Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1003

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TELESICLES. pnmnds for thinking that Raoul-Rocliette may be right in his conjecture, that this statue was the cele- brated Hermes which stood in the Cerameicus, at the junction of three roads, which is spoken of by the an- cient writers both as 'Epfxrjs T6TpoiKe(paos and as 'Epfiris TpiKecpaXo^, and which is an object of some interest on account of the allusion to it in the Tpicpd- r]s of Aristophanes. It is impossible here to discuss the question at length; those who wish to pursue it may consult the following authorities. (Phot. I.e. and s.v. TpiKecpaXoi; Harpocrat. s.r. TpLKe<paos 'Epfiris, with the note of Valesius ; Hesych. s. v. 'Epju^s TpiKecpaXos ; Etym. Mag. s. v. TpiKicpaXos ; Aris- toph. Frag. Triphal. No. II, ed. Bergk, ap. Meineke, Frag. Com. Graec. vol. ii. p. 1 1 68, ed. Dindorf, in Didot's Biblioiheca, p. 510 ; SUvern on the Clouds of Aristophanes, p. 87.) This Hermes was set up by Procleides or Patrocleides, the friend of Hip- parchus ; and therefore, if Raoul-Rochette be right, Telesarchides must have flourished under the Peisistratids, and probably before the murder of Hipparchus ins. c. 514. (R. Rochette, Lettre a M. Schom, pp. 4 1 -2, 4 1 3, 2d ed. ) [ P. S. ] TELESARCHUS (TeAeVopxos), a Syro- Mace- donian officer, who commanded a force of 500 men sent by Antiochus I. to assist the Greeks in the defence of Thermopylae against the Gauls under Brennus, B. c. 279. On that occasion he displayed the utmost zeal and courage, and rendered impor- tant services to the cause of the confederates, but was at length slain while valiantly defending a side pass over Mount Oeta, by which the Gauls sought to force their passage. (Paus. x. 20. § 5, 22. § 1.) [E. H. B.] TELESARCHUS (TeAeo-apx"?), the author of a work on the early history of Argolis. (Sextus Empir. adv. Math. i. 12 ; Schol. in Eiirip. Ate. 2; Schol. m Horn. II. ii. 690.) TELE'SIAS (TeAeo-i'as), a Theban musician, of the time of the later Athenian dithyramb, whose career is adduced by Plutarch as an instance of the force of early education, whether good or bad. (Pint, de Mus. 31, p. 1142. b. c.) He relates, on the authority of Aristoxenus, with whom the musician was contemporary, that Telesias had been carefully instructed, when young, in the works of the most distinguished musicians, such as Pindar. Dionysius of Thebes, Lamprus, and Pratinas, and the great lyric poets ; and that he had become an excellent flute-player, and thoroughly acquainted with the other branches of his art : but that, in middle life, he was so taken with the dramatic and I artificial style of music which then prevailed, that

he neglected his old models, and gave himself up 

! to the study of the productions of Philaxenus and j Timotheus, of which he chose the most novel and I artificial : but, when he set himself to the work of ■ composition, and tried both styles, that of Pindar i! and that of Philoxenus, he found himself quite I unable to imitate the latter successfully, so great i was the power of his early training in the better '■ style. ^ [P. S.] i TELE'SIAS, of Athens, a statuar}', of unknown time, mentioned only by Clemens Alexandrinus {Protrept. p. 1 8, Sylb.), who states, on the authority of Philochorus. that he made the statues of Po- seidon and Amphitrite, nine cubits in height, which were worshipped in the island of Teuos. (Philoch. Fr. 185, ed. MUUer, Fray. Hist, in Didot's BiUiotheca, vol. i. p. 414). [P. S.] i TELE'SlCLES(TeAe(rtKA7js). [Archilochus]. TELESILLA. 991 TELESILLA (TeAeViAAa) of Argos, a cele- brated lyric poetess and heroine, of the number of those who were called the Nine Lyric Muses (Antip. Thess. in Anth. Pal. ix. 26)," flourished about 01. 67, B. c. 510, in the times of Cleomenes 1. and Demaratus, kings of Sparta. (Clinton, i^. //. s. «., who corrects the errors of Eusebius and Fa- bricius). Plutarch relates the tradition that she was of noble birth, but was afflicted with a disease, concerning the cure of which she consulted an oracle, and received an answer directing her to serve the Muses. In obedience to the divine command, she applied herself to poetry and music ; and was soon rewarded by restoration to health, and by the admiration which the Argive women be- stowed upon her poetry. In the war of Argos against Sparta, she obtained the highest renown, not only by her poetry, but her personal valour ; for, not content with encouraging her countrymen by her lyre and song, she took up arms at the head of a band of her countrywomen, and greatly con- tributed to the victory which they gained over the Spartans. (Plut. de MuL. Virt. p. 245, d. e. ; Paus. ii. 20. § 7 ; Max. Tyr. Diss, xxxvii. 5, vol. ii. p. 209, ed. Reiske, Disx. xxi. p. 218, ed Davis ; Suid. s. v.; comp. Herod, vi. 77). In memory of this exploit, her statue was erected in the temple of Aphrodite at Argos, with the emblems of a poetess and a heroine (Pans. I. c. Tatian. ad Graec. 52, p. 114, ed. Worth) ; and Ares was worshipped in that city as a patron deity of women (Lucian. Amor. 30, vol. ii. p. 430) ; and the prowess of her female associates was commemorated by the annual festival called "TSpiaTiKa, in which the women and the men appeared respectively in the attire of the other sex : this festival appears to be the same as the 'EfSuyUOTia. (Plut. de Mul. Virt. I.e.; de Mus. 9, p. 1 1 34, c. ; Clem. Alex. Strom, iv. p. 522, Sylburg ; Polyaen. Strat. viii. 33.) Miiller, however, regards this whole story as having a decidedly fabulous com- plexion : he explains the so-called statue of Telesilla, in the temple of Aphrodite, as being a statue of the goddess, of that well-known type, in which she was represented in the act of arming herself ; and he ascribes quite a diff'erent origin to the festival of the Hybristica. (Doiier, bk. i. c. 8. § 6 ; Proleg. zu Mythol. p. 405 ; see also Grote, History of Greece^ vol. iv. pp. 432—433.) Our information respecting the poetry of Tele- silla is very scanty. Athenaeus (xiv. p. 61.9, b.) states that she Composed an ode to Apollo, called

  • jA7;Aiay, which Bode explains as the Argive name

of the Paean, derived from the first words of the strain, e|epx' (or ?|fx') ^ ^^^ iliXie. (Pollux, ix. 123 ; Bode, Gesch. d. lyr. Dicktbmst, pt. ii. p. 119.) Pausanias also quotes from her poems in honour of Apollo and Artemis (iii. 35. § 2, ii. 28. § 2), and the statement respecting the children of Niobe, quoted from her by Apollodorus {Bibl. iii. 5. § 6), must have been derived from a similar source. A scholiast on Homer {Od. xiii. 289) mentions her representation of Virtue as being similar to that of Xenophon in the celebrated fable of Prodicus ; and there are two or three grammatical references to single words used by her (Ath. xi. p. 467, £ ; Eustath. p. 1207. 14 ; Poll. ii. 23 ; Hesych. s. r. BeKTiwras). The only complete verses of her poetry which remain are the following two, which seem to come from a Parthenion, composed for a chorus of Argive virgins, on the subject of the love of the river Alpheua for Artemis :