Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1182

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1170 TREBATIUS. into Armenia, with secret orders to put to death Para the king of Armenia, who was an ally of the Romans, but was distrusted by the emperor. On his arrival in Armenia, Trajan invited Para to a banquet, where he was treacherously murdered by the Roman soldiers. [Arsacidae, p. 364, a.] In A. D. 377 the Goths rose in arms, and laid waste Thrace and the surrounding countries. Gra- tian sent Richomir at the head of a large army to stop their ravages, and Valens despatched forces under the command of Trajan and Profuturus. These three generals fought a battle with the Goths, which lasted from the morning to the even- ing, without any decisive advantage being gained on either side, according to Ammianus Marcellinus. It would appear, however, that the Romans suffered most, and Theodoret even speaks of the defeat of Trajan. In the following year (378) at all events the Goths assumed the offensive. Valens was so displeased with the conduct of Trajan in the late campaign, that he deprived him of his command as general of the infantry, and conferred it upon Se- bastianus. The emperor, however, recalled him to the army shortly afterwards, and he fell in the course of the same year at the fatal battle of Adri- anople, in which Valens himself perished, August 9th, 378. [Valens.] Trajan continued firm in the Catholic faith, although he served an Arian master, and accordingly his praises have been cele- brated by the ecclesiastical writers. (Amm. Marc, xxix. 1, XXX. 1, xxxi. 7, 13; Theodoret. iv. 30; Basil, Ep. 376, 377 ; Tillemont, Histoire des Em- pereurs^ vol. v.) TRAMBE'LUS (TpoV§7jos), a son of Telamon and Theaneira or Hesione, a king of the Leleges. (Athen. ii. p. 43.) When his mother was with child with him, she fled to Miletus, where she was received by king Arion, who also brought up her son Trambelus. In the time of the Trojan war, when Achilles came to Miletus, he slew Trambelus, but greatly repented when he learnt that he was a son of Telamon. (Tzetz. ad Lye. 467.) Another tradition places Trambelus in the island of Lesbos. (Parthen. j^ro^. 26.) [L. S.] TRANQUILLI'NA, SABFNIA. [Sabinia.] TRANQUILLUS, SUETO'NIUS. [Sueto- nius.] TRAULUS MONTA'NUS, a Roman eques, and one of the paramours of Messalina, was put to death by Claudius in a. d. 48. (Tac. Ann. xi. 36.) TREBA'NIA GENS, occurs only on coins ; a specimen of which is annexed. The obverse repre- sents the head of Pallas, and the reverse Jupiter in a quadriga, with l. treban. and underneath ROMA. (Eckhel, vol. v. p. 326.) COIN OP trebania gens. TREBA^TIUS, mentioned by Appian as the leader of the Samnites in the Social war, B. c. 90 — 89, is probably a false reading for Egnatius. TREBELLIUS. (Appian, D. C. i. 52, with Schweighausers note.) [Egnatius, No. 2.] TREBA'TIUS PRISCUS. [Priscus.] TREBA'TIUS TESTA. [Testa.] TREBELLLVNUS, one of the most insigni- ficant and despicable of the herd of thirty tyrants enumerated by Pollio [see Aureolus]. He was a Cilician robber, who called his castle in the fast- nesses of the Isaurian mountains the Palatium, established a mint, and gave himself the title of emperor. But having been tempted to quit his stronghold and descend into the plain, he was there encountered and slain by Causisoleus, an Egyptian, one of the generals of Gallienus. (Trebell. Poll. Trig. Tyrann. xxv.) [W. R.] TREBELLIE'NUS RUFUS. [Rufus.] TREBE'LLIUS. 1. Q. Trebellius, a cen- turion in the second Punic war, was rewarded by Scipio in B. c. 210 with the corona muralis. (Liv. xxvi. 48.) For details see Digitius, No. 1. 2. M. Trebellius, of Fregellae, served in Illy- ricum under the legate L. Coelius during the war against Perseus in b. c. 169. (Liv. xliii. 21.) 3. M. Trebellius, a friend of Sex. Naevius, B. c. 81. (Cic. joro Quint. 5.) 4. L. Trebellius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 67, joined his colleague, L. Roscius Otho, in op- posing the rogation of Gabinius for conferring upon Pompeius the command of the war against the pirates. Trebellius had promised the senate that he would die before he allowed the proposition to pass into a law; and as neither threats nor en- treaties induced him to withdraw his veto, Gabi- nius proposed to the tribes to deprive him of his office. Seventeen out of thirty-five tribes had al- ready voted for his degradation, when Trebellius gave way. (Ascon. in Cornel, p. 71, ed. Orelli ; Dion Cass, xxxvi. 7, 13 ; comp. Otho, p. Q5. a.) 5. L. Trebellius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 47, resisted his colleague, P. Dolabella, who had proposed a measure for the abolition of debts. Great tumults arose in consequence at Rome, in which Dolabella's party was eventually defeated. [See Vol. I. p. 1059.] Trebellius was as much involved in debt as Dolabella, and he had only opposed the latter in order to please Caesar. Ac- cordingly after the death of the dictator, he at- tempted, by Antony's assistance, to carry the very measure which he had formerly resisted. He was one of Antony's friends, whom he accompanied in his campaign against D. Brutus in b. c. 43. (Dion Cass. xlii. 29 ; Plut. Anton. 9 ; Cic. Phil. vi. 4, x. 10, xi. 6, xii. 8, xiii. 2, 12; Cic. ad Fain. xi. 13. §4.) 6. A. Trebellius, a Roman eques, deserted from the Pompeian party to Caesar in the Spanish war, b. c. 45. (Auctor, B. Hisp. 26.) 7. M. Trebellius, the legatus of Vitellius, the governor of Syria in a. d. 36. (Tac. Ann. vi. 41.) TREBE'LLIUS CALCA, pretended to be Clodius, and actually came before the court of the centumviri, to lay claim to the property of Clodius. (Val. Max. ix. 15. § 4.) TREBELLIUS MA'XIMUS, was one of the three commissioners appointed in the reign of Nero, A. D. 61, to take the census of the Gauls. He was consul suffectus in the following year (a. d. 62) with L. Annaeus Seneca ; and accordingly a Senatusconsultum passed in their consulship is quoted under the title of Senatusconsultum Treld- lianum. (Gaius, ii. 251, 253; Dig. 36. tit. 1.)