Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/935

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MANTIAS. 4. Manlius Lentinus, the legate of C. Pomp- tfnius in Narbonese Gaul, in b. c. 61, took the city of Ventia, and defeated the barbarians. (Dion Cass, xxxvii. 47.) 5. Cn. Manlius, tribune of the plebs b. c. 58, brought forward a law granting to the freedmen {l.ibertini) the right of voting in all the tribes ; but he was prevented from passing it by Doinitius Ahenobarbus, who was then praetor (Ascon. in Cic. Mil. p. 46), Baiter, in his note on Asconius (/. c), has shown that this Cn. Manlius is a different person from C. Manillas, who was tribune in B. c. QQ^ and who brought forward a similar law. [Manilius, No. 7.] MA'NLIUS VALENS. [Valens.] MANNUS, a son of Tuisco, was regarded by the ancient Germans, along with his father, to have been the founders of their race. They further ascribed to Mannus three sons, from whom the three tribes of the Ingaevones, Hermiones, and Istaevones derived their names. (Tac. Germ. 2.) Others, however, represented Mannus, who was worshipped as a god, as the father of more than three sons. Mannus is perhaps the same being as Irmin who is mentioned by other authors among the German gods ( Witechind of Corv. i. ; J. Grimm, Ii-menstrasse und Irmensaule, p. 41), and seems to have been a kind of German Mars ; though some believe that Irmin was the deified Arminius. It is not impossible that in later times Irmin and Ar- minius may have become identified in the ima- gination of the people. [L. S.] MANNUS (Mctj-ws). 1. A king of some part of Arabia bordering upon Mesopotamia, who sub- mitted to Trajan on his expedition against the Parthians. (Dion Cass. Ixviii. 21, 22.) 2. A son or grandson of the preceding, who lived in the reign of M. Aurelius, and several of whose coins are extant, bearing the effigies of M. Aurelius and his wife Faustina, and of L. Verus and his wife Lucilla. The one annexed bears the head of Faustina, having for its legend, on the obverse, «I>AVCTINA CEBACTH, and on the re- verse, BACIAEVC MANNOC*IAOP (HMAIOC). (Spanlieini, De Piaest. et Hsu Numism. vol. ii. p. 678 ; Eckhel, vol. iii. p. 513.)


physician, who was the tutor of Heracleides of Tarentum (Galen, De Compos. Medicam. sec. Gen. ii. 15, vol. xiii. p. 462, 502), and one of the fol- lowers of Herophilus (Id. De Compos. Medicam. sec. Gen. vi. 9, vol. xii. p. 989) ; and who lived therefore most probably in the third century B. c. Galen says he was no ordinary physician (De Compos. Medicam. sec. Locos, ii. I, vol. xii. p. 534), and that he was the first who wrote a regular work on pharmacy (De Compos. Medicam. sec. Gen. ii. 1, vol xiii. p. 462). His works on this subject, which are several times quoted by Galen, are lost, but the titles of some of them have been preserved. {De Simplic. Medicam. Temper, ac Facult. vi. praef. MANUEL. 921 COIN OF MANNUS. vol. xi. p. 795, Comment, in Hippocr. " De Offic, Med."' praef. and i. 5, vol. xviii. pt. ii. pp. 629. 666, De Compos. Medicam. sec. Gen. iv. 14, vol. xiii. p. 751.) [W.A. G.] MANTINEUS (Mamfeus), a son of Lycaon, and the reputed founder of Mantineia. (ApoUod. iii. 8. § 1 ; Pans. viii. 8. § 4.) Another person of the same name occurs in ApoUodorus (ii. 2. § 1.) [L. S.] MANTI'THEUS [Uavrle^os), an Athenian, is mentioned by Xenophon {Hell. i. I. § 10), as hav- ing been taken prisoner in Caria, but by whom, and on what occasion, does not appear, unless it was (according to the suggestion of Weiske ) in the unsuccessful expedition of the Athenians to Caria and Lycia, under Melesander, in B, c. 430. (Thuc. ii. 69.) Mantitheus was the companion of Alcibiades in his escape, in B. c. 411, from Sardis, where Tissaphernes had confined him (Xen. /. c. ; Plut. Ale. 27, 28). In b. c. 408 he was one of the ambassadors sent from Athens to Dareius ; but he and his colleagues were delivered, on their way through Asia Minor, by Pharnabazus to Cyrus, who had come down with instructions from his father to aid the Lacedaemonians ; and it was three years before they were released. (Xen. Hell. i. 3. §13,4. §§4— 7.) [E. E.] MA'NTIUS (Mai/Ttos), a son of Melampus, and brother of Antiphates. (Hom. Od. xv. 242 ; Pans, vi. 17. § 4 ; comp. Melampus.) fL. S.] MANTO (MauTw). 1. A daughter of the Theban soothsayer Teiresias. She herself was a prophetess, first of the Ismenian Apollo at Thebes, where monuments of her existed (Paus. ix. 10. § 3), and subsequently of the Delphian and Clarian Apollo. After the taking of Thebes by the Epi- goni, she, with other captives, was dedicated to Apollo at Delphi. The god sent the captives to Asia, where they founded the sanctuary of Apollo not far from the place where afterwards the town of ^Colophon was built. Rhacius, a Cretan, who had settled there before, married Manto, and be- came by her the father of Mopsus. (Apollod. iii. 7. M ; Pans- vii. 3. § 1, ix. 33. $ 1 ; Strab. ix. p. 443 ; Schol. ad Apollon. i. 908.) According to Euripides, she had previously become the mother of Amphilochus and Tisiphone, by Alcmaeon* the leader of the Epigoni. (Apollod. iii. 7. § 7.) Being a prophetess of Apollo, she is also called Daphne, i. e. the laurel virgin. (Diod. iv. 66 ; comp. Athen. vii. p. 298.) 2. A daughter of the soothsayer Polyeidus, and sister of Astycrateia. The tombs of these two sisters were shown at Megara, near the entrance of the sanctuary of Dionysus. (Paus. i. 43. § 5.) 3. A daughter of Heracles, is likewise described as a prophetess, and as the personage from whom the town of Mantua received its name. (Serv. ad uie«. X. 198.) [L. S,] MA'NUEL L, COMNE'NUS (Mavoyr)^ 6 Ko/ifTjvJs), emperor of Constantinople A. d. 1143 — 1181, the fourth child and son of the emperor Calo- Joannes (Joannes II.), was bom about a. d. 1120, and succeeded his father in 1143. Of his three elder brothers, Alexis and Andronicus had both died before their father ; but the third, Isaac Sebastocrator, was still alive, and would have had better claims to the crown than Manuel, but for a special declaration of the late emperor, who preferred the younger to the elder on account of his martial qualities. Manuel was with his father