Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/90

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76 EUDEMUS. Bayer {Hist. Regn. Graec. Bactriani^ p. ^B^ &c,) has inferred the existence of a second Eucratides, the son of the preceding, to whom he ascribes the murder of his father, and this view has been adopted by M. Raoul Rochette {Journal des Sav. 1835); but it does not seem to be established on any sufficient gronnds. Wilson and Mionnet con- ceive Heliocles to have been the successor of Eucra- tides. (Wilson's Jnarea, p. 237; Mionnet, .Sw/jp^. t. 8, p. 470.) [Heliocles.] [E. H. B.J EUCTE'MON (Eu/£T7f/i«i/), the astronomer. [Meton.] EUCTE'MON {EvKT-^nwp), a Greek rhetorician who lived in the early part of the Roman empire. He is mentioned only by Seneca, who has pre- served a few fragments of his works. {Controv. iii. 19, 20, iv. 25, V. 30, 34.) [L. S.] EUDAEMON (EuSafAtw"). 1. The name of two victors in the Olympian games. One of them was an Egyptian, and won the prize in boxing, but the year is not known. (Philostr. Her. ii. 6.) The other was a native of Alexandria, and gained a victory in the foot-race in 01. 237, or A. D. 169. (African, ap. Euseb. Chron. p. 44, 2d. edit. Scalig.) 2. A Greek grammarian, and contemporary of Jiibanius. He was a native of Pelusium in Egypt, and wrote a work on orthography, which is lost, but is often referred to by Suidas, in the Etymo- logicum, and by Stephanus of Byzantium, (s. vv. AJfAja, AcmtkuAjoj', AoKlfMciov, KaTreTcoAioj/, and •Opeo-r/a; Eudocp. 168.) [L.S.] EUDA'MIDAS (EvdafiiSas). 1. A Spartan of Bome note, who, when the Chalcidians sent to implore aid against Olynthus in B. c. 383, was sent at the head of 2000 men. Before his de- parture he prevailed on the ephors to commit the next division which should be sent to the command of his brother Phoebidas. The latter, on his march, seized the Cadmea of Thebes ; and in con- sequence of the delay of the main body of the troops thus occasioned, Eudamidas could effect but little. He, however, garrisoned several of the Chalcidian towns ; and, making Potidaea his head- quarters, carried on the war without any decisive result. According to Diodorus, he was worsted in several engagements ; and it would appear from Demosthenes {de Falsa Legal, p. 425), who speaks of three commanders having in this war fallen on tlie side of the Chalcidians and Lacedaemonians, that in one of these encounters Eudamidas was killed. (Xen. HeU. y. 2. § 24 ; Diod. xv. 20, 21.) 2. Two kings of Sparta bore this name. Eu- damidas I. was the younger son of Archidamus 111. and succeeded his brother Agis III. in b. c. 330. The exact length of his reign is uncertain, but it was probably about 30 years. Plutarch {Apophih. p. 220, 221) records some sayings of Eudamidas, which bespeak his peaceful character and policy, which is also attested by Pausanias (iii. 10. $ 5). Eudamidas II. was the son of Archidamus IV. (whom he succeeded) and grandson of Eudamidas I, (Plut. Agis, 3.) He was the father of Agis IV. and Archidamus V. [C. P. M.] EUDA'MUS (EyScjUos), is mentioned by Aris- tophanes {Plut. 884) as a contemporary, and lived therefore in the fifth century b. c. The Scholiast informs us that he was by trade either a druggist or a goldsmith, and that he sold rings as antidotes against poisons. [W. A. G.] EUDE'MUS(Ei;Sr?Aios). 1. One of Alexander's generals, who was appointed by him to the com- EUDEMUS. raand of the troops left in India. (Arrian, Anah, vi. 27. § 5.) After Alexander's death he made him- self master of the territories of the Indian king Porus, and treacherously put that monarch to death. He by this means became very powerful, and in 317 B.C. brought to the support of Emnenes in the war against Antigonus a force of 3500 men and 125 elephants. (Diod. xix. 14.) With these he rendered him active service in the first battle in Gabiene, but seems nevertheless to have been jea- lous of him, and joined in the conspiracy of Anti- genes and Teutamos against him, though he was afterwards induced to divulge their plans. After the surrender of Eumenes, Eudemus was put to death by order of Antigonus, to whom he had always shewn a marked hostility. (Diod. xix. 15, 27, 44; Plut. Eum. c. 16.) 2. Son of Crate vas and brother of Pithon, was appointed by his brother satrap of Parthia in the stead of Philip, whom he displaced. (Diod. xix. 14.) [E.H.B.] EUDE'MUS (EuSi7Aios). 1. An historical writer, a native of either Naxos or Paros, who lived before the time of the Peloponnesian war. (Dionys. Jud. de Thuc. c. 6 ; Clem. Alex. Strom. vi. 2, 26, p. 267 ; Vossius, de Hist. Gr. p. 440, ed. Westermann.) 2. A writer, apparently on natural history, who is frequently quoted by Aelian, in his Hisiory. of Animals (iii. 21, iv. 8, 43, 45, 56, v. 7). 3. A writer on the history of astronomy and geometry, mentioned by Clemens Alexandrinus {Strom, i. p. 130), Diogenes Laeitius (i. 23), and Proclus {in Euclid, i. 4). 4. A rhetorician, who lived probably in the fourth century after Christ. He was the author of a lexicon, irepi Aelewf 'PrjTopiKwv, manuscripts of which are still extant at Paris, Vienna, and other places. His work appears to have been dili- gently used by Suidas, and is mentioned with praise by Eudocia. (Suidas, s. v. EuStJiUoj; Eudocia, p. 165; Fabric. BiU. Graec. vol. vi. pp. 245, 632.) [C. P. M.] EUDE'MUS {EUSrjiuLos). 1. Of Cyprus, to whom Aristotle dedicated the dialogue Eu5i7yUos rj Trepl l/vxvs, which is lost, and known to us only by some fragments preserved in Plutarch {Cun- solat. ad Apollon. p. 115, b.), and a few other writers. (Fabric. Dibl. Graec. vol. iii. pp. 39.3, 699 ; lonsius, De Script. Historiae PMlosoph. i. 15. 3 ; Wyttenbach, ad Plut. I c. p. 765 ; and the commentators on Cic. de Divin. i. 25.) 2. Of Rhodes, a contemporary and disciple of Aristotle. We have no particulars of his life ; but that he was one of the most important of Aristotle's numerous disciples may be inferred from th« anec- dote of Gellius (xiii. 5, where Eudemo must be read instead of Me7iedemo according to which Eudemus and Theophrastus were the only disciples whom the Peripatetic school esteemed worthy to fill the place of Aristotle after his death. Simpli- cius makes mention of a biography of Eudemus, supposed to be the work of one Damas or Damas- cius. (Simplic. ad Aristot. Phys. vi. 216.) Eudemus was one of those immediate disciples of Aristotle who closely followed their master, and the prin- cipal object of whose works was to correct, amplify, and complete his writings and philosophy. It was owing to this circumstance, as we learn from the ancient critics, that Aristotle's writings were so vften confounded with those of other authors.