Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/861

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LYCOPIIRON. wTiose convivicvl qualities are extolled in liis epitaph by Phalaecus, was probably the same person ; and perhaps also the play of An tiphanes, called "Ly- con," had reference to him. {J7ith. Graec. vol. i. p. 210, vii. p. 24b", ed. Jacobs ; Meineke, Frac/m. Corn. Graec. vol. i. p. 327, iii. p. 80.) [E. E.'l LYCON (Ayftrajy), literary. 1. A Pythagorean pliilosopher. (lamblich. Fit. Fyth. 36.) 2. Of lasos, wrote upon Pythagoras. (Ath. ii. p. 47, a., p. 69, e., x. 418, f. ; Diog. Laert. v. 6d.) It is not clear whether he Avas the same person as the Pythagorean mentioned by Eusebius {Praep. Evang. xv. 2), (is a contemporary and a calum- niator of Aristotle. .3. Of Troas, a distinguished Peripatetic philo- sopher, who was the son of Astyanax, and the disciple of Straton, whom he succeeded as the head of the Peripatetic school, in the 127th Olympiad, B. c. 272 ; and he held that post for more than forty-four years. He resided at Pergamus, under the patronage of Attains and Eumenes. from whom Antigonus Gonatas of Macedonia in vain sought to entice him (the old reading in the text of Laertius was Antiochus). On several occasions his counsel was of great service to the Athenians, He was celebrated for his eloquence (comp. Cic. de Fin. v. 5), and for his skill in educating boys. He paid great attention to the body as well as to the mind, and, constantly practising athletic exer- cises, was exceedingly health}'- and robust. Never- theless, he died of gout at the age of 74. He was a bitter rival of Hieronymus the peripatetic. Among the writings of Lycon was probably a work on Characters (similar to the work of Theo- phrastus), a fragment of which is preserved by Rutilius Lupus {de Fig. ii. 7), though the title of the book is not mentioned by any ancient writer. It appears from Cicero (Tusc. Disp. iii. 32) and Clement of Alexandria {Strom, ii. p. 497), that he wrote on the boundaries of good and evil {De Finibus). A work of his on the nature of animals is quoted by Appuleius {Apol. p. 42). In his will, as preserved by Diogenes Laertius, there is a re- ference to his writings, but no mention of their titles. Diogenes states, that on account of his sweet eloquence, his name was often written TKvkwv. 'J'he fact appears to be that the guttural was origi- nuUy a part of the word. (Diog. Laert. v. 65 — 74 ; lluhnken, ad Rutil. Lup. /. c, Opusc. vol. i. p. 393 ; Jonsius, Scnpt. Hist. I'hilos. vol. iv. p. 340 ; Fabric. Dibl. Graec. vol. i. p. 851, vol. iii. p. 498.) ^ [P.S.] LYCO'PEUS (AuKWTreus), a son of Agrios, and uncle of Tydeus, by whom he was slain. (ApoUod. i. 8. § 6 ; Kustath. ad Horn. p. 971.) [L. S.l LYCOPHONTES (Aukoc^oVttjj), a son of Au- tophonus, a Theban, who, in conjunction with Macon, lay in ambush, with 50 men, against Ty- deus, but was slain by him. (Horn. It. iv. 395.) There is also a Trojan of this name. (Horn. IL viii. 275.) [L.S.] LYCOPHRON (AuKo'<|)pwv), a son of Mastor, who had been obliged to quit his native place Cythera, on account of a murder he had committed. He accompanied the Telamonian Ajax against Troy, where he was slain by Hector. (Hom. //. XV. 4.30, &c.) [L. S.] LY'COPHRON {KvK6(ppwv). 1. The younger son of Perianier, tyrant of Corinth, by his wife Lyside or Melissa. Melissa having been killed by LYCOPHRON. 847 Periander, her father Procles, tyrant of Epidaurus, asked her two sons, while staying at his court, if they knew who had slain their mother. This rankled in the mind of Lycophron, and, on his re- turn to Corinth, he refused to hold any communi- cation with his father. Periander drove him from his house, and forbade any one to receive him or address him under the penalty of the confiscation of a certain sum to the service of Apollo ; but the misery to which he was thus reduced had no eflfect on Lycophron 's resolution, and even his father's entreaties, that he would recede from his obstinacy and return home, called forth from him only the remark that Periander, by speaking to him, had subjected himself to the threatened penalty. Peri- ander then sent him away to Corcyra ; but, when he was himself advanced in years, he summoned him back to Corinth to succeed to the tyranny, seeing that Cypselus, his elder son, was unfit to hold it from deficiency of understanding. The summons was disregarded, and, notwithstanding a second message to the same effect, conveyed by Lycophron's sister, and backed by her earnest en- treaties, he persisted in refusing to return to Corinth as long as his father was there. Periander then offered to withdraw to Corcj^ra, if Lycophron would come home and take the government. To this he assented ; but the Corcyraeans, not wishing to have Periander among them, put Lycophron to death, probably about B. c. 586. (Herod, iii. 50 — 53 ; Diog. Laert. i. 94, 95 ; comp. Pans. ii. 28.) 2. A Corinthian general, was slain in a battle with the Athenians, who had made a descent on the Corinthian coast, under Nicias, in B. c. 425. (Thuc. iv. 43, 44 ; Plut. Nic. 6 ) 3. An Athenian, son of one Lycurgus, and father of Lycurgus the orator. The language of the author of the Lives of the Ten Orators is such as to leave it doubtful whether it was Lycophron or his father Lycurgus who was put to death by the thirty tyrants. (Pans. i. 29 ; Pseudo-Plut. Vit. X. Orat. Lye. ad init. ; Clint. F. H. sub anno 337.) 4. A citizen of Pherae, where he put down the government of the nobles and established a tyranny. Aiming further at making himself master of the whole of Thessaly, he overthrew in a battle, wjth great slaughter (b. c. 404), the Larissaeans and others of the Thessalians, who opposed him, adhe- rents, no doubt, of the Aleuadae. (Xen. Hell. ii. 3. § 4.) Schneider {ad Xen. I. c.) conjectures that the troops and money obtained in the preceding year by Aristippus of Larissa from Cyrus the Younger were intended to resist the attempts of Lycophron (Xen. Anab. i. 1. § 10). In b, c. 395, Medius of Larissa, probably the head of the Aleu- adae, was engaged in war with Lycophron, who was assisted by Sparta, while Medius received succours from the opposite confederacy of Greek states, which enabled him to take Pharsalus. (Diod. xiv. 82.) Of the manner and period of Lycophron's death we know nothing. He was probably the father of Jason of Plierae. 5. A son, apparently, of .lason, and one of the brothers of Thebe, wife of Alexander, the tyrant of Pherae, in whose murder he took part together with his sister and his two brothers, Tisiphonus and Peitholaus. On Alexander's death the power appears to have been wielded mainly by Tisiphonus, though Diodorus says that he and Lycophron made themselves joint- tyrants, with the aid of a