Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1000

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988 TELECLEIDES. called after them Telchiniae. Poseidon was in- trusted to them by Rhea, and they in conjunction with Capheira, a daughter of Oceanus, brought him ap, (Diod. /. c. ; Strab. xiv. p. 653 ; Paus. ix, 19. § 1.) Rhea, Apollo and Zeus, however, are also described as hostile to the Telchines (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 1141), for Apollo is said to have assumed the shape of a wolf and to have thus destroyed the Telchines (Serv. ad A en. iv. 377; comp. Eustath. arf Hom.^p. 771), and Zeus is said to have caused their destruction by an inundation (Ov. Met. vii. 367). 2. As sorcerers and envious daemons (Suid. s. v, fidaKapoi kolL yi-qres ; Strab. I.e.; Eustath. ad Horn. pp. 941, 1391.) Their ver}' eyes and aspect are said to have been destruc- tive (6v. I.e.; Tzetz. CM. xii. 814). They had it in their power to bring on hail, rain, and snow, and to assume any form they pleased (Diod. I.e.); they further mixed Stygian water with sulphur, in order thereby to destroy animals and plants (Strab. xiv. p. 653). 3. As artists, for they are said to have invented useful arts and institutions and to have made images of the gods. They worked in brass and iron, made the sickle of Cronos and the trident of Poseidon. (Diod. and Strab. I. c. ; Callim. Hymn, in Del. 31.) This last feature in the character of the Telchines seems to have been the reason of their being put together with the Idaean Dactyls, and Strabo (x, p. 472) even states that those of the nine Rhodian Telchines who accompanied Rhea to Crete, and there brought up the infant Zeus, were called Curetes. (Comp. Hock, Creta, i. p. 345. &c. ; Welcker, Z)2e Aescliyl. Trilogie,Tp. 182, &;c.; Lobeck, Agluopham. p. 1182, &c.) [L. S.] TELEBOAS (TTjXegJoy.) 1. A grandson of Lelex, a son of Pterelaus and brother of Taphius. (Eustath. ad Horn. p. 1473 ; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 747.) His descendants, the Teleboans, were believed to have settled in Acarnania. (Strab. vii. p. 322, x. p. 459.) 2. A son of Lycaon in Arcadia. (Apollod. iii. 8. § 1.) 3. A centaur. (Ov. Met. xii. 441.) [L. S.] TELECLEIDES (TTjAe/cXcrSrjs), a distinguished Athenian comic poet of the Old Comedy, flourished about the same time as Crates and Cratiiuis, and a little earlier than Aristophanes, with whom, how- ever, he may have been partly contemporary, and like whom he was an earnest advocate of peace, and a great admirer of the ancient manners of the age of Themibtocles. Six plays are attributed to him (Anon, de Com. p. xxxiv.), perhaps including the one which the ancient critics considered spurious (Phryn. Eel. Att. p. 291) ; for there are only five titles extant, 'Aix<piKTvuv(s, 'At/zevSeis, 'HcioSoz, TipvTdveis, '2,ri^f)oi. Of these plays we possess some interesting fragments, especially those ill which he attacks Pericles and extols Nicias. (Plut. Per. 3, 16, Nie. 4.) Meineke conjectures that the second of these fragments was written soon after the ostracism of Thucydides and the complete establishment of the power of Pericles, in 01. 83. 4, B. c. 444. Bergk thinks that the anony- mous quotation in Plutarch {Per. 7), referring to the subjugation of Euboea by Pericles, after it had revolted (b. c. 445), ought to be assigned to Telecleides, as well as a fragment in Herodian (repi fiov. Ac'l. p. 17, 1 1) respecting Aegina, which may very probably refer to the expulsion of the Aeginetans in B.C. 431 (Thuc. ii. 27 There are TELEGONUS. several other chronological allusions in the extant fragments, which are fully discussed by Meineke. (Meineke, Frag. Com. Graee. vol. i. pp. 87 — 90, vol. ii. pp. 3G1 — 379, Editio Minor, pp. 130—138; Bergk, Reliq. Com. Att. Ant. pp. 327—331.) [P. S.] TE'LECLES (TrjAejcA^s), was one of the am- bassadors sent by the Achaeans to Rome, in B. c. 160. to solicit the restoration of the remnant of the 1000 exiles, who had been taken by the Romans to Italy, in B. c. 167, after the conquest of Mace- donia. Telecles and his colleague Xenon, were especially enjoined to intercede on behalf of Poly- bius and Stratius, and to use towards the Roman senate no language but that of supplication. Their prayer was refused, and, in b. c. 1 o5, Telecles and Xenon were sent again to Rome on the same mis- sion. On this occasion the senate was more fa- vourable to them, and there would have been a majority for granting their request, had it not been for the manoeuvring of A. Postumius (the prae- tor who presided) in putting the question. (Polyb. xxxii, 7, xxxiii. 1.) In the latter of these pas- sages Polybius calls Telecles tov AlyedTrjv, but the conjectural substitution of TeyeaTrji/ is highly plausible. [E. E.] TE'LECLES (TTjAe/cATjs), artist. [Theodorus]. TE'LECLUS (TTjAe/fAos), king of Sparta, 8th of the Agids, and son of Archelaus. In his reign the Spartans subdued the Achaean towns of Amy- clae, Pharis, and Geranthrae. Not long after these successes Teleclus was slain by the Messe- nians, in a temple of Artemis Limnatis, on the borders. According to the Spartan account, he had gone thither to oifer sacrifice, with a company of maidens, and fell in an attempt to rescue them from the violence of the Messenians. The Messe- nian statement, however, was, that he had trea- cherously brought with him a body of Spartan youths, disguised as maidens, and with daggers hidden under their dress, for the purpose of mur- dering a number of the noblest Messenians at the festival, and that the objects of the plot had killed him and his associates in self-defence. (Herod, vii. 204 ; Aristot. ap. Schol. ad Pind. Isthm. vii. 18; Paus. iii. 2, iv. 4 ; Ephor. ap. Strab. vi. p. 279 ; Clint. F. H. vol. i. pp. 129, 250, 337.) [E. E.l TELE'GONUS {TT)K4yovos). 1. A son of Proteus and brother of Pol}gonus, was killed, to- gether with his brother, by Heracles, whom they had challenged to a contest in wrestling. (Apol- lod. ii. 5. § 9 ; comp. Polygonus.) 2. A king of Egypt who married To, after she had come to rest from her wandering and found her son Epaphus. (Apollod. ii. 1. § '6.) Accord- ing to the Scholiast on Euripides (Or. 920) this Telegonus was a son of Epaphus and a brother of Libya. 3. A son of Odysseus by Circe. At the time when Odysseus had returned to Ithaca, Circe sent out Telegonus in search of his father. A storm cast his ship on the coast of Ithaca, and being pressed by hunger, he began to plunder the fields. Odysseus and Telemachus, on being informed of the ravages caused by the stranger, went out to fight against him ; but Telegonus ran Odysseus through with a spear which he had received from his mother. (Comp. Horat. iii. 29. 8 ; Ov. Tiist. I. 1, 114.) At the command of Athena, Telegonus accompanied by Telemachus and Penelope, went t» Circe in Aeaea, there buried the body of Odysseus,