Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1205

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Lindia, Paraterusa, Philopaior, T/iras7/Ieo7i, Veli- tei-na (?) have been preserved, together with a few fragments which will be found collected in the Foeiarum Latii Sce?iicorum Fragmenta of Bothe, vol. ii. p. 76. 8vo. Lips. 1834. Of the above, the Thrasyleon appears to have been taken from Me- nander, the Demetrius and the Leucadia from Alexis. According to Hieronymus, in the Euse- bian Chronicle, Turpilius died, when very old, at Siimessa in B.C. 101. He stands seventh in the scale of Volcatins Sedigitus. [Sedigitus.] [W.K] TURPI'LIUS SILA'NUS. [Silanus.] TU'RPIO, L. AMBFVIUS, a very celebrated actor in the time of Terence, in most of whose plays he acted. (Didascaliae Terentianae ; Cic. de Sen. 14 ; Tac. Dial, de Oral. 14 ; Symmach. Ep. i. 25, X. 2.) TU'RPIO, ANTI'STIUS, fought in single combat Q. Pompeius Niger in the Spanish war in B. c 45. (Auctor, B. Hisp. 25.) TU'RPIO, NAE'VIUS. [Naevius, No. 7.] TURRA'NIUS or TURA'NIUS. 1. D.Tur- RANius Niger, a friend of Varro, to whom the latter dedicated the second book of his work De Re liudica. He was also a friend of Q. Cicero, whom he accompanied to Cilicia, when Quintus went there as the legatus of his brother Marcus. (Varr. R.R. ii. Praef. ; Cic. ad Ait. i. 6, vi. 9, vii. 1 ; in one of these passages the name is written Turan- nius.) He is perhaps the same as the writer Tur- ranius Gracilis, quoted by the elder Pliny. [Gra- cilis.] 2. M'. TuRRANius, praetor b. c. 44, refused a province which was offered him by Antony, and is therefore called by Cicero " homo summa inte- gritate atque innocentia." (Cic. Fhil. iii. 10.) 3. TuRRANius, a tragic poet mentioned by Ovid {ex Font. iv. 16. 29). 4. C. TuRRANius, praefectus annonae at the death of Augustus, A. D. 14, was one of the first to swear allegiance to Tiberius upon his accession. He continued to hold this office till the reign of Claudius, for he is spoken of as praefectus rei fru- mentariae in A. D. 48. (Tac. Anii. i. 7, xi. 31.) 5. TuRRANius RUFINUS. [RUFINUS, No. 1.] TURRIA'NUS, a Volscian of Fregellae, was an eminent statuary in clay, in the early Etruscan period, and the maker of a statue of Jupiter, which was dedicated by Tarquinius Priscus, and which was painted with vermilion on great festivals. This is according to the common text of Pliny (H. N. XXXV. 12. s. 45) ; but the reading is so very doubtful, and the critical discussion of it so com- plicated, with so very little hope of a satisfactory result, that we must be content to refer the reader to the following works, in which the question is treated at length. (Sillig's Pliny, l. c, and Jan's Supplement; Sillig, Catal. Artif. Append, s.v.; Jan, in the Jeri. Litt. Zeitung^ 1838, p. 258 ; Kunsthlatt, 1832, No. 49, 1833, No. 51 ; Muller, Etrusker, vol. ii. p. 246, and Archaol. d. Kunst^ § 171,ed. Welcker.) [P. S.] TURRI'NUS, CLO'DIUS, the name of two rhetoricians, father and son, spoken of with praise by the elder Seneca, who gives a short account of them. The elder by his eloquence obtained wealth and honour, and held an important public office in Spain. The son was an intimate friend of Seneca. (Senec. Conlrov. v. Praef. p. 333, ed. Bip., Suas. 2, Contr. 30—35.) •TURRI'NUS, MAMFLIUS. 1. C. Mami- TUTICANUS. 1193 Lius Q. F. Q. N. TuRRiNU.s, consul B. c. 259 with Q. Valerius Falto. (Fasti Capit. ; Gell. xvii. 21, 43, where the reading is C. Manilius.) 2. Q. Mamilius Turrinus, plebeian aedile B. c. 207 and praetor B. c. 206, obtained by lot the jurisdietio peregrina, but was sent by the senate into Gaul. (Liv. xxviii. 10.) TURRUS or THURRUS, one of the most powerful of the Celtiberian chiefs conquered by Gracchus in B. c. 1 79, became a faithful ally of the Romans. (Liv. xl. 49.) L. TURSE'LIUS, made M. Antonius his heir, disinheriting his evvn brother. (Cic. Fhil. ii. 16.) P. TURU'LIUS or TURU'LLIUS, one of Caesar's assassins, was quaestor of Cassius Longi- nus in B. c. 43, and received the command of the fleet which had been raised by Tillius Cimber in Bithynia. After the battle of Philippi, in B. c. 42, Turulius joined Cassius Parmensis, and subse- quently took refuge with Antony, with whom he lived on intimate terms. In order to please Octa- vian, Turulius was surrendered to him by Antony after the battle of Actium, and was put to death by order of Octavian in the island of Cos that he might appear to offer satisfaction to Aesculapius, the trees of whose sacred grove he had previously cut down for the use of Antony's navy. (Cic. ad Fam. xii. 1 3 ; Appian, B. C. v. 2 ; Dion Cass. Ii. 8 ; Val.Max. i. 1. § 1.9.) TURU'LLIUS CERIA'LIS, a primipilaris in A. D. 69. (Tac. Flist. ii. 22.) TUSCE'NIUS, an obscure person, whom Q. Cicero compelled in B. c. 60 to disgorge some dis- honest (Cic. ad Q.Fr.i. 1. § 6, 2.) ^ TUSCIA'NUS iTov(TKiau6s), of Lydia, a dis- tinguished ihetorician in the fourth century of the Christian aera. (Eunap. Jul. p. 95, Froaer. p. 1 1 1 ; Suidas, s. V.) TUSCI'LIUS NOMINA'TUS, an orator and a contemporary of the younger Pliny, who men- tions him in his correspondence {Ep. v. 4. 14). TUSCUS, C. AQUI'LLIUS, consul b.c. 487 with T. Sicinius Sabinus, carried on war against the Hernici, whom he defeated, and obtained in consequence jin ovation or lesser triumph. (Fasti Capit. ; Liv. ii. 40 ; Dionys. viii. 64, 65, 67.) TUSCUS, CAECI'NA. [Caecina, No. 8.] TUSCUS, CLO'DIUS, to whom Asinius Capito wrote a letter, which is quoted by Gellius (v. 20). TUSCUS, CORNE'LIUS, an historian, and described by Seneca as a man " quam improbi animi, tam infelicis ingenii," accused Mamercus Aemilius Scaurus of majestas in a. d. 34. (Senec. Suas. 2, sub fin. ; Tac. Ann. vi. 29.) TUSCUS, FABRI'CIUS, a Roman writer, of whom nothing is known except that he was used by Pliny in drawing up his Natural History (Index, lib. iii. foil.). TUTELI'NA, an agricultural divinity among the Romans, or, perhaps, rather an attribute of Ops, by which she is described as the goddess protecting the fruits which have been brought in at the harvest time from the fields. Tutelina, Secia and Messia had three pillars with altars before them in the Circus. (August. De Civ. Dei, iv. 8 ; Macrob. Sat. i. 16; Plin. H.N. xviii. 2; Varro, De Ling. Lat. v. 74.) [L. S.] TUTICA'NUS, a friend of Ovid, who addressed to him one of his extant epistles from Pontus (iv. 12). Tuticanus had made a free translation into