Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/887

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LYTIERSES. the human face in gypsum ; and from this mould he produced copies by pouring into it melted wax. (Plin. H. N. XXXV. 12. s. 44.) He made a statue of Melanippe. (Tatian. adv. Graec, 54, p. 117, ed. Worth.) [P. S.] LY'SIUS (Au(rtos), i. e. the "Deliverer, a sur- name of Dionysus, under which he was worshipped at Corinth, where there was a carved image of the god, the whole figure of which was gilt, while the face was painted red. (Paus. ii. 2. § 5.) He was also worshipped at Sicyon, where the Theban Phanes was said to have introduced the god (ii. 7. $ 6), and at Thebes. In the last-mentioned place he had a sanctuary near one of the gates, and there was a story that the god had received the surname from the fact of his once having delivered Theban prisoners from the hands of the Thracians in the neighbourhood of Haliartus (ix. 16. § 4; Orph. IJymn. 49, 2. &c.) [L. S.] LYSIZO'NA (Auo-tfwj/Tj), i. e. the goddess who loosens the girdle, is a surname of Artemis and Eileithyia, who were worshipped under this name at Athens. (Theocrit. xvii. 60 ; Schol. ad ApoUon. Rhod. i. 287.), [L. S.] LYSO, a Sicilian of rank at Lilybaeum, whom Verres, while praetor of Sicily in B. c. 73 — 71, robbed of a statue of Apollo. (Cic. in Verr. iv. 17.) A son of Lyso, bearing the same name, is recom- mended by Cicero to M Acilius Glabrio, proconsul in Sicily in b. c. 46. {ad Fain. xiii. 34.) [Gla- brio, No. 6.] [W. B. U] LYSO, a native of Patrae, in Achaia (Cic. ad Fam. xiii. 19), who is commonly said to have been a physician, and to have attended Cicero's freedman TuUius Tiro during his illness at that place, B.C. 51. This, however, is probably a mis- take, as he is no where called a physician, and rather seems to be distinguished from Tiro's medi- cal attendant, whose name was Asclapo {ibid. xvi. 4, 5, 9) ; so that altogether it is more likely that Lyso was the person with whom Tiro lodged during his illness. Cicero seems at one time to have been afraid of his not being sufficiently attentive to his guest, and advises Tiro, if necessary, to go to the house of M'. Curius {ibid. xvi. 4). Tiro himself, however, seems to have been quite satisfied with his care and attention ; and, accordingly, when Lyso visited Rome a short time afterwards, and stayed there for about a year, he lived on the most intimate terms with Cicero, and saw him almost every day (tizo?. xiii. 19, 24). When Servius Sul- picius was going as proconsul to Achaia, Cicero wrote two letters to him in Lyso's favour, B. c. 47, in which he speaks of him in terms of great affec- tion and gratitude {ibid. xiii. 19, 24). [W.A.G.] LYSON {Ax)(Twv), a statuary, who is mentioned by Pliny among those who made " athletas, et ar- matos, et venatores, sacrificantesque " (//. iV. xxxiv, 8. 8. 19. $ 34). His statue of the Athenian people in the senate-house of the Five Hundred is men- tioned by Pausanias (i. 3. $ 4). [P. S.] LYSUS (Aua-os), a Macedonian statuary, who made the statue of Criannius, the Eleian, in the Aids at Olympia. (Paus. vi. 17. § 1.) [P. S.] LYTE'RIUS (AuTT^pios), i. e. the Deliverer, a surname of Pan, under which he had a sanctuary at Troezene, because he was believed during a plague to have revealed in dreams the proper remedy against the disease. (Paus. ii. 35. ^ 5.) [L. S.] LYTIERSES (Aim^p<r7js), another form of Lityerses. (Theocr. x. 41.) [Lityerses.] MACARIUS. M. 87S MA (MS) signifies probably mother., as in Aes- chylus {ixa 7a, Suppl. 890), who applies it to the earth to designate her as the mother of all. But, according to Stephanus Byzantinus {s. v. Mda- Toupa), Ma was the name of a nymph in the suite of Rhea, to whom Zeus entrusted the bringing up of the infant Dionysus. The same author tells us that Rhea herself was by the Lydians called Ma, and that bulls were sacrificed to her, whence the name of the town Mastaura was derived. (Comp. Welcker, Trilog. p. 167.) [L. S.] MACAR or MACAREUS (Ma/cop or Ma/ca- peiJs). 1. A son of Helios and Rhodes, or, accord- ing to others, a son of Crinacus, who after the murder of Tenages fled from Rhodes to Lesbos. (Hom. II. xxiv. 544 ; Died. v. 56 ; Plat, de Leg. viii. p. 838 ; Arnob. adv. Gent. iv. 24 ; Ilgen, ad Hymn. Hom. p. 203.) 2. A son of Aeolus, who committed incest with his sister Canace, and, according to some accounts, killed himself in consequence. (Hj'gin. Fab. 238 ,• Plut. Parall. Hist. Gr. et Rom.; comp, Aeolus.) 3. A son of Lycaon, from whom the town of Macaria in Arcadia derived its name. (Paus. viii. 3. § 1 ; Steph. Byz. s.v. Manapeai ; ApoUod. iii. 8. § 1.) 4. A son of Jason and Medeia, who is also called Mermerus or Mormorus. (Hygin. Fhb. 239 ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 175 ; comp. Mermerus,) 5. Of Nericus, one of the companions of Odys- seus. (Ov. Met. xiv. 159.) 6. A Lapithes, who at the wedding of Peirithous slew the centaur Erigdupus. (Ov. Met. xii. 452.) 7. The founder of Lesbos, was a son of Crineua and a grandson of Zeus. (Died. v. 81.) [L. S.] MACAREUS (MaKcpews). Athenaeus cites in two places (vi. p. 262, c. xiv. p. 639, d) the KwaKOL of Macareus. As his citation, the same in both places, is from the third book, we know that the history comprehended at least three books : but nothing more seems known either of the author or the work, except that it was written after the time of Phylarchus, from whom Macareus quotes three hexameter lines, and who appears to have lived in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes and Ptolemy Phi- lopator, kings of Egypt, i. e. B. c. 246 — 204. (Fa- bric. Bibl. Graec. vol. viii. p. 367.) [J. C. M.] MACA'RIA (Mo/capta), a daughter of Heracles by Deianeira, from whom Zenobius derives the proverb /SaW €S /j-aKapiav, because she had put an end to herself. (Paus. i. 32. § 6; Zenob. Frov. ii. 61.) • [L. S.] MACA'RIUS (MoKaptos), a Spartan, was one of the three commanders of the Peloponnesian force which was sent to aid the Aetolians in the reduction of Naupactus, B. c. 426, which however was saved by Demosthenes with the aid of the Acarnanians. Macarius took part in the expedi- tion against Amphilochian Argos, in the same year, and was slain at the battle of Olpae. (Thuc. iii. 100—102, 105—109.) [E. E.] MACA'RIUS (Ma/capioj). ]. Aegyptius, the Egyptian. There were in the fourth century in Egypt two eminent ascetics and contemporaries, though probably not disciples of St. Antony, as is asserted by Rufinus, and perhaps by Theodoret. [Antonius, No. 4, p. 217, b.j Of these the