statue, it is useful as proving the fact, that Leochares was an Athenian. His name also appears on an inscription recently discovered at Athens. (Scholl, Arch'dologische Miitheilungen aus Griechenland, nach C. O. MuUers hinterlas- senen Papieren, pt. i. p. 127.) Of his other mythological works, Pausanias mentions Zeus and a personification of the Athe- nian people (Zei)s koL Atjiulos) in the long portico at the Peiraeus, and another Zeus in the acropolis of Athens (i. 24. § 4), as well as an Apollo in the Cerameicus, opposite to that of Calamis. Pliny (xxxiv. 8. s. 19. § 17) speaks of his Jupiter tonans in the Capitol as " ante cuncta laudabilem," and of his Apollo with a diadem ; and Vitruvius (ii. 8. § 11) refers to his colossal statue of Mars, in the acropolis of Halicarnassus, which some ascribed to Timotheus, and which was an aKpoXidos. (See Diet, of Antiq. s. v.) Of his portrait-statues, the most celebrated were those of Philip, Alexander, Amyntas, Olympias, and Eurydice, which were made of ivory and gold, and were placed in the Fhilippeion, a circular building in the Altis at Olympia, erected by Philip of Macedon in celebration of his victory at Chae- roneia. (Paus. v. 20 § 5, or §§ 9—10.) A bronze statue of Isocrates, by Leochares, was dedicated by Timotheus, the son of Conon, at Eleusis. (Pseud.- Plut. Vit. X. Orat. p. 838, d. ; Phot. Bibl, Cod. 260, p. 488, a, Bekker, who reads KAeoxa/^ous €pyov, instead of Aeoxapous.) His statue of Auto- lycus has been already mentioned. 2. Another Athenian sculptor of this name, and probably of the same family, but of the Roman period, has lately been brought to light by the re- searches of Ottfried Muller, who saw at Athens a block of marble bearing an inscription which shows it to be the base of a statue of a certain M. Anto- nius (not improbably the triumvir), made by Leo- chares. {^c'6, Arch'dol. Mittheil. pp. 128, 129; Stephani, in RMn. Mus. 1 845, p. 30 ; R. Rochette, Lettre a M. Schorn, p. 342.) [P. S.] LEO'CRATES (AewK-pc^Trjs), son of Stroebus, commanded in the great sea-fight off Aegina (b. c. 457), in which the Athenians gave a final defeat to their ancient rivals. Seventy ships were taken, and Leocrates landed and laid siege to the town ; while tlie Corinthian forces, which, by invading Attica, hoped to relieve it, were defeated by Mj'ron- ides. (Thuc. i. 105.) Plutarch relates that these two commanders were both of them colleagues of Aristeides in the campaign of Plataea (Plut. Arist. 20). ^ [A. H. C] LEO'CRITUS ^ AeicCKpiTos), a son of Evenor, and one of the suitors of Penelope, was slain by Telemachus. (Horn. Od. ii. 242, &c., xxii. 294.) [L. S.] LEO'CRITUS (AfoinpiTos). I. A son of Poly- damas, was slain by Odysseus. He was represented as dead in a painting in the Aeo-yr; at Delphi, (Paus. X. 27.) ^ 2. An Athenian, son of Protarchus, distinguished himself greatly in the storming of the Museum at Athens, under Olympiodorus, when the Athenians threw off the yoke of Demetrius Poliorcetes and drove out his garrison, b. c. 287. Leocritus was the first to break into the place, and was slain in the struggle. His memory was held in high honour by the Athenians, and his shield was suspended in the temple of Zeus eKevdepios^ with his name and LEONIDAS. his exploit inscribed upon it. (Paus. i. 25, 26 ; Plut. Dcmetr. 46.) 3. A general of Pharnaces, king of Pontus, in his war with Eumenes IL of Pergamus, was sent by his master to invade Galatia in b. c. 181. (Pol. XXV. 4.) On one occasion the garrison of Tium or Teium, a town in Paphlagoiiia, surrendered to him on a promise of safety, in spite of which he treach- erously put the whole of it to death. (Diod. Eocc. de Virt. et Vit. p. 576 ; comp. Pol. xxvi. 6.) 4. A Pythagorean philosopher of Carthage. (Lambl. Vit. Pyth. ad fin.) [E. E.] LEOCYDES (Aea)/ci557js). I. A Pythagorean philosopher of Metapontum. (Iambi. Vit.P7/th.3G.) 2. A general of Megalopolis, and a descendant of Aroesilaus. (Paus. viii. 10. §§ 6, 10.) LEO'DACUS. [OiLEDs.] LEO'DAMAS (AewSd/jias). 1. Of Achamae, an Attic orator of great distinction. He was edu- cated in the school of Isocrates; and Aeschines (c. Ctesiph. § 138), who, however, cannot in this case be regarded as an impartial critic, says that he ex- celled Demosthenes in the gracefulness of his orations. Some writers call him the teacher of Aeschines ; but this seems to be no more than an unfounded inference drawn from the passage of Aeschines just referred to. (Plut. Vit. X. Orat. p. 840; Phot. BiU. Cod. 264, p. 490, ed. Bekk. ; comp. Ruhnken, PIvit. Crit. Orat. Graec. p Ixiii. &c.) None of the orations of Leodamas have come down to us, but we know that he delivered one in accusing Callistratus (Aristot. Rhetor, i, 7, 13), and another in accusing Chabrias (Demosth. iii Lept. p. 501), and that he defended himself against a charge brought against him by Thrasybulus. (Aristot. Rhetor, ii. 23, 25.) He is also said- to have been sent by the Athenians on an embassy to Thebes. (Plut. Vit.X. Orat. p. 837.) 2. Of Thasus, a Pythagorean philosopher. (Pro- clus. In Euclid, ii. p. 19, iii. p. 58 ; Diog. Laert. iii. 24.) [L. S.] LEO'GORAS (AewySpas), the son of one Ando- cides, and the father of Andocides the orator, is said to have taken part in the conclusion of a peace between the Athenians and Lacedaemonians, pro- bably the peace of b. c. 445. He was one of the parties apprehended on suspicion of being concerned in the mutilation of the Hermae at Athens, in b. c. 415. Plutarch says that Leogoras was accused by his own son, Andocides, as one of the guilty par- ties, but that the latter saved his father by stating that Leogoras was able to give important informa- tion to the state ; and he further states that Leo- goras, taking the hint, forthwith accused numerous persons of various crimes, and was, in consequence, set free. Andocides, however, stoutly denies the truth of this story. (Thuc. i. 51 ; Plut. Vitae X. Orat. p. 834 ; Andoc. De Myst. pp. 3, 4, ed. Steph.) Leogoras seems to have borne no better character than his notorious son, Andocides. He was fre- quently attacked by the comic poets for his extra- vagance and luxurious mode of living. (Aristoph. Vesp. 1269, Nvh. 109, with Schol. ; Athen. ix. p. 387, a.) LEON. [Leo.] LEO'NTDAS L (Aewi/fSoy), king of Sparta, 17th of the Agids, was one of the sons of Anaxan- DRiDES by his first wife, and, according to some accounts, was twin-brother to Cleombrotiis (Herod, v. 39 — 41 ; Paus. iii. 3). He succeeded on the throne his half-brother Cleomenes I., about B. G 49 1, his elder brother Dorieus also having previously