Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/820

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806 LONG US. LOxNGUS, L. MU'SSIDIUS, not mentioned by ancient writers, but whose name frequently occurs on the coins of Julius Caesar and the tri- umvirs. COIN OF MUSSIDIUS LONG US. LONGUS, SEMPRO'NIUS. 1. Ti. Sem<- PRONius C. F. C. N. LoNGUS, consul with P. Cor- nelius Scipio B.C. 218, the first year of the second Punic war. Sicily was assigned to him as his province, since the Romans did not dream that Hannibal would be able to cross the Alps, and invade Italy itself. Sempronius accordingly crossed over to Sicily, and began to prosecute the war against the Carthaginians with vigour. He con- quered tho island of Melita, which was held by a Carthaginian force, .md on his retuni to Lilybaeum was preparing to go in search of the enemy's fleet, which was cruising off the northern coast of Sicily and Italy, when he was summoned to join his col- league in Italy, in order to oppose Hannibal As it was now winter, Sempronius feared to sail through the Adriatic, and, accordingly, he crossed over the straits of Messana with his troops, and in forty years marched through the whole length of Italy to Ariminum. From this place he effected a junction with his colleague, who was posted on the hills on the left bank of the Trebia. As Sempronius was eager for an engagement, and Hannibal was no less anxious, a general battle soon ensued, in which the Romans were completely defeated, with heavy loss, and the two consuls took refuge within the walls of Placentia. (Liv, xxi. 6, 17, 51 — 56 ; Polyb. iii. 40, 41, 60—75 ; Appian, Annib. 6, 7.) Sempronius Longus afterwards commanded in Southern Italj^ and defeated Hanno IHanno, No. 15] near Grumentum in Liicania, b. c. 215. ( Liv. xxiii. 37.) He was decemvir sacris faciun- dis, and died B. c. 210. (Liv. xxvii. 6.) 2. Ti. Sempronius Ti. f. C. n. Longus, son of the preceding, seems to have been elected de- cemvir sacris faciundis in place of his father in B.C. 210, and likewise augur in the same year, in place of T. Otacilius Crassus. Livy (xxvii. 6) speaks of the augur and decemvir as Ti Sempronius Ti f. Ijongus ; and though it is rather strange that he should have obtained the augurate before he had held any of the higher magistracies, yet we must suppose him to be the same as the subject of the following notice, since Livy gives his name with so much accuracy, and we know of no one else of the same name at this time. He was tribune of the plebs B. c. 210, curule aedile b. c. 197, and in the same year one of the triumviri for establishing colonies at Puteoli, Buxentum, and various other places in Italy ; praetor B. c. 196, with Sardinia as his province, which was continued to him another year ; and consul b. c. 1 94 with P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus. In his consulship he assisted as triumvir in founding the colonies which had been determined upon in B. c. 197, and he fought against the Boii with doubtful success. In the year after his con- sulship, B. c. 193, he served as legate to the consul L. Cornelius Merula, in his campaign against the LONGUS. Boii, and in B. c. 191 he served as legate to the consul M Acilius Glabrio, in his campaign against Antiochus in Greece. In B. c. 1 84 he was an un- successful candidate for the censorship. (Liv. xxxi. 20, xxxii. 27, 29, xxxiii. 24, 26, 43, xxxiv. 42, 45, 46, 47, XXXV. 5, xxxvi. 22, xxxix. 40.) He died B.c. 174. (Liv. xli. 21.) 3. C. Sempronius Longus was elected de- cemvir sacris fiiciundis in the place of Ti. Sem- pronius Longus [No. 2], who died in the great pestilence B. c. 174. (Liv. xli. 21.) He may have been a son of No. 2, and thus succeeded his father in the priestly office. 4. P. Sempronius Longus, praetor b. c. 184, obtained Further Spain as his province. (Liv. xxxix. 32, 38.) LONGUS, SULPI'CIUS. 1. Q. Sulpicius Longus, one of the consular tribunes b. c. 390, the year in which Rome was taken by the Gauls. He is mentioned two or three times in the legends of the period, and is said to have been the tribune who made the agreement with Brennus for the withdrawal of his troops. (Liv. v. 36, 47, 48 ; Diod. xiv. 110 ; Macrob. Saturn, i. 16.) 2. C. Sulpicius Ser. f. Q. n. Longus, grand- son of the preceding, was a distinguished com- mander in the war against the Samnites. He was consul for the first time, b. c. 337, with P. Aelius Paetus ; for the second time, in b. c. 323, with Q. Aulius Cerretanus ; and for the third time, B. c. 314, with M. Poetelius Libo. In the last year Sulpicius, with his colleague Poetelius, gained a great and decisive victory over the Samnites not far from Caudium ; but it appears from the Tri- umphal Fasti that Sulpicius alone triumphed. (Liv. viii. 15, 37, ix. 24—27 ; Diod. xvii. 17, xviii. 26, xix. 73.) It is conjectured from a few letters of the Capitoline Fasti, which are mutilated in this year, that Sulpicius was censor in B. c. 319 ; and we know from the Capitoline Fasti that he was dictator in b. c. 312. LONGUS, M TU'LLIUS, consul, b. c. 500, with Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus in the tenth year of the republic. For the events of the year see Camerinus, No. 1. Tullius died in his year of office. (Liv. ii. 19 ; Dionys. v. 52 ; Zonar. vii. 13 ; Cic Brat. 16.) LONGUS, VE'LIUS, a Latin grammarian, known to us from a treatise De Orthographia, still extant. He was older than Charisius, who refers to his writings twice ; first (i. 18. § 2) to some work of which the title has not been preserved, and afterwards (ii. 9. § 4) to notes on the second book of the Aeneid. In a third reference (ii. 1 3. § 149) to certain observations on Lucretius, his name is an interpolation. The commentary on Virgil is mentioned by Macrobius (Sat. iii. 6) as if it were one of the earlier compilations of this class {himc multi alii commentatores secuti sunt), is no- ticed by Servius also (Ad Virg. Aen. x. 145), and in the collection of scholiasts upon Virgil published by Mai at Milan in 1818 from a Verona palimp- sest. (Suringar, Hist. Sc/ioUad. Lat. p. 184.) The De Ortliographia was brought to light by George Merula, and pul)lished by Fulvius Ursinus in his " NoUie ad M. Varronem de Re Rustica," 8vo. Rom. 1587. It will be found in the " Gram- maticae Latinae Auctores Antiqui " of Putschius, 4to. Hanov. 1 605, p. 22 1 4—2239. [ W. R.] LOPHON, one of the statuaries, who made " athletas et armatos et venatores sacrificantesque."