Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1113

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nected from the history of his art, and it is there- fore considered unnecessary to repeat here what has already been said with sufficient fuhiess re- specting hira, under Tragoedia, in the Dictionary of Antiquities.

2. Of Thebes, a player of the cithara, whom Lucian mentions as a competitor at one of the musical contests in the Pythian games. There is nothing to determine his time. (Lucian. adv. In- dod. 9, vol. iii. p. 108.)

The scholiast on a passage in which Aris- tophanes mentions Thespis ( Vesp. 1470, comp. Suid. s. v. states that the Thespis here meant was the citharoedic musician, not the tragic poet ; but JSentley maintains that this is an error. {Second Dissert, on Phalaris, p. 265, or p. 1.90, ed. 1777.)

3. A flute-player, at the court of Ptolemy, the 8on of Lagus, of whom nothing is known except the little anecdote in Lucian. {Frometh. 4, vol. i. p. 30.) [P. S.]

THE'SPIUS {®i(nrios), a son of Erectheus. who, according to some, founded the town of Thespiae in Boeotia. (Pans. ix. 26. § 4 ; Diod. iv. 29 ; comp. Schol. ad Horn. II. ii. 948 ; Apollod. ii. 7. § 8.) His descendants are called Thespiades (Apollod. ii. 4. § 10 ; Senec. Here. Oct. 369), which name is also given to the Muses. (Ov. Met. V. 310.) [L. S.]

THESSALONFCE i@e(T<TaKoviK'n a Mace- donian princess, was a daughter of Philip, son of Amyntas, by his wife or concubine, Nice- sipolis of Pherae. (Athen. xiii. p. 557, c. ; Paus. ix. 7. § 3.)

Thessalonice appears to have been brought up by her stepmother Olympias, to whose for- tunes she attached herself when the latter re- turned to Macedonia in b. c. 317, and with whom she took refuge in the fortress of Pydna, on the advance of Cassander. (Diod. xix. 35 ; Justin, xiv. 6.) The fall of Pydna threw her into the power of Cassander, who embraced the opportunity to connect himself with the ancient royal house of Macedonia by marrying her ; and he appears to have studiously treated her with the respect due to her illustrious birth. This may have been as much owing to policy as to affection : but the mar- riage appears to have been a prosperous one ; she became the mother of three sons, Philip, Antipater, and Alexander ; and her husband paid her the honour of conferring her name upon the city of Thessalonice, which he founded on the site of the ancient Therma, and which soon became, as it continues down to the present day, one of the most wealthy and populous cities of Macedonia. (Diod. xix. 52 ; Paus. viii. 7. § 7 ; Strab. vii. fr. 24, p. 81, ed. Kramer ; Steph. Byz. s. v. &eacraoviKi].) After the death of Cassander, Thessalonice appears to have at first retained much influence over her sons, but at length Antipater, becoming jealous of the superior favour which she showed to his younger brother Alexander, barbarously put his mother to death, B.C. 295. (Paus. ix. 7. § 3 ; Diod. xxi. Exc. Hoesch. p. 490.) [E. H. B.]

THE'SSALUS {QicraaKos). 1. A son of Hae- mon, from whom Thessaly was believed to have received its name. (Strab. x. p. 443.)

2. A son of Jason and Medeia, and the ancestor of the Thessalian race. He was educated at Co- rinth, and afterwards succeeded Acastus on the throne of lolcus. (Diod. iv. 55.)

3. A son of Heracles and Chalciope, was the father of Pheidippus and Antiphus. (Horn. //. ii. 679 ; Apollod. ii. 7. § 8.) [L. S.]

THE'SSALUS (Oeo-traAo's), a son of Peisistra- tus by Timonassa. [Peisistratus, pp. 172, b, 174, a.]

THE'SSALUS {(Symbol missingGreek characters)), an eminent tragic actor, in the time of Alexander the Great, whose especial favour he enjoyed, and whom he served before his accession to the throne, and afterwards accompanied on his expedition into Asia. (Plut. Alex. 10, 29 ; Ath. xii. p. 538 ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ii. p. 325.) [P. S.J

THE'SSALUS ((Symbol missingGreek characters)), the name of two physicians:—

1. A son of Hippocrates, brother of Dracon I., and father of Gorgias[1], Hippocrates III. (Jo. Tzetzes, Chil. vii., Hist. 155, in Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. xii. p. 682, ed. vet. ; Suid. s. v. 'Itttto/cpottjs ; Galen. Comment, in Hippocr. " Do Humor," i. 1, vol. xvi. p. 5), and Dracon II. (Suid. s.v. ApaKwu) He lived in the fifth and fourth centuries B. c, and passed some of his time at the court of Archelaus, king of Macedonia, who reigned B. c. 413 — 399. (Galen, Comment, in Hippocr. "De Nat. Horn." i. prooem. vol. xv. p. 12.) He was one of the found- ers of the sect of the Dogmatici (Diet, of Ant. s. V. Dogmatici), and is several times highly praised by Galen, who calls him the most eminent of the sons of Hippocrates (Comment, in Hippocr. "Epid. III." ii. prooem. vol. xvii. pt. i. p. 579), and says that he did not alter any of his father's doctrines (Comment, in Hippocr. "De Nat. Hom." i. prooem. vol. xv. p. 12). It is supposed, how- ever, that in performing the difficult task of pre- paring some of the writings of Hippocrates for publication after his death he made some additions of his own (Galen, De Diffic. Respir. iii. 1, vol. vii. p. 890, Comment, in Hippocr. "De Humor." i. prooem. vol. xvi. p. 4 ; Comment, in Hippocr. '"Epid. VI." i. prooem. vol. xvii. pt. i. p. 796), which were sometimes not quite worthy of that honour. (Pallad. Schol. in Hippocr. "Epid. VI." p. 3, ed. Dietz.) He was also supposed by some of the ancient writers to be the author of several of the works that form part of the Hippocratic Collection, which he might have com- piled from notes left by his father ; viz. "De Humoribus " (Galen. Comment, in Hippocr. "De Humor." i. prooem. vol. xvi. p. 3 ), " De Officina Medici" (id. Comment. in Hippocr. " De Offic. Med."' i. 5, vol. xviii. pt. ii. p. QQQ), the first book of the "Praedictiones " or " Prorrhetica " (id. Comment, in Hippocr. "Praedict I'." ii. 54, vol. xvi. p. 625), and the second, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh books of the " Epidemia," or " De Morbis Popularibus " (id. De Diffic. Respir. ii. 8, vol. vii. p. 855) ; but this point is considered by modern critics to be very uncertain Among the Letters, &c. attributed to Hippocrates, there is one which professes to be addressed by him to Thessalus (vol. iii. p. 822), which contains no internal marks of a spurious origin, but which is perhaps hardly likely to be authentic if all the other pieces are apocryphal. There is also an oration, (Symbol missingGreek characters) (vol. iii. p. 831), supposed to be spoken by Thessa-

  1. So it is stated by Meibomius (Comment, in Hippocr. "Jusjur."p. 7) and other modern authors, but the Writer has hitherto been unable to find any ancient author who says that Thessalus had a son named Gorgias.