Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1005

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TELEUTIAS. person knew that he was a dithyrambic poet ; and 60 Suidas, judging probably from the titles of his pieces, assumed that he was a comic poet. Such blunders are frequent in Suidas, and this specimen would not have required notice, had it not misled several critics. (Fabric. Bill. Graec. vol. ii. pp. 157, 158 ; Heeren, in the Bibl. f. alte Lilt. u. Kunst^ vol. iv. pp. 54, foil., Hist. Schrifi. vol. iii. pp. 160, foil, ; Muller, Hist. Lit. Greece., vol. ii. pp. b9, 60 ; Bernhardy, Gesch. d. Griech. Lit. vol. ii. p. 555 ; Ulrici, Gesch. d. Hell. Dichik. vol. ii. pp. 610, foil.) [P. S.] TELESTAS, artists. [Ariston, Vol. I. p. 311, b.] TELEU'TIAS (TeAeurfas), a Spartan, was brother on the mother's side to Agesilaus II., by whose influence he was appointed to the command of the fleet, in b. c. 393, in the war of the Lace- daemonians against Corinth and the other states of the hostile league. In this capacity, in the same year, he recovered from the Corinthians the mas- teiy of the Corinthian gulf, and sailed np to Le- chaeum, where he co-operated with the land force under Agesilaus, and took the ships and docks of the enemy. In B. c. 390, he was sent to Asia to supersede Ecdicus as admiral [Ecdicus]. On his arrival at Samoa he added some vessels to his squadron, sailed on to Cnidus, where he received the fleet from Ecdicus, and then proceeded towards Rhodes. On his voyage he fell in with and cap- tured ten Athenian triremes, which were on their way to Cyprus under the command of Philocrates, to aid Evagoras against the king of Persia [Philo- crates, No. 2]. Hereupon the Athenians sent out Thrasybulus, with forty ships, to act against Teleutias, especially in the support of the demo- cratic party at Rhodes ; but Thrasybulus, on his arrival at that island, found that his friends there were strong enough to be able to dispense with his assistance, while, on the other hand, he could not hope to effect much against the opposite party, aided as it was by the Lacedaemonians. He there- fore proceeded to the Hellespont, and Teleutias meanwhile remained in the south, where we find him, in b. c. 388, bringing effectual assistance to the Aeginetans, whom a body of Athenians, under , Pamphilus, were annoying from a fortified post j which they had established and occupied in the island while the Athenian fleet was blockading the coast. Teleutias chased away the enemy's ships, but Pamphilus still continued to hold the fort, — 1 and shortly after this Teleutias was superseded by Hierax, having endeared himself to his men during his command, in a very remarkable manner, as they showed by their enthusiastic testimonies of attachment to him on his departure. In a. c. 382 he was appointed general against the Olynthians, and it was chiefly his high reputation and his po- pular character which induced the allies of Sparta to furnish zealously their contingents for the war. He further obtained the assistance of Amyntas II., king of Macedonia, and of Derdas, prince of Ely- nii;i, from the latter of whom, in particular, he icceived valuable co-operation. He did not, how- ever gain any decided advantage over the enemy in his first campaign, while in the next year (B. c.

'><> 1 ), in the closing scene of his life, he somewhat

tiuuished the reputation he had acquired as a general. A body of his targeteers having been routed, and their commander slain by the Olyn- thian cavalry, Teleutias lost his temper, and, or- VOL. lU. TELLUS. 993 dering his whole force to charge, advanced too close to the walls of the city, and within reach of the enemy's missiles. His men accordingly were thrown into confusion, whereupon the Olyn- thians made a well-timed sally, in which Teleutias was slain, and the rout of his army then became complete. (Xen. Hell. iv. 4. § 19, 8. §§ 11, 23, 24, 25, V. 1. §§ 2—4, 2. §§ 37—43, 3. §§ 3— 6, J^es. 2. § 17; Plut. Ages. 21 ; Diod. XV. 21.) [E. E.] TE'LINES (Tr/AifT??), an ancestor of Gelon, tyrant of Syracuse. On one occasion, some ci- tizens of Gela having been banished by the oppo- site faction, Telines, appealing to the religious awe inspired by the infernal deities (Demeter probably and Proserpine), induced their countrymen to re- ceive them back again. For this he was made hierophant of the goddesses mentioned, and trans- mitted the dignity to his children. Herodotus tells us that tradition spoke of Telines as an effe- minate man. (Herod, vii. 153.) [E. E.] TELLEN or TELLIS (TcAAtjv, TeAAu), a wretched flute-player and lyric poet, in the time of Epaminondas. (Plut. lieg. et Imp. ApoptMheg. p. 193, f.) His name passed into the proverb, ^etSe TO TeAATjj/os, mentioned by Zenobius, who says, however, that the songs of Tellen were well composed and graceful, but jocose and licentious, (Zenob. Prov. i. 45, ii. 15 ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. li. p. 158). [P. S.] TE'LLIAS (TeAAfas). 1. Of Elis, a distin- guished seer, was one of the commanders of the Phocians in a war against the Thessalians a few years before the invasion of Greece by Xerxes. After the defeat of the Thessalians his statue was erected by the Phocians in the temple at Delphi. (Herod, viii. 27 ; Pans. x. 1. § 8—11, x. 13. § 7.) 2. One of the generals of the Syracusans, when their city was besieged by the Athenians during the Pelopennesian war. (Thuc. vi. 103.) 3. A citizen of Agrigentum, usually called Gel- lias. [Gellias.] TELLIS (TeAAis). 1. The great grandfather of the poet Archilochus, was the reputed founder in conjunction with Cleoboea, of the mysteries of Demeter at Thasos ; and was introduced in that character, in the great painting of the world below, by Polygnotus, in the Lesche at Delphi (Paus. x. 28. § 1. s. 3.) 2. Lyric poet and musician. [Tellen]. [P.S] TELLUS, another form for terra, the name under which the earth was personified among the Romans, as Ge was among the Greeks. She is often mentioned in contrast with Jupiter, the god of heaven, and connected with Dis and the Manea. When an oath was taken by Tellus, or the gods of the nether world, people stretched their hands downward, just as they turned them upwards in swearing by Jupiter. (Varro, de Re Rust. i. 1, 15 ; Macrob. Sat. iii. 9 ; Li v. viii. 9, x. 29.) During the war against the Picentians, an earthquake having been felt during the battle, the consul P. Sempronius Sophus caused a temple of Tellus to be built on the spot where the house of Spurius Cas- sius had stood, in the street leading to the Carinae. (Liv. ii. 41 ; Flor. i. 19. §2 ; Val. Max. vi. 3. § 1 ; Dionys. viii. 79 ; Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 6, 14.) A festival was celebrated in honour of Tellus on the 15th of April, which was called Fordicidia or Hor- dicalia, from hordus or fordus, a bearing cow. (Ov. Fast. iv. 633 ; Arnob. vii. 22 ; Horat. Epist. ii. 1. Ss