Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1070

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inspect the other monasteries which looked to him as their superintendent. When he was about thirty years of age, Pachomius appointed him to supply his place in the monastery at Tabenna, while he himself retired to another. When his end ap- proached, however, in order, as it is said, to try the humility of Theodoras, he appointed a man of the name of Petronius as his successor. Petronius died not long afterwards, appointing Orsisius as his successor. The latter soon found himself incapable of maintaining the discipline of the monastery with sufficient vigour, and appointed Theodorus in his room. There is extant a letter of Theodorus, trans- lated into Latin by St. Jerome, inviting all the recluses of the order to assemble at a neighbouring monastery to celebrate the festival of Easter. Theodorus on various occasions had epistolary and personal communication with Athanasius, who is said to have manifested great regard for him. Theodorus died April 27, a. d. 367. He is re- garded as a saint by the Greek Church; his memory being honoured on the 16th of May, in order to connect him with Pachomius. A large collection of somewhat dull stories about Theodorus will be found in Tillemont {Hist. Eccles. vol. vii. pp. 469 —499). 71. Tarsensis. [Diodorus Tarsensis, Vol. I. p. 1015.] 72. Thbus. [No. 32.] A great many more Theodori are met with, especially in ecclesiastical history. As they have not been thought worth inserting here, the reader is referred to the catalogue in Fabricius. {Bibl. Graec. vol. x. pp. 346 — 416, and Index,) A list of twenty of the name is given by Diogenes Laertius (ii. 104). [C.P. M.]

THEODO'RUS((Symbol missingGreek characters))of Hermopolis, was a native of Hermopolis in the Thebaid. He was an advocate ({(Symbol missingGreek characters)) at Constanti- nople, where he wrote liis commentaries on the Digest, the Code, and the Novellae. In the Bre- viarium of the Novellae he is named at full length '^ Theodorus Scholasticus, a Theban of Hermo- polis." This Theodorus was living as late as the reign of Mauricius, in whose time, it was affirmed, he composed his Breviarium after the collection of 168 Novellae, in which collection appear three Novellae of Tiberius, which Theodorus has not neglected. If Theodorus of Hermopolis wrote so late, it is hardly within the limits of probability that he was the Theodorus, professor at Constantinople, one of those to whom Justinian addressed his constitution on the course of law studies (Omnem reipublicae nostrae). There is a small number of fragments by Theodorus, which are placed in the Basilica under certain texts of the Digests ; but whether he commented on the whole work is doubtful. The commentary on the Code was a Breviarium, consisting of abridgments or sum- maries of the Constitutions in the Code, with notices of similar passages in the Code or the Novellae. The Breviarium of the Novellae exists complete in a MS. of Mount Athos, the only one at present known. It has been published by Zacha- riae, Aticcdoia (pp. 1 — 163). (Mortreml, Hidoire du Droit Byzantin., vol. i.) [G. L.] THEODO'RUS (©edSwpos), the name of two members of the family of the Asclepiadae, and of several physicians whom it is impossible to distin- guish with any tolerable degree of certainty : — 1. The seventh in descent from Aesculapius, the

son of Cleomyttades I., and the father of Sostra- tus II., who may be supposed to have lived in the ninth century B. c. (Jo. Tzetzes, Chil. vii. Hist. 155, in Fabric. Bihl. Gr. vol. xii, p, 680, ed. vet,) 2. The eleventh in descent from Aesculapius, the son of Cleomyttades II., and the father of Sos- tratus III., who lived perhaps in the eighth and seventh centuries B, c. (Poeti Epist. ad Artaac. in Hippocr. Opera, vol. iii. p, 770). John Tzetzes {loco cit.) makes him to be the son, not of Cleo- myttades II., but of King Crisamis II.; and con- sequently not the eleventh, but the tenth of the family of the Asclepiadae. 3. A physician quoted by Pliny {H. N. xx. 40, xxiv. 120), who must therefore have lived in or before the first century after Christ. He may possibly have been the same person as the pupil of Athenaeus, who (if the Athenaeus in question be the founder of the sect of the Pneumatici) must have lived in the first century after Christ. (Diog. Laert. ii. 8. § 104.) 4. Theodorus Priscianus. [Priscianus.] 5. ThsodorUvS MoscHioN, whose fifty-eighth book (?) is quoted by Alexander Trallianus (i, 15. p. 156), must have lived in or before the sixth century after Christ, and is probably the same person whose second book (?) is quoted in the same chapter a few lines above. Fabricius {Bill. Lat. iv. 12, vol. ii. p. 591) supposes him to have been the same person as Theodorus Priscianus ; Haller {Bibl. Med. Pract. vol. i. p. 183) the same as the physician quoted by Pliny, and also the same person who is quoted by Aetius (iv. 1. 46. p. 628). 6. The author of a short Latin work, entitled " Diaeta sive de Rebus Salutaribus Liber," which was first published in J 533, fol. Argent., with " Hildegardis Physica," and in a separate form in 1632. 8vo. Hal. ed. G. E. Schreiner. He is gene- rally supposed to be the same as Theodorus Pris- cianus, which may be correct, but he appears to be called simply Theodorus in the MSS. and editions of his work. (Choulant's Hundb. der Biicher- kunde fur die Adtere Afcdicin.) 7. The name is found in some other ancient authors ; for instance in Aetius in several places, in each of which the same person is probably in- tended. Now the person quoted by Aetius (ii. 2. 91. p. 291) is the same who is quoted by Nicolaus Myrepsus (xxxvi. 138. p. 738), and called " Ac- tuarius ; " and as the title of "Actuarius " was only in use at the court of Constantinople (see Did. of Ant. p. 748, b. 2d ed.), this Theodorus probably lived in the fifth century after Christ, and cannot therefore be (as Haller supposed) the physician quoted by Pliny.

8. A celebrated Christian physician at Níshápur in Chorasan, where one of the Persian kings, either Shapúr (or Sapor) II. or Bahram (or Faranes) IV., built at his request a Christian church, in the fourth century after Christ. He wrote a work called " Pandectae Medicinae " (Ibn Abí Osaibi'ah, Pontes Relaiionum de Class. Mcdicor. xi. 1. (MS. Arab, in Bibl. Bodl.) ; WUstenfeld, Gesch. der Arab. Aerzte, p. 6.)

9. A Jacobite Christian of Antioch, in the thirteenth century after Christ, who was well acquainted with the Syriac and Latin languages, and also with mathematics and other sciences. He went first to the court of 'Alau-d-Din, sultan of the Seljuks in the kingdom of Rum, in order to become his phy-