Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1193

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TUDITANUS. 2. L. H0ST11.IUS TuBULUS, praetor b. c. 142, received bribes in such an open manner, when he was presiding at a trial for murder, that in the following yaar P. Scaevola, the tribune of the plebs, proposed and carried a plebiscitum for an inquiry into his conduct ; whereupon Tubulus forthwith went into exile. Cicero more than once speaks of hira as one of the vilest of men, and quotes a pas- sage of Lucilius, in which the name of Tubulus occurs as an instance of a sacrilegious wretch. (Cic. ad Att. xii. 5. § 3, de Fin. ii. 16, iv. 28, v. 22, de Nat. Dear. i. 23, iii. 30, jpro Scaur. 1.) Accord- ing to Asconius {in Scaur, p. 23, ed. Orelli) Tu- bulus was brought back from exile on account of his numerous crimes, and took poison of his own accord, to escape being put to death in prison. The following coin was struck by a L- Hostilius Tubulus, but it is doubtful whether by the same person as the preceding. It has on the obverse the head of Pallas, and on the reverse a laurel wreath with the legend L. H. tvb. (i. e. L. Hosti- lius Tubulus)., and underneath roma. (Eckhel, vol. V. p. 227.) TUDITANUS. 1181 COIN OP L. HOSTILIUS TUBUf^US. TUCCA, PLO'TIUS, a friend of Horace and Virgil. The latter poet left Tucca one of his heirs, and bequeathed his unfinished writings to him and Varius, who afterwards published the Aeneid by order of Augustus. (Hor. Sat. i. 5. 40, i. 10. 81; Donat. Vit. Virgil. §§ 52, 53, 56 ; Schol. ad Pers. Sat. ii. 42; Weichert, Puttarum Laiinorum Reli- quiae, j). 217, Ml) TUCCA, C. SERVI'LIUS, consul b.c. 284 with L. Caecilius Metellus Denter. (Fasti.) TU'CCIA, a Vestal Virgin, accused of incest, appealed to the goddess to prove her innocence, and had power given to her to carry a sieve full of water from the Tiber to the temple. (Val, Max. viii. 1. absol. 5 ; Plin. //. N. xxviii. 2 ; Dionys. ii. 69 ; Au- gustin. de Civ. Dei, x. 16.) This miracle is comme- morated on an ancient gem, of which an engraving is given in the Diet, of Antiq. p. 1 191, a, 2d ed. TU'CCIUS. 1. M. Tuccius, curule aedile B. c. 1 92, and praetor b. c. 1 90, with Apulia and Bruttii as his province, where he also remained for the two following years as propraetor. In B. c. 1 85 he was one of the triumviri appointed for founding colonies at Sipontum and Buxentum. t (Liv. XXXV. 41, xxxvi. 45, xxxvii. 2, 50, xxxviii. I 36, xxxix. 23.) j 2. M. Tuccius, accused C. Sempronius Rufus of vis in b. c. 51, and was in his turn accused by Rufus of the same offence. (Cael. ap. Cic. ad Fam. viii. 8.) TUDITA'NUS, the name of a plebeian family of the Sempronia gens. The name was supposed by Ateius the philologist to have been originally given to one of the Sempronii, because he had a head like a tndes (tudit-is) or mallet. (Festus, p. 352, ed. Muller.) 1. M. Sempronius C. f. M. n. Tuditanus, consul b. c. 240 with C. Claudius Centho, and cen- sor B. c. 230 with Q. Fabius Maximus. (Gell. xvii. 21 ; Cic. Brut. 18, Tusc. i. 1, rfe Senect. 14 ; Fasti Capit. ) 2. P. Sempronius Tuditanus, was a tribune of the soldiers at the battle of Cannae in B. c. 216, and one of the few Roman officers who survived that fatal day. When the smaller of the two Roman camps in which he had taken refuge was besieged by the Carthaginians, he bravely cut his way through the enemy with six hundred men, reached the larger camp, and from thence marched to Canusium, where he arrived in safety. Two years afterwards (b. c. 214) Tuditanus was curule aedile, and in the next year (b.c. 213) praetor, with Ariminum as his province. He took tlie town of Aternum, and was continued in the same command for the two following years (b.c. 212, 211). He was censor in b. c. 209 with M. Cornelius Cethegus, although neither he nor his colleague had yet held the consulship. In b. c. 205 he was sent into Greece with the title of proconsul, and at the head of a military and naval force, for tiie purpose of opposing Philip, with whom however he concluded a preliminary treaty, which was readily ratified by the Romans, who were anxious to give their undivided attention to the war in Africa. Tuditanus had, during his absence, been elected consul for the year 204 together with M. Cornelius Cethegus, his colleague in the censorship. He received Bruttii as his province with the con- duct of the war against Hannibal. In the neigh- bourhood of Croton Tuditanus experienced a re- pulse, with a loss of twelve hundred men ; but he shortly afterwards gained a decisive victory over Hannibal, who was obliged in consequence to shut himself up within the walls of Croton. It was in this battle that he vowed a temple to Fortuna Primigenia, if he should succeed in routing the enemy. In B.C. 201 Tuditanus was one of the three ambassadors sent to Ptolemy, king of Egypt. (Liv. xxii. 50, 60 ; Appian, Annib. 26 ; Liv. xxiv. 43, 44, 47, XXV. 3, xxvi. 1, xxvii. 11, 38, xxix. 11, 12; Cic. Brut. 15, de Senect. 4; Liv. xxix. 13, 36, xxxi. 2.) 3. M. Sempronius Tuditanus, one of the officers of Scipio at the capture of New Carthage in Spain. (Liv. xxvi. 48.) 4. C. Sempronius Tuditanus, plebeian aedile B. c. 198 and praetor e. c. 197, when he obtained Nearer Spain as his province. He was defeated by the Spaniards with great loss, and died shortly afterwards in consequence of a wound which he had received in the battle. He was pontifex at the time of his death. (Liv. xxxii. 27, 28, xxxiii. 25, 42 ; Appian, Hisp. 39.) 5. M. Sempronius M. f. C. n. Tuditanus, tri- bune of the plebs B. c. 193, proposed and carried a plebiscitum, which enacted that the law about money lent should be the same for the Socii and the Latini as for the Roman citizens. {Diet, of Antiq. s. v. Lex Sempronia de Fenore.) He was praetor B. c 189, when he obtained Sicily as his province, and consul B.C. 185 with Ap. Claudius Pulcher. In his consulship he carried on war in Liguria, and defeated the Apuani, while his col- league was equally successful against the Ingauni. Tuditanus was an unsuccessful candidate for the consulship in b. c. 184, but was elected one of the pontifices in the following year. He was carried off by the great pestilence which devastated Roma