Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/811

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LOLLIUS. Cass. Ix. 32.) A sepulchre to her honour was not erected till the reign of the emperor Nero. (Tac. A7m.xiv.]2.) [W. I.] LO'LLIA GENS, plebeian, which does not occur in Roman history till the last century of the republic. It would appear to have been either of Samnite or Sabine origin, for a Samnite of this name is mentioned in the war with Pyrrhus [LoL- Lius, No, 1] ; and M. Lollius Palicanus, who was tribune of the plebs b. c. 71, is described as a native of Picenum. [Palicanus.] The first member of the gens who obtained the consulship was M. Lollius, B. c. 21. The only cognomen of the LoUii in the time of the republic was Palicanus ; but under the empire we find a few more, which are given below under Lollius. LOLLIA'NUS, one of the so-called thirty tyrants under the Roman empire, is spoken of under Laelianus. LOLLIA'NUS (AoWiavoi), a celebrated Greek sophist in the time of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius, was a native of Ephesus, and received his training in the school of the Assyrian Isaeus. [Isaeus, No. 2.] He was the first person nominated to the professor's chair {^pouo^) of sophistik at Athens, where he also filled the office of cTTpaTrjyds ewl rwv o-n Awv, which, under the emperors, had become merely a praefectura annonae. The liberal manner in which he discharged the duties of this office in the time of a famine is recorded with well-merited praise b}'^ Philostratus. Two statues were erected to him at Athens, one in the agora, and the other in the small grove which he is said to have planted himself. The oratory of Lollianus was distinguished by the skill with which he brought forward his proofs, and by the richness of his style : he particularly excelled in extempore speaking. He gave his pupils systematic instruction in rhetoric, on which he wrote several works. These are all lost, but they are frequently referred to by the commentators on Herraogenes, who probably made great use of them. The most important of these works are cited under the following titles: Texi'V ^V^opiKV, irepl Trpooijxiuiu Kal SirjyTjo'eaji', Trepi dcpop/noou ^TjTopiKcoi/, &c. (Philostr. Fit. Soph. i. 2'd ; Suidas, s. V. ; Westermann, Geach. der Griech. Beredt- samkeit, § do, 18.) It was generally supposed till recently, as, for instance, by Bcickh, that the above-mentioned Lollianus is the same as the L. Egnatius Victor Lollianus whose name occurs in two inscriptions (Bockh, (hrp. fnscrip. vol. i. n. 377 and n. 1624), in one of which he is described as p/jroup, and in the other as proconsul of Achaia. But it has been satisfactorily shown by Kayser, in the treatise mentioned below, that these inscriptions do not refer to the sophist at all ; and it appears from an inscription containing an epigram of four lines re- cently discovered by Ross at Athens, that the full name of the sophist was P. Hordeonius Lollianus, who would therefore seem to have been a client of one of the Hordeonii. This inscription is printed by Welcker in the Rhcinisches Museum (vol. i. p. 210, Neue FoJge), as well as by Kayser. (C. L. Kayser, P. Hordeonius Lollianus, geschildert nach einer noch nicht herausgegebeiien AtlieniscJien In- schrift, Heidelberg, 1841.) LO'LLIUS. 1. A Samnite hostage after the war with Pyrrhus, who fled from Rome, collected a body of adventurers, and took possession of a LOLLIUS. '97 fort, Caricinura in Samnium, from which he made predatory excursions, until he was overpowered and the fort taken by Q. Ognlnius Gallus and C. Fabius Pictor, B. c. 269. (Zonar. viii. 17 ; Dio- nys. ap. Mai, Script. Vet. Nov. Collect, vol. ii. p. 526.) 2. Q. Lollius, a Roman eques in Sicily, was nearly ninety years old at the time of Veries' ad- ministration of Sicily (b. c. 73 — 71 ), and was most shamefully treated by Q, Apronius, one of the most infamous creatures of Verres. His age and infirm health prevented him from coming forward as a witness against Verres when he was accused by Cicero ; but his son, M. Lollius, appeared in his stead. He had another son, Q. Lollius, who had accused Calidius, and had set out for Sicily for the purpose of collecting information against Verres, but was murdered on the road, according to general opinion, at the instigation of Verres. (Cic. Verr. iii. 25.) 3. L. Lollius, a legate of Pompey in the Mithridatic war (Appian, Miihr. 95), may perhaps be the same as the L. Lollius whom Caelius men- tions in a letter to Cicero. {Ad Fain. viii. 8.) 4. Cn. Lollius, a triumvir nocturnus, was con- demned, with his colleagues, M. Mulvius and L. Sextilius, when accused by the tribunes of the pleba before the people, because they had come too late to extinguish a fire which had broken out in the Sacra Via. (Val. Max. viii. 1, damn. 5.) 5. M. Lollius, M. f. is first mentioned as governing the province of Galatia as propraetor. (Eutrop. vii. 10.) He was consul b. c. 21, with Q. Aemilius Lepidus (Dion Cass. liv. 6; Hor. Ep. i. 20. 28) ; and in b. c. 16 he commanded as legate in Gaul. Some German tribes, the Sigambri, Usipetes and Tenctheri, who had crossed the Rhine, were at first defeated by Lollius (Obsequ. 131), but they subsequently conquered the imperial legate in a battle, in which the eagle of. the fifth legion was lost. Although this defeat is called by Suetonius {Aug. 23) " majoris infamiae quam detrimenti," yet it was considered of sufficient importance to summon Augustus from the city to Gaul ; and it is usually classed, with the loss of the army of Varus, as one of the two great Roman disasters in the reign of Augustus. {Lollianae Varianaeque clades, Tac. Ann. i. 10 ; Suet. I.e.) On the ar- rival of Augustus, the Germans retired and re-crossed the Rhine. (Dion Cass. liv. 20; Veil. Pat. ii. 97.) The misfortune of Lollius did not, however, de- prive him of the favour of Augustus. He was sub- sequently appointed by the emperor as tutor to his grandson, C. Caesar, whom he accompanied to the East in B.C. 2. But it would appear that he did not deserve this confidence ; for Pliny {H. N. ix. 35. 8. 58) tells us that he acquired immense wealth by receiving presents from the kings in the East ; and his character is drav/n in still darker colours by Velleius, who describes him (ii. 97) as a man more eager to make money than to act honourably, and as pretending to purity and virtue while guilty of every kind of vice. This estimate of his character, however, ought probably to be taken with some deductions, as Velleius is equally lavish in his praises of the friends, and in his abuse of the enemies of Tiberius ; and Lollius, we know, Avas a personal enemy of Tiberius, and prejudiced C. Caesar against him. (Suet. Tib. 12 ; Tac. Ann. iii. 48.) The commendation which Horace bestows