Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1196

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J184 TULLIUS. Ponipeian party in Spain in b. c. 45. (Auctor, B. Ilisp. 17, 18.) TUL'LIUS ALBINOVA'NUS. [Albino- VANUS.] TU'LLIUS, A'TTIUS, the celebrated king of the Volscians, to whom Coriolanus fled, when he was banished from Rome, and who induced his people to make war npon the Romans, with Corio- lanus as their general. For details and authorities, see Coriolanus. In the best MSS. of Livy the name is written Attius Tullius^ and in Zonaras we also find TouAAtos; but in Dionysius and Plutarch the form TvWos occurs. TuUius, and not Tullus is the correct form. (Alschefski, ad Liv. ii. 37 ; Niebuhr, Hist, of Rome, vol. ii. note 217.) TU'LLIUS BASSUS. [Bassus, p. 471.] TU'LLIUS or TI'LLIUS CIMBER. [Cim- BKR.] TU'LLIUS FLAVIA'NUS. a commander of a troop of cavalry under Petilius Cerialia, was taken prisoner by the Vitellian troops in the battle in the suburbs of Rome, a. d. 69. (Tac. Hist. iii. 79.) TU'LLIUS GE'MINUS. [Geminus.] TU'LLIUS LAU'REA (ToiWios Aavpeas), the author of three epigrams in the Greek Antho- logy. Fabricius conjectured, and Reiske and Jacobs approve of the suggestion, that he is iden- tical with Laurea Tullius, the freedman of Cicero, from whose Latin poems in elegiac verse Pliny (H. N. xxxi. 2) quotes some lines, which are printed also in Burmann's Anthologia Latina (vol. i. p. 340). This conjecture is strongly confirmed by the fact, that the epigrams of Tullius had a place in the Anthology of Philip, which consisted cliiefly of the poets of the Augustan age. In the title of one of the three epigrams there is a slight confusion in the different copies of the Anthology, the Planudean giving SoruAAtoy, and the Palatme TaTuAAtou, both of which variations perhaps arise from the reading M. TvKXiov. (Fabric. Bib/. Graec. vol. iv. p. 498 ; Brunck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 102 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. ii. p. 90, vol. xiii. p. 907.) [P. S.] L. TU'LLIUS MONTA'NUS, accompanied M. Cicero the younger to Athens in B. c. 45. He is also mentioned at a later time in Cicero's cor- respondence, and it is probably to him that the TuUianum caput refers. (Cic. ad Ait. xii. 52, 53, xiv. 16, 17, XV. 26, 29.) TU'LLIUS RUFUS, a man of quaestorian rank, belonged to the Pompeian army, and was slain at the battle of Thapsus, b. c. 46. (Hirt, B. Afr. 85.) TU'LLIUS SENE'CIO. [Senecio.] TU'LLIUS, SE'RVIUS, the sixth king of Rome. The account of the early life and death of Servius Tullius is full of marvels, and cannot be regarded as possessing any title to a real historical narrative. According to the general tradition, he was of servile origin, and owed his elevation to the favour of the gods, and especially to the protection of the goddess Fortune, with whom he was always a favourite. During his life-time she used to visit him secretly in his chamber as his spouse ; and after his death, his statue was placed in her temple, and remained unhurt when the temple itself was once destroved by fire (Ov. Fast. vi. 573, foil., 625 ; Val. Max. i. 8. § II). The future greatness of Servius was announced by a miracle before his birth. His mother Ocrisia, a female TULLIUS. slave of the queen's, and one of the captives taken at Corniculum, was offering cakes to the Lar or the household genius, when she saw in the fire on the hearth an apparition of the deity. Tanaquil, vvho understood the portent, commanded her to dress herself as a bride, and to shut herself up in the chamber. There she became pregnant by the god, whom some Romans maintained to be the household genius, and others Vulcan ; the former supporting their opinion by the festival which Servius established in honour of the Lares, the latter by the deliverance of his statue from fir«  {Or. Fast. vi. 625, foil.; Dionys. iv. 2). There are two other legends respecting the birth of Servius, which have more of an historical air, and may therefore be regarded as of later origin. One re- lated that his mother was a slave from Tarqninii, that his father was a client of the king, and that he himself was brought up in the palace with the other household slaves, and waited at the royal table (Cic. de Rep. ii. 21). The other legend, which gives Servius a nobler origin, and which is therefore preferred both by Dionysius and Livy, states that his father, likewise called Servius Tul- lius, was a noble of Corniculum, who was slain at the taking of the city, and that his mother, then in a state of pregnancy, was carried away captive to Rome where she gave birth to the future king in the royal palace. The prodigies which preceded the birth of Servius accompanied his youth. Once as he was sleeping at mid-day in the porch of the palace, his head was seen surrounded with flames. Tanaquil forbade their being extinguished, for her prophetic spirit recognised the future destiny of the boy : they played around him without harm- ing him, and when he awoke, the fire vanished. From this time forward Servius was brought up as the kihg's child with the greatest hopes. Nor were these hopes disappointed. By his personal bravery he gained a battle which the Romans had nearly lost ; and Tarquinius placed such confidence in him, that he gave him his daughter in marriage, and entrusted him with the exercise of the government. His rule was mild and bene- ficent ; and so popular did he become, that the sons of Ancus Marcius, fearing lest they should be deprived of the throne which they claimed as their inheritance, procured the assassination of Tar- quinius [Tarquinius]. They did not, however, reap the fruit of their crime, for Tanaquil, pretend- ing that the king's wound was not mortal, told the people that Tarquinius would recover in a few days, and that he had commanded Servius meantime to discharge the duties of the kingly ofiice. Servius forthwith began to act as king, greatly to the satis- faction of the people ; and when the death of Tar- quinius could no longer be concealed, he was already in firm possession of the royal power. Servius thus succeeded to the throne without being elected by the senate and the curiae ; but the curiae after- wards, at his own request, invested him with the imperium. (Cic. de Rep. ii. 21 ; Dionys. iv. 12.) The reign of Servius Tullius is almost as barren of military exploits as that of Numa. The only war which Livy mentions (i. 42) is one against Veii, which was brought to a speedy conclusion. This war is magnified by Dionysius (iv. 27) into victories over the whole Etruscan nation, which is said to have revolted after the death of Tarquinius Priscus ; and these pretended triumphs have found their way into the Fasti, where they are recorded*